Friday, September 28, 2012

Fashion Donts?

September is the peak month for my marathon training, so it seems like I'm always waiting to run, or have just finished a run.  As a result, all I ever really wear is running clothes, and the other day I decided to make an effort to wear something a regular person would wear, since I had a day off from running to rest my tired legs.  The minute I walked in to wake up the twins, Cort sat up in bed all alert.

"Mom, are!"

"Yes, Cort, they're boots."

"Mom, I want to wear boots!"

"Mom, I want to wear boots, too!" - this from Reid.

"Okay, you guys, let's just get dressed for school," I said.

"Mom?  Are your pants....yellow?" asks Cort.

"Yes, Cort, they're yellow."

Reid wanders over and reaches out to hesitantly touch my yellow leggings, "Mom, what's this?"

"Leggings, Reid, they're leggings.  Let's get dressed you guys!"

"Mom.  Yellow pants are silly!"  - from Cort.

"Yeah, Mom, he has a point.  Yellow pants are kind of silly." - this, from my husband, who is walking by on his way to Pierce's room.

Sheesh you guys!  I make an effort for once but I guess they prefer me as I am - sweaty running clothes and all.

Maybe the yellow leggings really were a bad fashion call?  What do you think?


  1. Yellow pants make me smile. Maybe the guys were all getting a 'little big for their britches'? =)

  2. LOL... umm, I've never been fond of yellow pants (not sure I've ever seen any!).. however, you probably pull it off :-)

  3. I think you boots are cute and yellow leggings are cool!

  4. I like them. I think men may be a little colour blind as far as fashion sense even the little ones. Good effort. You made me laugh. B

  5. Too funny- I hear fashion advice from my grands all the time- mostly about my hair...I have one who always alerts me when the grey starts showing up!

  6. I believe in wearing what you like. Who cares what anybody else thinks! Personally, I don't wear yellow. I have blonde hair and yellow completely washes me out. But I am game for anything else!

  7. So this is what I have to look forward to in a house full of boys? I have a pair of yellow tights that I love with certain things.

  8. pleading the 5th on the yellow leggin's.

    you have a very fun group!!

  9. I do like yellow on certain cars, but for pants well Im just not too sure! Richard

  10. Those boots look cute! I'm not a yellow pants kind of person, but I like that mustardy yellow and if you're wearing a brown top - looks like the edge of a sweater? I think it probably looked good on you! Kids! And Men! :P

  11. Also, I got so caught up in the pants question I forgot to tell you I totally thought the title of this post was fashion donuts, and I was thinking - what is she up to now? :>

  12. Love this because if you lived with ANY other females, it wouldn't be weird. All the time I'm accused of being strange--but around other women I'm NOT! Leggings & boots fall into that category.

  13. Just goes to show you, they love you as you are! Great pair of Boots!

  14. I think they were fun! But it's hilarious that it was so obviously noticeable that you were dressed differently that day.

  15. in like the color well, I have seen a lot of these fall colors lately.I haven't got the yellow, but did go with a rust.

  16. Your boys are so funny. Any difference in Mom will be noticed! The boots and leggings look cool!

  17. i think the leggings are really cute!

    have a great weekend, dear lisa!

  18. LOL... that is funny. When my daughter was little I couldn't wear nylons without her running her hand up and down my legs. I think she liked the silky feel.

  19. Nothing like our darling little children to put us in our place. I never had yellow leggings, but I did have purple ones...

    Thanks for a good laugh today-this was hilarious!!

  20. Perhaps the twins think only Big Bird is allowed to "wear" yellow. :)

    I'm sure you looked very cute!

  21. I need to see the entire outfit. :) I"m sure you look cute as a button! I just think it's so cute that the boys pay attention to you. :) Kyle always pays attention to detail when it comes to my clothes, hair and just everything. Must be a son and mom thing. :)

  22. Lol...gotta love the honesty and curiosity of kids. But not the running. No way..not how. I'm tired just thinking about your marathon training!

  23. Yellow is fine with me. I bet my kids would not approve though. They would prefer me in dark colors. Hope you have a great weekend.

  24. Oh, that's funny! I think your leggings looked fine in the picture though. What were you wearing with them?

  25. Maybe a shade or two, maybe three... lighter...oh well, this is sooo funny Lisa, what a bunch of guys!!!

  26. This is so cute! Maybe it was the combo of the legging form and the color that took them off guard! lol

  27. Hey, if I had your figure, I'd be wearing a yellow bikini every day. :)

  28. What a cute story! You all made me giggle! I love yellow pants!

  29. Kids are so funny.. They see every change you make.. they are used to what you normally wear.. I do think it's funny what your boys do in your blog.. they are getting so cute.. ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  30. I think yellow leggings sound awesome and really cute!

  31. You are the perfect size and age to be cute in anything! Hope you all are enjoying the weekend.

  32. Bright colors are back! My students are wearing leggings, bright colors, and shirts off the shoulder. I think all you are missing is leg warmers, which in that case boots wouldn't work.

  33. wha? I wear yellow pants. I think they're awesome so do not listen to the little men in your life... LOL

  34. I don't own any yellow pants, but I love the color! And boots of any kind are awesome!


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