Tuesday, July 24, 2012

VeggieTales The Penniless Princess Giveaway

Do you remember The Little Princess?  It was not only a beloved book for me, but I adored the PBS television mini-series that came out in the late 80s.  I watched it over and over again as a kid.  So when I heard that VeggieTales would be releasing a new cartoon based on the book on August 11th, I was so excited to see it.    
 From the back cover of the movie:  Sweet Sara Crewe has everything a little girl could want - a loving family, lots of friends and a closet full of frilly dresses!  But when life takes a turn and Sara goes from riches to rags, will she realize that her true worth lies not in what she has, but what's in her heart?  Find out in this inspiring story from VeggieTales, based on the beloved classive novel "A Little Princess," that reminds kids who they are in God's eyes.

I wasn't too sure how three little boys would feel watching a movie about a princess, but they were immediately captivated by it.  There is one part where Becky and Sara sing a silly song called Best Friends Forver that had all three boys cracking up.  I was really amazed by how all three boys were rapt throughout the 50 minute dvd.

In fact, as things heated up, Cort and Reid got off the couch and stood right in front of the television, so that they wouldn't miss anything.  That's the mean Miss Michin you see on the screen!  The VeggieTales version stuck closely to the events in the orginal classic, and I had fun reliving the highlights of the book through mirthful vegetables. 
I am thrilled that this cartoon is based on The Little Princess, a classic that I myself loved as a child.  I love that the deeper purpose in the film is in helping little ones understand their value as a person, regardless of circumstances.  It's the sort of kids' show that will build a child's confidence.  When I asked Pierce what his favorite part was, I was expecting him to say the silly song, or one of the other fun songs in the show.  Instead, he said, "When she learned that God loved her no matter what."  Wow, he really was paying attention! 

Would you like to win a copy of The Penniless Princess for your own children?  Just click on the "Read More" below my signature for a chance to win!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the dvd along with a book for review purposes.  The opinions stated above are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Boy they really looked glued to the movie! Have a great day

  2. I haven't any little ones at home anymore, nor any grandchildren on the horizon....just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading about you and your children. The love you obviously share with them warms my heart; you are a great mom raising some very sweet (and handsome!) young men. =)

  3. LOVE Veggie Tales and The Little Princess! What a great combination!

  4. I am so glad this is a movie boys will like!

  5. We loved Veggie Tales at our house! But since my boy is big now I won't enter.

  6. I am having a hard time getting rafflecopter to load today. I will have to try again later.

  7. I'm glad to hear that Veggie Tales are still around. Amy loved them too!

    I love reading about your boys, Lisa! Not only are they so darn cute, but they bring back memories of times when Amy was small-like getting up close to the television so as not to miss anything. She did that too-and I'd forgotten about it until now. Thanks for the memories, my friend:)

  8. We really love the Lord of the Beans veggie tales movie :-) what a great giveaway! we just finished reading a little princess, so this would be a perfect follow up!

  9. What a wonderful message for children, and how great that Pierce got the message! Your boys are adorable!

  10. Yep, I think they certainly WERE paying attention! Good for them, and good for YOU!

  11. Now, that Pierce is one smart little boy. Love the pics of the 3 of them watching together. Precious!

  12. your enthralled boys are too cute. :)

  13. We love the fib from ourterspace!


  14. Lisa - those are so fun. great giveaway idea!!!!!

  15. I love the shot of the three boys on the couch. Very sweet!

  16. Cute dvd... those are well done. and have cute voices.

  17. I love to hear the things that kids pick up from stories or movies. And I especially love when they learn something so very important rather than being distracted by the fun or exciting parts.

  18. The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, Lessons from the Sock Drawer, Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler...we have a lot of Veggie Tales favorites! :)

  19. i love the duke and the great pie war :)

  20. I like them all. My grandchildren watch them all the time. I would have to say they watch Madame Blueberry the most so it must be their favorite.

  21. I LOVE Veggie Tales and I'm sorry that my kids have grown too old for them. :( Just for kicks-be sure to look up the Bellybutton song by the Veggie Tales--it's my very favorite!

  22. I have actually never seen a veggie tales episode. It seems so cute.

  23. Hi Lisa, Love the Veggie Tales series... There are some good messages in those stories... I do remember "The Little Princess". Glad your kids enjoyed the DVD..


  24. Bela recordação...Espectacular....

  25. The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything :)

  26. My girls love veggie tales. Such a great show for children.

  27. The pirates who don't do anything.

  28. I always liked the pirates who dont do anything, lol

    Hannah K on the form

  29. Does it matter that I know nothing of the Little Princess? I am willing to learn though!...:)JP

  30. Madame Blueberry because I LOVE the stuff mart song/rap lol.

  31. My daughter like minisota cuke noah's umbrella! thanks

  32. Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella. My children love Veggie Tales. We have quite a few dvd's or they watch them on Netflick's.

  33. I used to teach school and every year we would put on a veggie tales production complete with costumes. My favorite of all time is Madam Blueberry. She's fat and Bluehoohoo! We are watching Veggie Tales right now as a matter of fact!
    masugr at yahoo dot com

  34. Not sure of a dvd title, but we always loved the Silly Songs with Larry part.

  35. My all time favorite veggitale is Rack, Shack and Benny. Love so many of the Veggitales!

  36. We like Madame Blueberry.

    My Name: Heather Abbe
    My Email: abbegirl1977 at gmail dot com

  37. We really liked Jonah.

    april yedinak

  38. I like the Robin Good and His Not-So Merry-Men. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  39. Madame Blueberry is our favorite!

    alholm.co at gmail dot com

  40. my daughter said she cant pick just one she loves them all

  41. My son loves the Tales from the Sock Drawer!

  42. We love Jonah (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

  43. We like Dave and the Giant Pickle DVD.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com


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