Friday, August 10, 2012

Farm Rich Snacks Review and Giveaway

Sunday afternoon the boys and I headed to the grocery store to pick out two items from Farm Rich to try.  We easily located them in the freezer section, and then had a hard time deciding which two to pick.  The boys were definite on mini quesadillas (one of their favorite foods) but had a harder time making a second choice.  We finally picked the queso cheese bites. 

It was nice not having to spend a lot of time on dinner.  The quesadillas took 13 minutes to bake.  I had leftover potato salad that my dad made, plus a watermelon I had cut up.  Easiest dinner ever!  I actually felt like I got a night off, and I loved that it left me with more time to spend with my family.

The boys just loved the quesadillas - and I admit the flavor of the cheese was marvelous.  The white meat chicken was tender and yummy as well.  Excuse Reid's mess....he was covered with watermelon juice when I took this picture of him eating the quesadilla-- 

It was unanimous that we all loved the quesadillas.  The queso cheese bites were a huge hit with Paul and I, but the boys thought they were too spicy.  They are in a big anti-spicy phase, much to my dismay.  However, that left more for Paul and I, who thought the little kick was awesome and we both found the cheese to have a distinctive and wonderful flavor.  If you were hosting a party, these would make the perfect quick and easy appetizer.

Would you like to enter to win coupons to try two Farm Rich products?  Just click on the "Read More" below my signature for a chance to enter!

Disclaimer: I received coupons for two Farm Rich products to try for review purposes.  The opinions stated above are my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. These look really wonderful. I have a coupon for Farm Rich. I so need to dig it out.

  2. Hey we buy those great products! !! Have a great weekend!

  3. Hubs would like the breaded Mozzerella sticks.

  4. Ooh, that gives me a good idea for a quick dinner!!! Love quesadillas :)

  5. Love the messy boy picture; reminds me of my stepsons!

    Speaking of boys, I hope the younger ones are enjoying their big boy bunkbed!

  6. Did the queso's have anything more then cheese in them or just cheese? They look good. sandie

  7. I'm all for saving time at meal time. Would love to try the quesadillas!

  8. I'll have to look for these--my husband loves spicy foods, and they are a quick choice for a meal. Love the photo of your son enjoying his food!

  9. I've been looking for something quick and easy for dinner...I think this is it! Thanks for the share. Wishing you and family a delightful weekend!

  10. I love the photo of Reid too! Even as an adult I usually am covered with watermelon juice when I eat watermelon:)

    I can't wait to read the posts I missed this week! Going to catch up right now:)

  11. That's fun for the kids to have cool items....for you, low cooking aspect. Win for all.

  12. I've never had quesadilla's; will have to try that. But, I'm with the boys on spicy, can't do it. :)

  13. They look good. I like to keep stuff like that in the freezer for unexpected company.

  14. o i don't know Farm Rich. and I pay attention to healthy food? Well I'm entering the contest for dang sure.

    yes, my granddaughter(s) loved the jewelry fest! I loved my Grandma's and Mom's jewelry (mostly all 'junk-jewelry' stuff but that the best part, huh?)

    I love junk jewelry, (-$5.00) but it doesn't look it.

  15. your little one looks adorable covered in watermelon!!

    i think i entered but i'm really not sure ;))))

  16. Your pictures sure make them look yummy, baby Girl!...:)JP

  17. Yay for a night off of no cooking! The food looks delicious!

  18. I want to try the mini quesadillas

  19. I don't see "read more" or your signature. I love Farm Rich meatballs. They're awesome!

  20. We'd try the meatballs and the mozzarella sticks.
    countrycookinmama at gmail dot com

  21. Its a hard decision,but I bet the mini burgers are delicious!

  22. Queso

  23. We love the mozzarella sticks. Would love to try the meatballs

  24. I'm not a cheese fan, though I eat every now and then, and wouldn't say no to cheese snacks :)

  25. Looks delicious -- kids look like they approve! :)

  26. I have always wanted to try the mozzarella sticks!

  27. want to try: Stuffed Pretzel Bites

  28. Well, I am always up for quick meal suggestions. I will look for these - and we don't mind a little "kick" around here : )

  29. I'd love to try the mozza sticks!!

    hannah K on the form

  30. I'd try their Breaded Mushrooms

  31. I love the mozzarella sticks or the pizza bites

  32. Mozzarella Sticks are definitely my fav.. I don't think anything can beat them!

  33. I'd like the mozarella sticks.

  34. I would like to try the cheese sticks

  35. I would love to try the mozzarella sticks!

  36. I would like to try the Cheese Steak.

  37. mozzarella sticks, I love them :)

    Allison L.

  38. Your boys are really enjoying theirs. I would really like to try the Mozzarella sticks and some of the new varieties.

    Calshondra Williams

  39. Look like your boys are enjoying theirs. I would love to try the Mozzarella sticks. Fingers crossed. Hope that I win will share with my friend.
    Calshondra Williams


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