Monday, August 13, 2012

In Mint Condition on Muffin Tin Monday

It's Muffin Tin Monday again!  And there is more from the garden today.  Tomatoes and cucumbers (from the garden), a grilled cheese on homemade white bread, beets (from our garden), and a mint chocolate chip cookie. 
Pierce ate every single last bite.  The twins ate all but the cucumbers and beets.  So not bad, overall. You can find the yummy (and easy) mint chocolate chip cookie recipe from Karen over on This Old House 2.

For more fun lunch ideas, visit Muffin Tin Mom.


  1. I love beets, they are like candy to me :-) Have you tried roasting them with a little salt and olive oil? My kids will typically eat them that way, but not pickled or just raw in salads.

  2. Looks yummy! I have to go try that cookie recipe

  3. Everything looks delish, sans the tomato. I'll bet the cookies were good too. I would trust a recipe from Karen any day of the week!

  4. I would eat it all too (except for the beets). Don't feed me beets, Lisa. Ok?

  5. The cookie looks especially good to me. Probably because I know I can't have it.....

  6. You homemade bread looks delicious! What a wonderful lunch!

  7. Looks great! Especially that homemade bread!

  8. Tomatoes from the garden are so good! There never seems to be much point to eating store bought ones.

    Another yummy lunch, and I want to try those cookies!

  9. Makes me hungry just to look at this--I love grilled cheese, and nothing beats fresh veggies from the garden!

  10. You are a great little Mommy for these little guys. Thanks for you comment re my post. That was nice of you.

  11. Looks SO good. I love that Pierce enjoyed everything. The twins will eventually, watching their big brother. :)

  12. Your cucumber/tomato salad looks delicious and my husband would love the beets. Thx for sharing her cookie recipe with us!

  13. That is so cute. Result, children eating!, What a help.

  14. My eye is on that choc mint cookie! Richard

  15. I am always saying it looks yummy but it does...nice to have fresh garden stuff

  16. I want the grilled cheese sandwich.. in fact, I think I'll go make one right now.. dinner time!

  17. I wish I was sitting eating that right now. :) B

  18. YUM.... I'd love some tomatoes and cukes from your garden. Bet they are delicious... I'd also love that cookie in MINT condition!!!!!! I'd probably eat that one FIRST.... ha


  19. Whoa...that green cookie! I'd eat it, but I think my kids would think twice. I made green pancakes for St.Patrick's Day, and they wouldn't eat them because they were green!

  20. What a fantastic lunch! Look so healthy.

  21. I am on my way over to check out that cookie recipe! One of my favorite flavors!

  22. Mmmmmm tomatoes! Now I want grilled cheese with fresh tomatoes; yum!

  23. Hi Lisa! I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated your blog for the Sunshine award! You can check it out here:

  24. :-)

    I wish I had figured out something like Muffin Tin Monday when my kids were much younger and very finicky eaters.

  25. Now THAT is a perfect lunch. I don't care how old you are!

  26. Another great meal -- but I don't like beets.

  27. That is cute to have muffin pan monday food service. That helps the interest and maybe less distraction and more nutrient basis.

  28. Looks like an awesome like living lunch.

  29. Great muffin tin. I should try this with the grandchildren.

  30. I am not so sure about the green cookie....would turn me off. But glad to hear everyone ate well. You are giving all your boys such good eating habits from the beginning. So many people don't start that young and I think they should.


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