Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fitness Recap July 2012

I had a fairly nice month of running.  Most notably, I loved running around Chincoteague and Assateague Islands.  I ran through town, on trails, and on the beach.  My favorite of the runs I did started at the townhouse we rented, went down Maddox Boulevard, around the traffic circle, over the bridges on the marsh to Assateague, through the woods, and finally along the beach for a bit before heading back.  I did this run one evening, and there was a nice salty breeze as the sun set during my run.  It was 10 miles total, and one of the most beautiful and enjoyable runs I have ever done.

I did run one race this month - Four on the Fourth.  I ran 1:02 faster than the same race last summer and placed first in my age group.  Not a bad performance, although there is always room for improvement.  I won the boys some sparklers (which we keep forgetting to use) and candy.  Once again, they gave out beach towels in lieu of t-shirts, which came in very handy for our beach trip!

Total overall mileage:  115

I'm considering a big race this fall.  I'm overdue for a marathon.  My runs in August will be the deciding factor.  If my glute holds up and my running goes well, I'll register by the end of the month.  If not, I'll probably take it easy this fall, and then plan on hitting the track for speedwork consistently again this winter, in hopes of a strong spring racing season.


  1. You are such an inspiration! I'll keep my fingers crossed that all goes well for you in your running. =)

  2. That is an awful lot of running! I wish that I loved running...I always want to, but it never seems to work out. :-)

  3. Your vacation run sounds like fun. It must have been great to have such great things to see as you ran.

  4. Oh I so admire runner's stamina. Congratulations.
    In the winter around here my friend puts on a series of snowshoe races I have photographed them before and I would love to have done one but I think those days are past me.
    Keep running it is a freeing the mind thing isn't it? B

  5. Sounds like a good month! !! Have a great day!

  6. you look great btw!! beach pic bikini body, WOW!! along with all your running, WOW!!

    question for you, somehow i deleted all of my posts from july!! SO frustrating. figure they have to be in cyberspace somewhere .... any thoughts on that or know how i can contact someone at blogger that might be able to help? thanks!!

  7. No wonder you stay so slim and trim. All that running keeps the weight off of you. I agree with Jeremi... you look great, fit and healthy.

  8. Very inspiring, Lisa!

  9. That's a lot of running. My older sister runs marathons. I'd love to, but my ankle on my left side turns so much that I got put in special supports. Once I get used to the the supports, maybe I can run.

  10. That's great, Lisa. I hope you'll be able to do the marathon.

    You inspire even us "slightly" older folks. LOL

    Have a great day!

  11. i do hope your glute will not flare up again so you'll be good to go. :)

  12. Running around Chincoteague and Assateague sounds heavenly! (I have to laugh right now because spell check didn't like those two names-it suggested colleague and assassinate!)

    You inspire me too, Lisa!! Good luck with your marathon plans!

  13. Good for you, running is not what I can do..used to do. Love the high.

  14. Good for you, Lisa!! Hope your glute holds out for you. :)

  15. Hope it all works out for you. How exciting!

  16. Congratulations on you July accomplishments! The beach run sounds wonderful.

  17. Good for you! I wish I could run. Maybe I need to go back to the Couch to 5K plan and try again. It's so hot now, though.

  18. The other day I saw a girl running & pushing her baby in the stroller. It reminded me so much of you with Pierce! Keep up the good work!...:)JP

  19. I am so impressed by your dedication. I wish I could get that dedicated to something.

  20. So proud of you, Lisa.... It's hard enough to be raising 3 little children and taking care of a hubby and a home... BUT--you know that you also need to take care of YOU in the process. Your running is one thing you enjoy doing. That is AWESOME... Hope you can do the big race this Fall.

  21. nice post thanks for sharing i found your blog thrue other follower looking for to visit more...blessings from holland

  22. It does sound like a great month. I hope your training in August goes well!

  23. Your ten mile run sounds just lovely. Keep us posted on August.


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