Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Night Walk on Assateague Island Beach

Paul and I wanted to make sure we took the boys on a night walk one evening during our stay at the beach.  Granted, they would be up way past their bedtime, but sometimes, in life, you really have to break the rules. 

We hit the beach around 7:45 pm.  We found many drawings in the sand, left by the beach-goers during the day.

And we discovered this wonderful horse sand sculpture.  I had to take a picture quickly, for fear that my boys would be the ones to destroy it.  Thankfully, they didn't.

We watched the waves trying to overtake this massive trench dug by someone that headed in for the night.

And then, on the walk back, we started having races.  We drew lines in the sand with our feet, counted down and then...

They were off!  Everyone thought this was the greatest game ever.  The boys asked to race over and over again.  I can't believe they didn't get tired out!

We finally had to make them walk.  The boys had flashlights and glow bracelets so we could see in the darkness.

We found one last horse sand sculpture before it was time to drive back to our townhouse for a rather late bedtime.

Did your family ever let you break the rules on special occasions as a kid? 


  1. I have never done a night walk, how cool. The beach patrol on most of the beaches I have been on make everyone get off the beach at a certain time. Next time we go, I am going to do this for sure.

  2. fun!! love creating memories in little ways like that --

  3. cute horsy, I could not make such sand sculpture.. I don't actually remember if my parents broke rules with me or my brother, but we were good kids, so they weren't super restrictive..

  4. What a wonderful adventure! You're so right, sometimes you have to break the rules. Some of my happiest memories as a child were 'Firefly Nights' when we got to stay up and dance among the fireflies.

    The best rule I ever broke as a parent? The times I sent my daughter and eldest stepson out to play and told them not to come back in until they were completely filthy from head to toe. The absolute surprise and joy on their faces made it SO worth it!

  5. Breaking the rules is the best and I can tell by the photos even Mom and Dad enjoyed that breaking of rules. B

  6. Nothing like a evening on the beach! !!

  7. What a great time to take advantage of.Te sculptures were lovely to find,I tend to like to leave images and often wonder who finds them.

  8. It looks lovely, the beach is gorgeous, can imagine running a long it. Have a great day!

  9. i just adore the beach. my favorite time to go is off season, early morning or in the evening, when it's nice and peaceful!!

  10. I'm just loving how horse sculptures are a theme there!

  11. We do! Sometimes there is something you want to do later in the evening together. It has been worth it.

  12. Love the sand sculptures! What fun!

  13. What a cool idea! The boys will remember adventures like this, where the whole family had fun together.

  14. A wonderful memory bank moment(s):))

  15. Wonderful memory banking moments. Rules were meant to be broken for that!! :)

  16. I'm sure they are going to remember this walk, Lisa. Flashlights and races... boys love that kind of stuff. :)

  17. This was the best walk ever! And yes! I believe vacations are all about breaking rules! :)

  18. that is awesome! memories for all of you of a very special time. :)

  19. We kids had very few rules. But we were good kids. (?)

    I've always maintained that there is a special type of woman that can be a Mom to boys. You are that special type. Congrats!

    I just wanted my water ride, e.a.S.y. post, to conjure up FUN!!!

    super day to you, k?

  20. Those sand sculptures are awesome. What a fun time for your boys.

  21. It was a rare thing when my parents broke the bedtime rules for us, but I'm sure there were times that they did. I just love this series of photos today, Lisa..... Your boys look like they just had a blast!

  22. What great memories for your boys! Looks like SO MUCH FUN!

    Cute horsy sculptures, too.

  23. Absolutely, and I believe it in, truly. What a thrill it is to do so, as I'm sure you witnessed with your boys.. what a fun night! And I bet they slept very well after.

  24. How fun!! The little guys are gonna be runners like their mom and dad.

    My mom never broke the rules, but I did with my daughter. LOL

  25. Oh how much fun!!!!! YES--of course, you have to break the rules at times... That's just LIFE... The boys loved the night walk. It was definitely worth breaking their bedtime rule for....

    Love that horse...

  26. That looks like a great time! Yes we've broken the rules before. Usually it's when company is over. Most of the time they are in bed between 8 and 8:30. This summer I couldn't believe the times some of Mica's friends went to bed. I guess they can sleep in when I try and keep them on the same schedule all year.

  27. That sand pony is awesome!

    Looks like the boys had lots of fun and I know they'll have lots of good memories!

  28. Absolutely! Breaking the rules is part of what makes it all the more memorable.
    "Remember that time Mom when you let us stay up until...."
    Oh, the sand horses are amazing!!

  29. Those 'special occasion' rule breaks are the best! Making memories!

  30. That is a great event...love the glow lights on the kids...smart cookie, you. That is so cute having sand races...those sand sculptures were a lucky find. Happy vacation memories.

  31. Oh, vacations are for breaking rules! The beach is magical in the evening--the sand so cool on your feet, the water is still, and all the little creatures come out to play.

    Glad you had such a nice time together. :)

  32. The sculpture was great! Too bad it would not last for a very long time - but long enough for your photo. Thanks for sharing it.

  33. Precious pictures and memories for each of you. Oh yes, I remember family times together when we "broke the rules!"

  34. oh it looked like so much fun for everyone!

  35. i have been to beaches at night....its a completely different feeling!!


  36. Me? Break rules? My kids? Break rules?...isn't that rules are for?...:)JP

  37. On vacation it's hard not to break the rules. How impressive is that horse sculpture!

  38. Fantastic pictures!!! I'm so jealous you spent so much time there!

  39. I think it is great to break the rules just a bit. It makes a childs day special. Looks like you made some wonderful memories.

  40. Absolutely love that you did this with the boys. It will be a memory they can cherish forever.

  41. Oh my goodness!! What fun!!! Those drawings and sand sculptures are awesome!!
    Thank you for sharing :)

  42. Looks like it was a nice evening walk. Love the sculptures!


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