Friday, August 3, 2012

Zone Perfect Bars Review and Giveaway

When I was at Type A Con in June, I had the pleasure of talking with the friendly folks from Zone Perfect.  I've always enjoyed their bars - they have great flavor choices and as a runner are the type of snack I love to grab when I'm on the go.  But did you know they have a new line of bars out?  Called Perfectly Simple, they are limited ingredient nutrition bars that are gluten free and still provide a great dose of protein (10 grams) to tide over your hunger.  Flavors include Peanut Crunch, Toasted Coconut, and Cranberry Almond.

Check out the back of the Peanut Crunch bar.  Just six ingredients: peanut butter, invert evaported cane syrup, soy protein isolate, date paste, rolled oats, and coconut.  It sounds like the sort of protein bar you could make in your own kitchen, with wholesome ingredients and without all those unpronounceable preservatives (and also without all the work!). 

I often don't like the boys to eat diet or protein bars.  Sometimes because I think they have too much protein, sometimes because they have too many things I don't recognize, and still other times because there is just so much sugar.  But Zone Perfect's new Perfectly Simple line?  Well here is a bar I feel good about sharing with my three boys.  Pierce especially says he loves the peanut butter.
They are a great size and tuck easily into a day backpack pocket.  I know this because we took some to the beach with us.  They made a great snack when we were on the run and being active.  And they taste wonderful! 

One lucky reader will read a five count of each flavor of Zone Perfect bars to try!  Just click on the "Read More" below my signature to enter.

Disclaimer:  I received an assortment of Perfectly Simple Zone Perfect bars to try.  The opinions stated above are my own. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


The Cranky said...

Gluten free and limited, pronouncable, ingredients? Love it!

Cat said...

I can't enter. It says the contest hasn't started yet. Wah!!! I really want to win these bars. They look sooooo tempting!

Anonymous said...

Their bars are delicious!

Unknown said...

I always find it hard, as a runner, to find good snack bars that has a balance of everything.
Great give away.


andy said...

Those sound pretty good! Have a great weekend

Eat To Live said...

My Hubs would love these!!

Eat To Live said...

Sweet and Salty Cashew!!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Sounds like a good thing! Especially if it's kid approved!

lisa said...

Sweet & Salty

Nancy said...

Sound delicious and healthy.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love the fact that they have so few ingredients. That's hard to find!

Mountain Mama said...

Would love to give them a try!

Heather said...

peanut crunch, most definitely!

Mere said...

Sometimes bars like these are the only thing I can get Grady to eat. They sound delicious!

Valerie Boersma said...

Perfectly Simple sounds simply perfect! I'd love to try the Peanut Crunch bar!

Steph said...

I would like to try the Sweet & Salty.

Yolanda Ronaldo said...

I would love to try the Cranberry Almond bar, that sounds so good!

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried these yet, they look and sound good!

M'ris said...

from the Perfect line, either the peanut or the coconut. Not a huge fan of cranberry bar things.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I've tried numerous protein bars but don't like all the ingredients that I know nothing of! These sound awesome and I would like something with with either peanut butter OR coconut!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

these sound great! peanut crunch would probably be my first choice.

renae said...

I am so glad that there are more and more of these companies available. Good job, kid!

I love almost all of my bracelets and would you believe I bought more bracelets today. oh just 3!

have a marvelous weekend with your family!


La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Estupendas como siempre, las cosas que nos dejas.

Saludos y un abrazo.

radeeolover said...

toasted coconut!
radeeolover at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

strawberry yogurt!

An Apel a Day said...

I'd love to try Dark.

Ericka said...

I would love to try their Peanut Crunch, yum!
ericka082 at gmail dot com

dispatcher_kristy said...

I would love the dark yummmm!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try their Dark Chocolate Strawberry flavor.

RealtorSD said...

I'd love to try the peanut crunch flavor.

Kristen said...

sweet and salty

danw78704 said...

twitted this today, 05/8

Betsy said...

Peanut crunch bar

Unknown said...

Peanut Crunch is my FAVE

Samantha D
dull2000 at cox dot net

danw78704 said...

twitted this today, 06/8

nicolesender said...

i'd like to try Dark Chocolate.

Sara Wood said...

I would like to try strawberry yogurt.

Kwolek21 said...

Sweet and Salty

Anonymous said...

I love all of the Zone bars. Peanut Crunch is one I haven't tried yet and would love to try!

danw78704 said...

twitted this today, 07/8

Tawnya said...

I really want to try Perfectly Simple Toasted Coconut!
kopperkirlz at yahoo dot com

gallerhea said...

I would like to try the chocolate chip cookie dough and the sweet and salty.

Rhea Stogsdill Chladek

Amy V said...

i'd love toasted coconut!

annae07 at aol dot com

ani hearts japan said...

I'd like to try the strawberry yogurt.

aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

danw78704 said...

twitted this today, 08/8

Jodi said...

Peanut Crunch!

jodidawson at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would like to try the sweet and salty bar!

Katherine Atwill said...

Peanut crunch sounds great!

Diana said...

I'd like to try sweet and salty cashew

Nancy said...

I'd most like to try their Cranberry Almond bar.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

jayedee said...

the fruitified sounds wonderful but then so does the toasted coconut! yum!

Rhonda said...

Toasted Coconut would be my pick!

Anonymous said...

Sweet and salty sounds yummy!

Milly said...

Chocolate Coconut Crunch sounds good!

won said...

I'd love to try the Sweet & Salty.

Wendy T on rafflecopter

danw78704 said...

twitted this today, 09/8

Laura said...

blueberry pomegranate sounds great!

[Whatever U are, be a good one!] said...

I would love to try the Sweet and Salty Cashew!
Thank You So Much for the chance!
Fiona N

jadavis said...

Perfectly Simple