Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beet Haters Beware - Roasted Beets, Quinoa, and Goat Cheese Salad Recipe - Rural Thursday

I love beets.  We eat them quite frequently.  And inevitably, each time I have them on my blog on a Muffin Tin Monday, I get comment after comment from all you beet haters out there.  Whew, people really hate beets.  In fact, I feel a little sorry for the poor beet.  It's a wonderful veggie, one I'm quite fond of!  Of course, I don't discriminate - I pretty much love them all.

This summer, I've been making a very easy beet salad that is a hit with the entire family.  First, chop your beets and place them on a cookie sheet.  You'll want to chop about 4 medium/large beets.  Drizzle with olive oil and balsalmic vinegar and sprinkle with freshly ground pepper and sea salt.  Roast at 400* for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook a cup of quinoa.  Your yield should be 2 cups cooked.  When the beets are done, toss them with the quinoa.  Crumble 3 ounces of goat cheese in and toss gently.  Serve either warm or cold.  Delicious! 
Today is Rural Thursday, so by now you know what that means.  It's time to link up with Nancy from A Rural Journal and myself.  We want to read your farm stories and see the signs of fall in your neck of the woods. Just grab the code beneath the button and paste it into your blog post.  Then come back to link up your post.  Please make sure to visit and comment on the blogs of at least 5 other participants.  It's your participation that makes Rural Thursdays so fun! 


  1. Really? There are that many beet haters out there? I love them. We have them all the time around here. Sometimes I can even fool my kids into thinking it's dessert! ;)

  2. Sad to say, I am a beet hater. BUT.
    I'd be willing to give this recipe a try and hope it changes my mind!

    Hmmm, I may have to try the blog hop next week...

  3. Sounds great I'm trying to eat more,thanks for hosting :)

  4. I have to admit it's been a very long time since I've had beets. My mother used to fix them when I was younger and I always liked them.

  5. I love all of the creative uses for Quinoa now!

  6. I love beets although quinoa is not one of my favorite grains. With the beets it just might be good.

  7. BEET LOVERS unite. yummy good! i could eat them daily. so good!! i need to try this soon. crazy thing is when i looked at your photo on rural thursday i thought it was a blueberry or maybe black raspberry cobbler ... super excited to see? oh well... it will be good i bet. ha. ha!! funny how the eyes work in the early morning. ha. ha!! (:

  8. Looks tasty! !!!!! Have a great day

  9. Looks yummy, so I may have to try this but never heard of that "q" stuff.

  10. We like beets and have enough canned to last at least a year. I have a row of sugar beets that are as big as cantaloupes and plan on making my own syrup/sugar after the frost. We also have swiss chard which are beets bred for their tops. Good stuff!

  11. Oh YUM!! I love beets, quinoa and goat cheese - this looks delicious!

  12. i haven't had a beet since i was a kid! love the color!

  13. Not much of a beet fan, but the recipe does sound good.

  14. We aren't big beet eaters, but this is tempting....we do love quinoa. I'll have to try it!

  15. Sounds like a great recipe ~ going to try it for Church pot luck this Sat night ~ thanks ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  16. i'm a beet hater. ate too many as a kid...

  17. It seems as if beets are like marmite, I love them both. Love the salad idea. Most salads use raw beet grated.

  18. *Fist bump* to you from a fellow beet-lover.

  19. i LOVE beets! this looks delish!

  20. I love beets too! I bet this recipe IS amazing!!

  21. Gah!! We grew beets in our garden when I was growing up and it was then that I learned to despise them. Plus my Mom canned them and we had to eat the darn things all winter too!! Yep, I fall into the beet hater category.

  22. Wow! I love beets, but can also understand that others don't. You know? Like grits? Love those too, but not everyone! :)

  23. I love beets, hot or cold. That salad looks delicious, and so pretty!

  24. To be honest, I've never tasted beets - so I have no opinion at all, except that I think they are a lovely color! :)

  25. We use beets to make pickled eggs. Mmmmm Love beets.

  26. Sounds good to me! Lily loves beets. I may have to mix it with some quinoa!

  27. Woof! Woof! My mom loves beets. Golden Thanks for sharing. Happy Rural Thursday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  28. I do like beets but I have to laugh that I have no idea what quinoa even is! lol Looks like a type of rice.

  29. i loooooove beets! this sound so good! i'd eat it cold.

  30. Hi Lisa, Beets are very good for us, too. My grandma always made the best pickled beets. We love them added to salads and this recipe of yours sounds very good.

  31. Can't say I like beets except for the color!

  32. I LOVE beets!! Who doesn't love beets???! My only problem is that I pee red for days afterwards. Is that too much information???? Uh oh. Sorry!

  33. Lisa,

    Thanks for coming by. That is an interesting recipe. I love beets and I love quinoa. I just might have to try it.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  34. Well, I love fried liver and onions, so I guess I understand how you feel about beets! :)

  35. You know I'm a "beeter" from way back...YUM!...:)JP

  36. I just adore beets. My mother had a redipe for candied beets. That is how I learned to enjoy them. I will have to try you recipe it sounds great.

  37. I have some beets we canned a while back and have no clue what to do with them. This looks yummy!

  38. Well, I like beets, quinoa, and goat cheese so I MUST try this. :)

  39. I am SO at the farmer's market tomorrow to pick up some beets!

  40. My moms love beets. And just the other day a friend said they had a roasted beet salad! So there are some beet lovers- thank you for this recipe- it sounds sooo good!

  41. I might just have to try beets again someday. It might be one of those veggies my grown-up self can appreciate.

  42. I don't hate them, just don't have them often. This recipes sounds delicious!


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