Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

Pierce was so excited to start kindergarten this year.  We stocked up on school supplies and crammed as much fun as we could into the past few weeks.  And before we knew it, summer vacation was over.  The day before school started, we went to get a 'real' haircut (normally I just cut his hair myself).  And the lady at the salon gave him a fun little spike for the day.

The next morning, it was on to the school bus, bright and early!  Pierce picked out his clothes for the day.

I was ready with my camera when he got home that afternoon.  I couldn't wait to hear how his first day went.

And you know what?  The boy was all smiles!  His only complaint?  That I didn't send enough snacks.  Bad mom!

How about you, readers?  Do you remember much from kindergarten? 


  1. I LOVED my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Wollenitz (sp??) ... and I also remember my daughter and son's first day of kindergarten. I remember the distinct feeling that something ELSE was controlling my children's time now, we could no longer just do what we wanted to do with the day... silly, I know.

    Great pics!

  2. glad he had a great first day! what a cute smile!! i just remember little snippets of kindy, like riding these really big tricycles around the playground and the coat room in the class that we would hang our jackets/sweaters and store our lunchboxes.

  3. Oh I remember putting each of my girls on the bus to the first day of kindergarten and crying. I was secretly hoping they would not like it and want to stay home. They loved it and thinking back that was a good thing. More snacks a easy fix:) B

  4. I am glad that the first of school was a great one! ! Have a great day

  5. Sending my kids off pulled on those heart strings.I miss those first days with them.

  6. I am so glad he had a wonderful first day!

    I remember having my dad come to school and making butter sometime during Kindergarten. I don't remember the first day.

  7. Definitely a bad mommy for not sending enough snacks! How great that he loved his first day!

  8. I'm so happy he came home full of smiles like that! :)

  9. Oh how I miss those days. Thanks for sharing yours. Piece is one happy looking boy!

  10. Love his excitement about school! AB was the same way. This is her first year of kindergarten too :)

  11. Yay! Glad he had a great day, aside from not enough snacks. ;) (Now you know, Mom! Haha!)

    I don't remember anything specific about kindergarten, except having fun with art projects! Oh, and something about a guinea pig as a class mascot?

  12. BIG milestone for your little guy! Hope the year is wonderful!

  13. So happy Pierce had a good first day. (despite being hungry!!!!!) Love your photos of him...such special memories.

  14. That is too cute. I didn't go to kindergarten, but I remember first grade and posing for pics for my mom. He'll appreciate you documenting this special day. :)

  15. Love his hair cut! That's great his day went well. :)

    I remember loving kindergarten. I hope Hailey has a good first day of preschool today. I'm still emotional about it!

  16. Way to go, Pierce! I hope he has a great year!
    Lexie started yesterday, and she was just as excited to go back today!

  17. He's such a independent little man! He's go the cutest smile! So glad he had a wonderful first day! Send more snacks mom!
    I remember my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Wise, she was wonderful! I took my son to school for his first day of kindergarten and even though his teacher had made her home visit and our kids had gone to pre-school together I still cried and cried. I was the homeroom mom and so I spent a lot of time with him at school and he loved it! :)

  18. that is too sweet! i remember my first crush (russell anderson - cute little round-headed boy like charlie brown). :)

  19. All I remember is that kg lasted all day and we had to nap in the afternoon. Your boy is so cute! What a bittersweet day...that first day of school!

  20. Not enough snacks?! Good gravy, woman, you'd better get a bigger lunch tote! Forget my experience, it's ALL ABOUT HOW HANDSOME HE LOOKS!!!!...:)JP

  21. How proud you must be! I hope Pierce continues to be all smiles about school!

    I didn't go to kindergarten--they didn't have it in public schools at the time (I'm old). So first grade was the beginning for me. I was soooooo excited. I loved school.

  22. How cute he is with his new haircut. I'm glad for him (and you) that he had such a good day.

    I do remember...

    Oh, those were the good ole' care-free days. :)

  23. I SO needed to see this!!! We start tomorrow!!! GAHHHH!

  24. yay! he liked kindergarten!

    lil loved kindergarten. but then again. so did i. *her* kindergarten. i was there at least twice a week volunteering!

    pack more snacks. and sweets.

  25. A milestone here : ) Kindergarten is awesome. Love that big smile!

  26. Pierce always (well it seems that way to me) has a smile on his face. Such a cutie -- I'm glad he had a good day.

  27. That is so sweet. I think it is awesome he came home all smiles. Hope you have a great day.

  28. Why Being A Working Mom Just Isn't For Me

    My son isn't old enough yet but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the mom that will run dramatically at the bus as it drives away, all while bawling my eyes out. Little boys just grow up so fast!

  29. Awww! Kindergarten is HUGE!

    Last year as you know Mica started. He was drunk tired at the end of the day for 2 weeks. The boy seriously ran into walls and we'd ask him to do something and he'd go do something else. He kept taking his jacket home that was supposed to stay in his locker. His lunch stayed at his feet by his table and got forgotten to. That boy however loved Kindergarten! He learned so much last year!

  30. Living out in the country....the school bus ride to and from school took so longgggggg, haha

  31. Gosh, he is such a cute kid. I am glad to hear his first day was a good experience.

  32. Oh my goodness.... how cute that is. And not to have enough snacks... what a bummer.

  33. Just love his smiles. Glad he had a good time at school. I remember that I did not want to go to kindergarten. The principle came and took me around to see my brother, sister and cousin in their classes. Then the nurse made a cat on my hand with mercurochrome. That's all I remember about that day!

  34. They grow up way too fast, don't they?

  35. Oh my gosh...he looks SO happy!!! Glad it went well for him!

  36. I don't know about you but this year was so stress free compared to last year. Deaglan is in the same class with the same teachers as last year. Pierce looks so happy!

  37. SO fun!! and what a complaint, not enough snack : )


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