Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oh, Henrietta! Rural Thursday

The first year I blogged, I used to do regular chicken updates.  It's been ages since I've done one, so I think I'm overdue.

After the big raccoon slaughter last summer, we have had 5 layers and one rooster.  But we just got in an order of chicks.  They are meat birds, and we'll be keeping half of them and a friend has claim on the other half.

This is our mystery chick.  We are hoping for someone that will be a good layer.  We could use another layer.

This is Black Betty.  She is one that we raised under a broody hen last summer, from our own eggs.  She's a mean little thing.  Just look at her staring down the camera.  Waiting for a chance to get in a good peck I suspect.

And this is one of our sweetest hens.  She's one of the original batch of chicks we got 2 1/2 years ago. Her name is Henrietta.  Oh dear.  Henrietta appears to have found a pot that is too small.  I think she needs me to go buy the next size up...
I will not make muffin top comments.  I will not make muffin top comments.  I will not make muffin top comments.

It's Rural Thursday!  Time to link up your stories and pictures from the rural life with Nancy from A Rural Journal and myself.  Just grab the code below the button, and paste it into your blog post.  Then come back and add your link to the linky.  Please be sure to visit the blogs of 5 other participants, and leave them some comment love.  I can't wait to see what you write!


  1. Oh dear, now I miss my hens. We had to sell all my laying hens last year when I was away and could not care for them. I had over 40 laying hens and a couple roosters. I bet Henrietta would make a good pet.

  2. What breed is Henrietta? She looks like a Buff Orpington! Do you just want good layers or would you like good setters as well?

    Ummm, can you tell I like chickens? =)

  3. Hahhaaah..cute. Ok how sweet is that to have all those new chick!

  4. tee hee hee'
    the chicky in that flower pot is so cute!


  5. The muffin top had me laughing!

  6. haha! Black Betty has crazy eyes! I've never seen a chicken use a pot to lay in...that's funny! She does look like a sweet hen.

  7. What a cute post. Henrietta made me smile!

  8. I think I could look at those little chicks for hours.

  9. Love the chicken in the pot picture! !!!

  10. So glad you didn't pick on Henrietta...she's entitled to have a few feathers hanging with "that other rooster" you had!!! Little Black Betty will be boss someday!...:)JP

  11. Muffin top comments would work:) Great shots I am glad you are back in chicken land again. B

  12. She's a silly plumpy girl, that Henrietta. But yeah, Black Betty is scary!

  13. wonderful post! Love the little chick and Henrietta looks like a scamp ~ wishing you the best with your new chicks ~ Great photos ~ (A Creative Harbor)

    ps ~ thanks for hosting ^_^

  14. Cute picture of Miss Henrietta! :)
    Black Betty does look rather mean and that "hairdo" doesn't help! LOL!!

  15. henrietta is sweet. i want to squeeze her. also.

    where. is. elvis.

  16. Confession: I am scared of chickens. I used to help my Gramma gather eggs as a kid. I was scared to death! I just knew those chickens were going to get mad as me taking their eggs and peck me til I was unrecognizable. As an adult, those beady little eyes....well, they're scary! LOL!

  17. Henrietta just looks sweet. I do like all the speckles Black Betty has.

  18. Ha! I may take offense to the muffin top reference...I've been eating too many muffins these days myself :) Beautiful birds!

  19. !Henrietta will never be a casserole, how could you eat your friend?! A pettier lady you will never find.

  20. i like your sweet hen! the evil one looks a bit intense. :)

  21. Nice pictures you show.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    Hanne Bente

  22. Black Betty's stare is a tad bit intimidating! :)

  23. Love your chicken update. Muffin top! haha! I wouldn't want to meet Betty in a dark how!

  24. Henrietta is beautiful! Black Betty . . . she looks stern. Love the baby chicks. I would probably get too attached to them.

  25. So funny about the muffin top comments ;) friend is raising layers for the first time and it is an adventure.

  26. Love the chicken in the pot; but I will not say chicken pot pie. :)

  27. I like those photos with great tenderness in the chick.

  28. Your muffin top comment is too cute. At the risk of sounding completely stupid: what's a layer?

  29. Nevermind! I just realized you must mean a layer, as in laying eggs! Duh! lol

  30. Chickens sure do have a variety of personalities. Black Betty does indeed look mean spirited and Henrietta a bit confused about how big she really is. :)

  31. I miss having chickens. Maybe soon I will take on the project of building a chicken coop.

  32. Love the chicken in a too small pot!
    Black Betty looks a bit demented.

  33. What a special little chick. And Henrietta looks very sofisticated sitting on that pot.

  34. Muffin top - hilarious!
    One of my neighbors used to raise chickens - mainly for the eggs. Those were the best eggs ever...

  35. ok - hilarious about the 'muffin top' chicken in the pot. that is soooooooo funny!

    Boost on the 'fence quail' is definitely nice. I just still can't believe I got the pic in the first place.

  36. I love seeing chickens! They put a smile on my face every time. Your hen made me laugh out loud in that small pot. They can do the silliest things! lol

  37. Love your chicken update. Do you slaughter your own meat chickens? I have a friend who just slaughtered 180 chickens and I bought 12 from her. Can't wait to be cooking them up soon.

  38. Henrietta is such a pretty hen -- mine are all fairly scraggly looking at the moment. :)

  39. Lisa,

    Thanks for coming by. I love your hens, especially Henrietta in that pot. Very cute.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  40. Too cute... chick in a pot!

  41. LOL glad you didn't make a muffin top comment.

  42. The chicks are adorable. I just had to laugh at Black Betty, her face is too cute!

  43. Hi Fellow Photo Meme participant, Just a quick note to let you know that starting tomorrow, I will begin hosting a new photo meme on my blog. Please come join me at "Orange You Glad It's Friday", and post a photo displaying a little or a lot of orange, my favorite color! Hope to see you there!

  44. This was too funny...Black Betty indeed! Some of those hens look like they have too much fluff for the perch they've chosen -smile-.
    I'm so grateful others have I don't have to -LOL-.

  45. This post made me smile and before I read it, I was actually thinking "muffin top" :)

  46. look at all those chicks!! So jealous!! Love the hen in the pot! haha

  47. the chickie in the flower pot- we like.

  48. Hahahaha, such personalities on these chickens - nicely captured. I think I'm a little afraid of that mean one. Thanks for starting my day with a chuckle!

  49. A chicken post! Livie and I have missed reading about (and seeing photos of) your chickens!

  50. Enjoyed your chicken post...We get (live) baby chicks all boxed up in at the Post Office and I am amazed they get sent though the mail♫♪

  51. that's hysterical! love your pics! and i like both black betty and henrietta... tooo cute. :)

    patty @

  52. You are bringing back some memories for me with this post. Sorry, but they are not pleasent ones for me.

    I do find chicks cute and playful and love having the eggs hens produce. But don't really care for the meat birds.

    Taking care of the chickens was my job all through high school. I also had to butcher and pluck three or more every Saturday for our Sunday dinner.

    I have done my best not to eat chicken since leaving home.

    Apologize if this was TMI.


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