Saturday, July 14, 2012

SideKix Toy Giveaway

Have you heard of Sidekix?  They are a fun new toy that transforms from a soft ball into a cute stuffed animal friend, recommended for ages 3 and up.  There are many different styles to choose from, and the one we received is a dragon named Inferno.
 Cort really likes to play ball, so he had fun tossing Inferno about in ball form.  But then you can unzip the ball and revealed inside you find....

A dragon friend!

One of the best features about Sidekix is that they have magnets in their feet.  So you can attach them to anything metal.

Pierce had a wonderful time taking Inferno about the house to see where he would stick, and where he wouldn't.  I guess Inferno likes things hot, so he took to the woodstove right away.

Just a couple of things we weren't crazy about with the Sidekix.  You might note from the first picture that the zipper is plastic.  Well the zipper was difficult to navigate, and when I was trying to help the boys unzip it one of the teeth broke off, so we were no longer able to use the zipper.  This happened the first day we had the toy.  The other thing is that the Sidekix has a loop on it so you can clip it to a backpack, but ours did not come with a clip.  I'd love to see Sidekix upgrade their zippers and include clips with all of their toys (I think at this time the clip is included with the barnyard chick). 

Aside from that, the boys really enjoyed playing with Inferno, and it's a cute and very huggable toy.  I love that it's small in size, versatile, and doesn't take up a lot of space. 

Want to enter to win one?  Click on the "Read More" below to enter!

Disclaimer: I received one Sidekix toy for review purposes.  The opinions stated above are my own. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Glad you told me about them! Kree, Tess & Mia would love one! Now me? I'd take that dragon!!!...:)JP

Cat said...

I visited the site and immediately was enchanted by that adorable yellow chick that comes out of a cracked egg. Made me smile :-)

Jeanne said...

pretty cute toy, but sounds as if the need to improve the quality a bit!

Anonymous said...

Too bad about the zipper. I've purchased clothing that had the same problem....

Valerie Boersma said...

It looks like a really cool toy, and it would be cool if they would upgrade the zipper, too so it would last longer.

Lisa-have a great weekend, ok? And I will talk to you soon:)

BethElderton said...

I like the little Panda
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Eat To Live said...

My Grandson also had trouble with the zipper. They are very cute though.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

These are cute! I like the Panda and the Zebra, especially. Too bad the zipper broke so quickly.

Chicken Wrangler said...

Very different indeed! People are always coming up with new gimicks, aren't they?

Kathy said...

I like the Barnyard Chick.

Jill said...

Gosh those look cute!!

debijackson said...

the little panda debbie jackson,
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

Melissa Graham said...

love the dog!!

Laura Miller said...

I like the dragon! So cute!

SensiblySara said...

I love the puppy!!

Sara P.

keisarogers said...


Cathy C said...

i like the dog

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

cncgirl00 said...

bamboo the panda

Jenn said...

Oh my gosh, they all seem so cute! I would pick the dog though, since my son adores them. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! :)

Terra Heck said...

Inferno the Dragon

Jan Messali said...

Mojo, the dog, is my favorite.

Alisha K said...

My favorite is the Panda.

Sally said...

I would pick Mojo.

Unknown said...

i love the dragon

Declan Cash's Mom said...

My son would love the dragon

dispatcher_kristy said...

Click A Dee Chick A Dee is so cute

Naomi said...

I like the panda

RILEKAT said...

Inferno the dragon is my favorite.

Kasee said...

With 5 dragon lovers in my household, Inferno is definitely my favorite.

[Whatever U are, be a good one!] said...

I love the "Click A Dee Chick A Dee"!It's super cute!
Thank You for the giveaway!
Fiona N

Unknown said...

My favorite would have to be Savannah the Zebra!

nicolesender said...

I like Inferno the Dragon the best!

Brittany Boardley said...

My daughter would love the zebra!

Tamar said...

I like the barnyard and endangered ones the best

Unknown said...

the mythical dragon rawr =]

Kimberley Meier said...

I like Click A Dee Chick A Dee!

Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at gmail dot com

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said...

I like the Barnyard Chick
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

ani hearts japan said...

I like the Bamboo Panda one.

aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Chick a Dee is my favorite. Can't wait to see the others they come out with in the barnyard line.

Anonymous said...

i like the chicken and the egg one.

knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

Lisa R said...

I love them all but I can only narrow it down to either the dog or the panda

sibabe64 at ptd dot net

Kristie said...

I like Safari (Zebra) and the Best Friends (Dog). Too cute!! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

Austin Baroudi said...

Inferno was my favorite!

Merry said...

I love Inferno!!
Lisa H
yankssssrule08 at yahoo dot com

Jennifer Carroll said...

I think that my girls would love either the dog or the dragon.

carlaboo11 said...

i like the dragon

clenna said...

Barnyard chick - love it

clenna at aol dot com

Donna said...

Mojo the dog.