Thursday, August 30, 2012

Know What This Is? Rural Thursday

Do you know what this is?  It's one of my favorite kitchen gadgets.  And I generally don't like kitchen gadgets.  They just take up space in my rather small kitchen.  But I do like this one:

No clue?  It used to belong to my grandmother.  Okay, I'll give you a little picture hint - you open it up to see this...

Surely you know by now?  Okay, here's a REALLY BIG HINT.  You put citrus fruits inside and it does this:
It's an old juicer, and it truly does a wonderful job of juicing!  It's so much easier to use than this squeeze over the tops of bowl types.  Do you have any vintage kitchen gadgets that still do a great job after so many years?

It's Rural Thursday!  Time to link up your rural related posts with Nancy from A Rural Journal and myself.  We are excited each week to read your posts about nature walks and flowers and wildlife and home canning.  Whatever fits - we want to read it.  Just grab the code below the button and paste it into your post.  Then come back and link up in the linky.  Can't wait to read what you write! 


Unknown said...

Now THAT's a cool kitchen gadget if you ask me :) Enjoy your day!

Barbara said...

My mom has something very similar that she uses in her kitchen except it is round but also in metal. I have always wanted one but haven't found one yet. It makes making lemonade/limeade so much easier!

Anonymous said...

What a great gadget! I have a tupperware orange peeler that is probably 35 years old that works great.
My grandma had a heavy colander that she used to make applesauce with. Wish I had it!

Steve Surratt said...

I had no clue....and I'm old and have been around farms as a child.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I thought it was a potato ricer at first, I have my great grandmothers and it will instantly mash a boiled potato.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Hi Lisa what a cool gadget I have only seen them at the Flea Market.Works great looks great just awesome. I have an old sifter from my Grandma. Thanks for hosting Rural Thursday blog hop. B

Eat To Live said...

I have one like that only it is on a stand. Everytime I see one, I buy it. I had 3 of them but gave 2 of our kids one each.

Are We There Yet! said...

I too have one of those and love it. I can juice a lemon in no time, plus it strains the seeds out for me.

Anonymous said...

They just don't make kitchen gadgets like this anymore that last forever. Built like a MACK truck!!

Anonymous said...

It looks like it can juice a lot of fruit in a very short time.

Are We There Yet! said...

By the way, I followed you GFC!!

Jill said...

Grandma's gadgets are the BEST!

Tanya Breese said...

oh i've not seen a juicer like that before! we have the new kind, that you mentioned...i remember my grandma having the kind that is fla-ish and sits on the counter with a pointy part that sticks up and you press your half of citrus onto the pointy part....does that make sense lol...i can see it in my head just can't really describe!

An Apel a Day said...

That's a great gadget to have! We juice on the weekends a lot!

TexWisGirl said...

did not guess that one. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

That's a great way to make juice without a lot of mess. I've never seen one.

Andee said...

Very cool juicer. I don't have any old kitchen gadgets :(

carol l mckenna said...

Great post and photo ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Brandi said...

That's really neat. We were just at a fair where squeezed us some fresh lemonade as we watched and I thought...I need a gadget like that!

Leovi said...

Yes, you're right, this blender is wonderful. Nice photos.

Valerie Boersma said...

I've never seen a juicer like that before, and it makes so much more sense than the bowl kind. What makes it even more special is that it belonged to your grandma:)

I'm going to have to starting looking for one of my own now!

Liz Mays said...

That makes you wonder why they changed to the modern kind that don't work as well!

Anonymous said...

It seems like the old gadgets are always so much better. I still use an ancient meat grinder that my mom got second hand in about 1964. It's the best!

Gail Dixon said...

Some of these old gadgets just can't be improved upon. This is so neat! Great subject for Rural Thursday. :)

Anonymous said...

Cool gadget.

Karen Lakis said...

wow - I have never seen a juicer like that! - very cool!

Marie said...

that's really cool! I don't have anything cool like that for my little kitchen.

Jori said...

My husband would flip for that juicer! He makes lime Diet Coke all of the time. :)

Evelyn S. said...

That's a substantial citrus juicer! I've never seen that particular one.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

At first I thought it might be a potato ricer! I have a few older gadgets.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Nice juicer! I love the old vintage gadgets that still work. My favorite is a flour sifter that my mother passed on to me.

Debbie said...

i knew right away, my aunt had one!!

Candy C. said...

Love the old kitchen gadgets and that one is really cool! How wonderful that it belonged to your grandmother! :)

tiarastantrums said...

oh I have something like this - it is shaped like a chicken though - to squeeze lemons! My kiddos love it

Carletta said...

In my opinion the old gadgets are the best!

Sorry Lisa I don't know the kind of apples in my post. We inherited the trees when we bought this place. They are somewhat tart like a Granny Smith but I don't think that's what they are.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Its a cool squeezer and looks soooo heavy!

Chicken Wrangler said...

An oldie, but a goodie! Just had surgery Thurs - would love to link up, but no energy, and pain pills make me sleepy, thank goodness....!
talk later!

Becky Jane said...

I knew right off what it was, because my mother in law had one and I coveted it for the longest time...never did get me one though.

I ♥ handy-dandi devices that are plain and simple and don't require electricity or batteries.

Nancy said...

It looks rather large -- but it's obviously built to last. :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Yep! I knew...that's because we're OLD!...:)JP

Sandy said...

How cool! I have never seen one like that. I love kitchen gadgets.

Kim said...

It looks like a piece of art you could hang on your rustic wall if you had that kind of kitchen style. Neat!