Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bread Machine Cinnamon Rolls or Bread - Rural Thursday

Recently I was reading the blog of someone who had just gotten a new bread machine, and she asked for recipe ideas.  I use my bread machine all the time, and have put a lot of recipes to the test.  And by far, my family's favorite is cinnamon bread (or rolls).  This is a recipe my mom gave me, but I tweaked it just a bit to meet our needs.  When I make this, it doesn't stick around for more than a day.  The boys beg and beg for more.  And soon, alas, it is all gone.

1 1/2 cups hot water
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 tbsp. honey
4 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1 egg
1 tsp. gluten
1 tbsp. yeast

Put all ingredients except the yeast in the bread machine in the order listed.  Make a small well in the center and add the yeast.  Process on the DOUGH cycle.

Remove dough from machine and divide in half.  Roll out each half.  Dot with butter and sprinkle w/ sugar/cinnamon.  Roll up and either slice into rolls (will fill a 9x13 inch pan) or into bread (will make 2 loaves of bread).  Cover and let rise for 30-45 minutes.  Bake at 375* for 15 - 20 minutes.

If desired, drizzle a simple glaze of 1 cup sifted confectioner's sugar, 2 tbsp. milk, and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract.

It's Rural Thursday!  Time to link up with Nancy from A Rural Journal and myself.  We love to see posts about your wildflowers, your nature walks, your recipes and gardening and animals.  Just grab the code beneath the button and paste it into your blog post.  Then come back to link up your url (webpage) in the linky.  Please make sure to visit and comment on the posts of at least 5 other participants.  Looking forward to reading your posts!


  1. That looks delicious, Lisa. We use our bread machine alot --but stay away from the sweet breads.. Our favorite is sour dough.... YUM...


  2. I haven't had homemade bread in a very long time. My grandmother used to make it often. This made me think of my mother's monkey bread which my brothers and I devoured!

  3. you would!

    just when it is late and i need to stop having bed time snacks - you show me a picture of yummy, drizzled cinnamon bread - arrrwwh.

    great job, Lisa!!! hahaha

  4. Sounds so delicious. I can just see your boys enjoying this bread.

  5. Oh Lisa no fair I am so darn hungry now and I do not own a bread maker. Thanks for the tease :) B

  6. Wow that looks yummy! !! Have a great day

  7. This would disappear quickly at my house!

  8. Yum! My mom used to make cinnamon raisin bread all the time when I was younger, it was awesome! I make homemade bread now for my family, but is mainly a honey/wheat/oatmeal variety. I think my kids would be over the moon if I made this though. Can it be done without a bread machine?

  9. The cake / bread looks delicious from Lisa.
    Thanks for the recipe - always exciting to try to bake something new.
    Wishing you a good day :)
    Hanne Bente

  10. looks just delicious. yummy!! need to try that recipe. i've never made bread though. should & could be fun. (:

  11. Now those make me want to stop my diet! ha!

  12. Oh YUM!! I'll just bet your boys do beg for more! :)

  13. Oh yummmy! I can almost smell that bread! :)

  14. Yum! There is nothing quite like fresh baked cinnamon rolls. I really should use my bread machine more...

  15. Bread is my weakness, and cinnamon bread especially. I'd be right there with your boys, begging for more! ;-)

  16. Looks so yummy! I'm gonna have to get my bread machine out of the back of the cupboard and try this recipe!

  17. Can you please send me one? xo

  18. Oh Yummy post ~ ~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

  19. YUM! I can't wait to make bread again!

  20. Good morning from The kitchens Garden, what a fantastic idea doing rural link ups though I have no idea how to, I am a bear of very little brain and still have to strain the milk from this mornings milking and start another cheese. I make bread twice a week, but have no bread maker, do you think this recipe would work without one?.. it looks great! c

  21. My mom makes cinnamon rolls for everyone at Christmas time. Such a good treat. I'll have to share this recipe with her.

  22. That looks simple the way you do it. Very pretty loaf. I bet that did not last long..ya. Thanks for Rural Thursday.

  23. I'm glad I don't have a bread machine; I'd probably eat the whole thing by myself!

  24. I used to have a bread machine when TJ's kids lived with us and I used it it! Recipe sounds wonderful.

  25. Looks good! I so miss using my bread machine but since I got candida, I don't really make bread any longer. Miss it though.

  26. Yummy! You post the most delicious sounding foods, but this one would have to be my favorite so far! My family loves, and I mean LOVES, homemade cinnamon rolls or bread. I will definitely have to give this recipe a try!

  27. That looks so yummy. It makes me wish I had a bread machine!

  28. That rich ...! I like! Excellent recipe.

  29. Yum, this recipe looks delicious, I may have to make a batch of cinnamon rolls soon! :)

  30. You're killing me with that picture - I am now starving!!

  31. Mmm...looks so good!

  32. I wonder if your recipe would work in the Pres' bread machine? heard me..."the Pres' bread machine!"...I think I just might have to borrow it along with your recipe, Baby Girl!...:)JP

  33. They look soooo good! And the recipe sounds easy-peasy!

  34. I think that looks so delicious! sandie

  35. That looks crazy good! I will have to give that a try when I get home! I do have a bread machine and love it! I don't however have gluten. I've never had a recipe to call for it. Do you think it would be fine without it?

  36. Arr thank you for posting this,I'm pinning this to try after our holiday.Will let you know how I get on looks so yummy :)

  37. This is awesome! Thank you!!!

  38. i am going to be making cinnamon rolls today

  39. drooling...that looks amazing!!

  40. Oh my goodness that is making me drool!

  41. I know this is from several years ago - but I was just wondering if this can be left in the bread machine and baked like that?

  42. What (and how much) is the cinnamon/sugar mix??


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