Thursday, August 9, 2012

Chincoteague Pony Centre - Rural Thursday

I mentioned that in preparation for our trip to Chincoteague this summer, Pierce and I read the classic Misty of Chincoteague last May.  It was fun for me to revisit the book I loved so much as a child.  And it made Pierce excited about our upcoming trip.

The townhouse we rented was a short walk from the Chincoteague Pony Centre, so we walked over one afternoon.  We stopped for a bit to watch the ponies.  Someone was being reprimanded, and we soon found out why...

Turns out, he was pretty full of himself.

Don't hurt yourself little guy!

I'd say he's just about all legs...

When that got boring, he wandered over to cause trouble in neighboring paddocks.

And then he was right back at it.  I started to feel some sympathy for his hot and tired mother. 

See this pretty pony?  She is Misty III.  She's the granddaughter of the Misty II, who was descended from the original Misty, and truly resembles her a lot.  She was very sweet and came over for a visit.

She even took a moment to say hello to the twins.

How about you, reader?  Did you read Misty of Chincoteague as a kid?

It's Rural Thursday!  Time to link up your posts with Nancy from A Rural Journal and myself.  We'd love to see your posts about gardening, wildflowers, animals, walks in the woods, and more.  Just write about the rural life (whether you live it or not) and come grab the code below the button.  Paste it into your blog and then come add your link to the linky.  Please be sure to visit the blog posts of at least 5 other participants.  All are welcome, so if you've been on the fence about doing a link up, now's your chance to join in!  


  1. I didn't read that when I was younger. The pictures of the pony are so cute. Especially the one where he's all legs!

  2. Those youngsters are so fun to watch when they're full of themselves! Like most kids, I suppose. And I'm sure mom needed a break like most moms. :-)

  3. It must have been great fun watch the little horse play.

  4. Great looking animals! !! Have a great day

  5. It was my favorite book and when I was very small, remember my mom reading it to me. I still have the book, in fact the whole series of Margaret Henry. So fascinating to visit this place. Thanks so much for sharing these great shots! Do the horse actually still swim over? Amazing

  6. I never read this book.
    I love watching the little ones run and tire their mother's out.
    What a great thing to do for your boys. B

  7. The little horse is really cute. Great capture !

  8. I did not read that book. How fun that you and Pierce read it together. I love the pony photos - what a character he is! I know your sons enjoyed all the horses.

  9. I never read that book but it sounds wonderful. Love your pictures.

  10. Great pictures you show of some beautiful horses / foals.
    Wishing you a good day :)
    Hanne Bente

  11. Misty III is just beautiful! What a fun trip!

  12. Aww! I love when the li'l guys are all full of spunk!

    I love that you got to see Misty III! So cool!

    Looks like such a fun, memorable trip!

  13. Oh that pony is soooo adorable! Your series of photos tells the story so well. I never read Misty of Chincoteague as a child - I'm headed over to Amazon right now to take a look!

  14. Absolutely love your post and pics ~ what a fun time for all ~ love the mom and pony pic ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Oh, I am so jealous! I have never been there and YES, I have read Misty of Chincoteague. How great that you read the book to heighten the interest in your trip. Perfect!

  16. That was one of my favorites as a young girl too! I would love to visit the ponies someday...a pretty long trip from Illinois! Thanks for sharing a photo of Misty's grand daughter! I probably won't get there any time I am very happy to see your post :)

  17. Didn't read the book as a youngster, not sure it had been published yet. Lol. Love the fact the original Misty's progeny still live on the premises. Great post, Lisa!

  18. How awesome that the original Misty's bloodline is carrying on.

    That little guy reminds me of a bucking bronco. :)

  19. I loved that book and always wanted to see the annual pony swim. Never did, though. I love the high-spirited little foal in your post - and Misty's great-granddaughter!

  20. yes, i loved misty of chincoteague. :) what a great place to see in person.

  21. Can you believe I have never heard of this book? I hate it when there is a good book out there that I know nothing about♥ That little pony reminds me of our dog...who behaves just like him♥
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  22. what a little cutie! (the colt) it looks like he is having a great time - and hope you are too

  23. My daughter loved that book when she was a young girl, and drew pictures of horses every day! Thanks for sharing your trip and bringing a smile to my face this morning :)

  24. Lisa,

    Loved seeing those photos of the colt frolicking. So full of energy.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  25. What fun to watch! BTW, that is a great twin stroller.

  26. Yeah, that little guy is quite the trouble maker. Of course I read Misty! It took me years, but I finally got my Dad to take me to Chincoteague and I loved it.

  27. I didn't read the book, but I'm thinking I should have! My brother had a small replica of Misty, and sometimes he let me play with that. Enjoyed your photos!

  28. So I opened up to see a brown and white paint horse on your post too...made me chuckle... Happy visit for children.

  29. This must be the time of year for horse photos. They are beautiful pics, great job!

  30. Happy late birthday to the boys! What a nice set of photos! That little colt is very full of himself. Misty was one of my favorite reads.

  31. I did not read it. The horses were beautiful though and the kids looked that they were not quite sure what to do! sandie

  32. i don't think i ever read that book...what a great trip though!

  33. Surprisingly sweet and full of tenderness these beautiful photos.

  34. I can't say that I ever read that one. The colt is so frisky and cute!!

  35. Wow, that takes me back to my adolescence when I was horse-crazy. What a fun trip!

  36. Read it? I read it, dreamed about it, envisioned it and wanted to go live there!!!! At least now I finally know someone who DID!!!...:)JP

  37. I did not read the book. What a cute pony! Love the one where he's completely in the air! :)

  38. Dang right I read the book, it was one of my favorites! The pony "roundup" was on the news recently and my hubby had never even heard of the Chincoteague ponies...I said "WHAT?!?"

  39. Goodness, he was full of energy!

  40. Oh, my boys would love to see the horses!

  41. That little guy sure was having fun that evening! I'll be the boys loved watching him run around like that. Fun looking trip!

  42. Love those pics, Lisa. He sure looks like a spirited pony!!

  43. Oh yes,, we read the book and love it!
    What a fun day you all had seeing the ponys!

  44. Yes, I did read that book and I loved it! So wonderful that you all were able to visit and see Misty's granddaughter. What energy that little pony has! Reminds me of a super active four year old boy I met yesterday...

  45. Misty and Stormy were two of my favorite horse stories as a kid-and it is so cool you got to see Misty III. She does look like Misty!

    I hope that active little colt took a long nap, and let his poor mama rest:)

  46. I've never read the book, but what a great thing to do with your boys.

  47. little ones always have a bit more engery then they need. who knows that better then you!!

    adorable photo's!!

    thanks for hosting!!

  48. The book sure sounds familiar...I'd have to read a little bit of it, but I was into horses in my youth so I think I did♫♪ Love your photos!

  49. Never been there in person,
    but the book is terrific.
    The colt with all the energy?
    I know kids like that :)

  50. I used to have horses as a kid, so this really takes me back. One of these days I should post on my blog about the time Sugarfoot (our pony) took and ate a whole package of mackintosh toffee.
    Thanks for the smile you brought to my face, and the inspiration!

  51. Yea! Ya'll made it. I hope it was everything Pierce thought it would be

  52. You know I've never even heard of it. I'll have to look for it.


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