Monday, September 3, 2012

Flat Stanley Bento on Muffin Tin Monday

Well, I'm back to packing lunches here.  Usually they aren't elaborate, but on this particular day I decided to pack a fun lunch for Pierce.  He likes the Flat Stanley books, so I decided to attempt to recreate Flat Stanley.  How do you think I did?  You can see what Flat Stanley looks like in the top corner picture on the book.
I was out of fresh fruit, because it was right before grocery store day, so I tossed in an applesauce packet, some carrots, and a bear biscuit to go with the Flat Stanley sandwich.  Flat Stanley was created from provolone and American cheeses on homemade whole wheat bread, raisins (eyes) and a piece of fruit roll up (mouth).

For more fun lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom.  Happy Labor Day!


Meggie said...

I'd say you did "good" on your Flat Stanley idea. I once received Flat Stanley via my mail. My grandson had a project in school, to draw and color Flat Stanley. He sent him to me for a visit. I had a lot of fun photographing him. I put together a booklet, including photos, called "Flat Stanley Visits the Farm". I then sent it back to the school, to complete my grandson's project.

Karen said...

Now that's just put so much into what you do for your sons :-)

Clint Baker said...

I love these!

Stevie Taylor said...

Impressive! I bet your son loved it! With 4 lunches to pack, I lost my enthusiasm for cute lunches a long time ago. I was going to let the older ones pack their own but when I did the lunches got heavy on the pretzels and desserts and light on the fruit and veggies!

Jill said...

Fantastic, Lisa! You are so creative!

Michelle said...

I love Flat Stanley! I think you did a great job on the sandwich.

w said...

i love your flat stanley! did pierce take the carrots and make arms and legs out of them? because i would have. then i would have gotten the bear out and been like. roar! i'm going to eat you flat stanley!

la la la!

Marie said...

So fun! Happy Labor Day!

Michaele said...

Excellent! You need to see if Flat Stanley has a facebook page and add this photo : )

trump said...

Happy Labor Day to you and your readers! Richard

TexWisGirl said...

you did great! :)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

You are so unbelievably creative as always:)

Anonymous said...

I love all the flat foods or foods whose containers will go flat.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

You did a great job! You're a food artist, to be sure. I'm not familiar with Flat Stanley, but he looks fun.

EG CameraGirl said...

I bet he LOVED the Flat Stanley sandwich. I would too. :))

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Belo almoço...Espectacular....

Meredith said...

That is so cute!!! I'm sure he loved it!

Liz Mays said...

That's so cute and he looks like Barney Rubble too!

Anonymous said...

You did a great job! Pierce is a lucky little fellow!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Hey, that's a pretty good likeness of Flat Stanley!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Labor day! That is an awesome lunch. I bet he ate every bite. It looks a lot like Flat Stanley you did great!

Eat To Live said...

I would say you did a GREAT job. Do you send these luches to school with him.... If so, I bet all the other kids are jealous.

Anonymous said...

A really cute Flat Stanley and certainly more tasty than a flat piece of paper :)

andy said...

You did a great job! !!!!

Molly Jo said...

Ahh! That's so stinkin' great! You are so creative. What a treat for lunch!

Tiggeriffic said...

Ben was asking his Mom this evening if he could take his lunch once a week. She said She would think about it.. I told her there was this great gal that has a blog and her son has started Kindergarden and packs his lunch.. I told her I would take notes and pack the lunch for Ben once a week.. So off to the grocery store tomorrow to get some things for him.
You are so creative....Thanks~!
ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Sally said...

You did fantastic, girl. That's a lucky little Pierce!! :)

Are We There Yet! said...

The little sandwich guy reminds me of Barney Rubble on the Flintstones. Very cute.

Jenny said...

What a cute lunch!

Be Brave, Keep Going said...

I always love what you bring to the table. :) Thanks for participating, Lisa

jp@A Green Ridge said...

While I had no idea who the heck Flat Stanley is/was...if he resembles that sandwich, he's in trouble! LOL!...:)JP

Nancy said...

Very cute! I'm sure it made him smile.

Sandy said...

Very cute! Although I have never heard of flat surprise there.

Barbara said...

Flat Stanely came out great!! I bet he loved seeing that!

Kim said...

We're back to packing lunches too:( Deaglan seems to be even pickier this year than last. I'm going to have to take a page out of your book and get super creative.