Saturday, July 28, 2012

Space Dogs and Kiara the Brave DVD Reviews

We recently received two family films from Phase 4 Films to review.  We took them along on our trip to the beach, with the thought that if it rained we could watch them.  It never rained, but we had a couple of nice afternoons watching them during the hottest part of the day.

Pierce wanted to watch Space Dogs first.  He is really into all things space right now.  From the back cover, it says: The exciting, animated tale based on the true story of Belka and Strelka; two dogs sent to space in 1960.  A circus dog and a stray dog embark on an out-of-this-world adventure to become the world's most famous cosmonauts!

The movie runs 88 minutes and is rated G.  Pierce's favorite part was when they launch up into space.  I loved that this movie has a historical aspect to it.  It was clean and funny and musical too - I found nothing objectionable in the film, and Pierce enjoyed it. 

Pierce watching Space Dogs -

The second film we watched is called Kiara the Brave.  From the back cover:  Dreamzone has been a peaceful and magical kingdom under the rule of King Maximus.  That's about to change when he is captured and imprisoned by his evil brother Dreadmis.  When Dreadmis unleashes his vengeance upon the kingdom, the King's daugher, courageous Princess Kiara must conquer evil and restore harmony in Dreamzone.  Together with her best friend Super Kloud, they embark on a magical journey to protect their kingdom and bring the rightful owner back to the throne.

I wasn't sure if this movie would be too girly for the boys or not, but it wasn't because there are dragons and swordfights and plenty of action.  It is rated PG for scary scenes and images and runs for 80 minutes.  The boys were initially pretty interested:

But they did eventually wander off to play.  They came back to it bit by bit as it continued to run.  I think the plot may have been slightly advanced for them.  Pierce said his favorite part in this movie was when two lizards (he called them lizards - not sure exactly what these funny creatures were - one of them had 3 eyes) had a fight over who would be king.  They went back and forth about it and Pierce found it amusing.

These two films may be purchased at Target, Walmart, and on  Both movies include Special DVD features: a slide show, a trailer, and a downloadable activity kit.

Disclaimer: I received two dvds and some movie snacks for review purposes.  The opinions stated above are my own.


  1. I think the first one would be JDaniel's favorite too.

  2. I think I would have liked Space Dogs better, too. This is a neat way for you to give parents a heads up before they purchase or rent a movie!

  3. Movies is one thing we do spend some money on. We don't have cable, we do have any video game system, so once in awhile I just randomly buy a movie. They do put the boys in a zone. When I'm ready for some major quite I plop in a movie.

  4. I've been curious about Kiara the Brave since a few of my friends have mentioned it lately. Thanks for the review!

  5. That's why I wish I had my grand's with me, sniff!

  6. great reviews for mom's of little one's!!

    i think i might enjoy the first one!!

  7. hahaha, i leave the movie watching department up to my oldest daughter,(the mom of the 3 preciouses). believe m, she is a pro at it!

    thanks also for the consideration that the 'modern photo' had a hot dog in it - a hot dog on a ferris wheel... hahaha.

  8. I wonder if it the movies would be good for me.....?

  9. They are just all so adorable and sweet. sandie

  10. i really like reading movie reviews by other moms .... space dogs looks great! think we may have to check that one out. : )

  11. I needed you about ten years! Really cute pics of your boys! Have a great Sunday!

  12. Its nice Lisa to see some G-rated moves still available for the kids, and even the adults looking for a clean fresh movie. Richard

  13. My Grandson is funny because he doesn't like girly things. LOL... they are so cute when they are young. I think he would like the first one.

  14. What great movies for the little ones! Great review. THanks for sharing:)

  15. I would like them both....
    I've been away for a while…too much things going on …
    I’m So sorry to fail your previous entries…

  16. That is so nice to get movies for they did not want to sit for that!!! ready to move.

  17. I like the sounds of the first one. It's been some what of a ritual with all the hot weather we've been getting to watch a movie in the afternoons.


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