Monday, August 20, 2012

Fuzzy Headed Mom on Muffin Tin Monday

Last week I completely forgot to actually link up my Muffin Tin Monday post with Muffin Tin Monday.  Kind of funny.  I've been running around doing last minute things before Pierce starts school later this week, so I've been kind of forgetful.  I'm looking forward to getting back into a rhythm of school days though. 

This was Reid's dinner the other night:
He had homemade bread with butter, cheese tortellini in a marinara sauce, salad (cucs and tomatoes from our garden) with ranch, and a fundamiddles cupcake (my mom brought over a couple of boxes of the mix that she'd found on clearance, so we had fun making them).  He liked this dinner pretty well. 

Now, if only I can remember to actually add this to the link up this week!  Anyone else feel like they're missing a few brain cells lately?  Please tell me I'm not the only one....


Anonymous said...

Right now I feel like I am forgetting something, but I am not sure what it is.

andy said...

Hey that looks pretty darn good! Hope you had a great weekend!

Jill said...

You, my friend, are not alone!

The dinner looks so good!

Melodie said...

I bet he ate every bite,it looks yummy! Yes,I am missing many brain cells,it started last week,lol!

Mary said...

Mmm tasty! Good luck to Pierce on his first day of school. Hailey starts next Tuesday for preschool. I'm sad but also excited for her.

Have a great week! :)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Another tasty (and cute!) meal!

Yep, I hear you on feeling that the little grey cells aren't up to par. Seems like my usual remedy, coffee, is not working like usual.

Livie started school last week and I start tomorrow, so it'll definitely be nice getting back into that good, ol' routine.

Eat To Live said...

LOL... been there done that on posts through the years. Life goes on and then we remember.

Cute tins!

Slamdunk said...

Looks great Lisa--I am jealous.

We are def missing a few brain cells. Two of the kids started school today and we are not back in that routine yet. Duh here for sure.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I always feel hungry after I read your Muffin Tin posts . . .

Yes, I am terribly forgetful, and I don't even have small children!

The Cranky said...

I've forgotten what I need to remember not to forget, you aren't the only one.

TexWisGirl said...

you're cute, lisa. :)

Valerie Boersma said...

I know what you mean-this time of year is crazy! Amy goes back two weeks from this Wednesday, but she has several meetings before then.

Here's wishing Pierce a great first day of school and school year too! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, You do so well ---keeping up with the things you have to do raising 3 young children. I'm proud of you!!!!!! Can't believe that Pierce starts school already... Times are flying--aren't they????

That meal looks delicious... I'd enjoy that one also!!!!


An Apel a Day said...

Yes my brain is not working right. Since I'm a teacher I already have a lot on my mind, then Mica's birthday and school lists and such. You had the twin's birthdays; therefore you are in the same boat as me.

I was filling out a school paper for Mica last week on the spot. It said, "Child's name". I put mine. Different things like that, I kept doing. Finally my husband said, "Hand it to me! I'll fill it out!"

Those muffin tins are really cute! How fun to eat out of little containers.

w said...

i'd eat that for dinner.

and as i'm typing this, i just remembered i need to start prepping for ours... missing a few brain cells? *raises hands*

Meredith said...

I think I always feel this way! Cute muffin cups! My garden is just about gone. It got too hot, too soon...I hope my eggplant lasts!

Sally said...

It's so refreshing, Lisa, to see how you serve nutritious foods to your family. Reid'a dinner looks very good.


Sandy said...

Just wait until you have to get all 3 ready to start the school year!

Jen said...

Oh no, you aren't the only one. And those cupcakes are awesome...the chocolate ones with the white filling are my favorite! :)

Debbie said...

haha, it must be the sun!! can't be our age!!

oh wait, you are a youngin'!!!

Liz Mays said...

I go through phases like that where I can't keep it together for anything!

That's a fun lunch. It's no wonder that he enjoyed it!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Bela refeição...Espectacular...

Mom of 12 said...

What's not to love? That looks awesome! Especially the home made bread.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I guess moms have the right to be a little forgetful. That is what my hubby is for to remember what I forget. Hope you have a great week.

Andrea said...

Those cupcakes ROCK! ;) Yummmmm.

Unknown said...

You are NOT the only one...

Lin said...

I've got lists going all over my house--yeah, you are not the only one losing their mind. It's a busy time of year--one kid starting her senior year of high school and the other leaving for his junior year in college. I'm not sure if I have less time or money these days. Ugh.

So, yeah, you are not alone!

Michaele said...

The portions are awesome for kids, but every time I see this I think about how many adults could stand to have fun smaller portions like this and even be able to eat desert too
: )

Michelle said...

I am always missing brain cells. A permanent fixture of motherhood! lol Love those crown cups.

momto8 said...

everyone of my kids would like that meal.
school starts for us next Monday...i can't wait!

renae said...

of course i'm missing brain cells, but it isn't because school is starting again. it is just life!!! lol.

Mary said...

Forgetful is for many ages.

Barbara said...

That all looks really good! This time of year is when I really start to lose my mind. Too much to do, not enough brain cells! ;)

Anonymous said...

Cute meal... fit for royalty!

Be Brave, Keep Going said...

adorable as always. :) Thanks for linking up to muffin tin monday. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Great meal fit for a little king!...I keep forgetting to tell you how much Mia LOVES the sandwich shapes...yesterday she wanted to take the elephant & puzzle home!!...:)JP