Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I'm Back in the Saddle Again

For the past three years, I can count the number of times I've been able to ride my horses on one hand.  It's just been difficult with the twins so small.  When I had Paul around to watch the boys for a few minutes, I always chose running to fill that time.  But I've missed riding.  With Pierce returning to school, and the twins a little more reliable (as in, they can listen and follow the rules, when they choose to), it occured to me that I could ride the horses with the twins in the arena.  All I needed was a containment area.

So I built a corral in the arena - not for my horses - but for my twins!  It came complete with fun up and down ramps - just perfect for driving your trucks up and down while mom is riding her horse.

Phoenix checks out the twins.  I rescued Phoenix from an abusive situation when he was just 3 years old.  I was a sophomore in college in Texas.  I spent a lot of time teaching him to trust again.  Day after day of patient rehabilitation.  Now he's an old man by horse standards, but he's still my baby.  I don't know if he still remembers the horrors of his youth, but he knows his forever home is a safe haven. 

Phoenix and I watched the twins for a few minutes, and decided that they would stay out of trouble so we could ride. See that funny black looking thing in the middle?  That's part of Paul's homemade frisbee golf course, which goes all over our land.  I've never been able to play it though - I'm always watching the kids!  Go figure.  Well, hey, at least I'm riding now!  I'd rather ride than play frisbee golf any day!

Cort and Reid had such a great time in the arena, complete with their toy horses.  They didn't want to come in when we were done, even though it was lunchtime.  And yes, they are wearing pajamas.  Shhhh, don't tell anyone, okay?

Happy day!  I expect to have a lot more frequent riding adventures in the coming months! 


The Cranky said...

Awww, everyone has such happy faces!

Eat To Live said...

How fun for you to be riding again. You look GREAT in your helmet by the way.

Nancy said...

Those two are so cute in their "corral." Little rascals.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I am so happy for you. Phoenix is beautiful and I must say the twins look great in there pajamas I was in mine most of yesterday too:)
I am so happy you get some riding time and the kids like their corral:)they look very happy along with their Mom to me. Everybody wins. Happy riding. B

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, Looks like you had a beautiful day to ride. That's a great photo of you and Phoenix. The twins seem really happy in their corral! I remember seeing the frisbee courses at a nearby park and being amazed at the skill of some of the players. Hope you have a fun day.

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

What great pictures!! Glad you're back in the saddle again, I look forward to more horse adventures. I remember the days of little kids and trying to manage some horse time. I always had the barn right outside the house... and I remember a few times bringing the baby monitor out so that I could ride while someone was napping in a crip or playpen inside. Your way is smarter, you've got your eyes on them. Love the kid corral.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Nice story, you figured out a way to ride and at the same time watch the kids, good thinking!

Barbara said...

I love that you built the corral fro the kids! ;)

andy said...

Looks like fun! ! Have a great day today

Jill said...

You are so smart! I'm thrilled you're back in the saddle again. Phoenix is a real beauty...and so are you.

Unknown said...

Can imagine that it feels great to be back in the saddle again :) Great pictures. Enjoy your day!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

How cute. They have their own corral. How fun! Bet they were excited!

Heather said...

How wonderful for you! I haven't been riding in ages, but I have taken my 4 year old out to ride the horse I grew up with a couple of times. Fun!

Out on the prairie said...

Fun shots, I enjoy the twin corral.I love to ride and get it in as often as I can.

Anonymous said...

Great idea!! Hope the boys are happy being out there when Mama rides. I'll be they are!

Debbie said...

i am soooo happy for you lisa!! what a great idea and the twins look very happy!!

a wonderful read to hear of you saving phoenix and having him for all these years.

and a beautiful picture of the two of you, you look great, phoenix too!!

Gail Dixon said...

That's great! Where there's a will there's a way!

TexWisGirl said...

good for you!!

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

I'd choose riding over frisbee golf, too.

Liz Mays said...

I am so happy that you were able to get a little riding in. That's wonderful!!!!!

Valerie Boersma said...

Clever idea! I'm glad you were able to get some riding in, and I'm even more glad that you rescued such a wonderful horse! And great picture of you, by the way!

When my parents were visiting last summer, for some reason we were talking about how hard it can be to watch children and try to get anything else done. I'd never heard this from my mom before, but when she was a little girl-about the age of Cort and Reid, my grandma would tether her to a heavy old tire in the front yard. It worked-my mom played happily tied to her "leash", and my grandma got her work done! I have to laugh every time I picture it, though:)

Unknown said...

Good for you! I totally know what you mean about the riding - its so hard when the kids are small. And its easy to get sucked into the list of chores rather than the fun riding time. Your Pheonix reminds me so much of my Sam who I miss so much - thanks for sharing. I have a new horse I bought a year ago when I finally felt like I was ready to get back my me time and its still really hard to find that time. Stick with it - you all look very happy!

An Apel a Day said...

YAY! That's great that you can ride once again.

I have had a hard time getting artwork done since my boys have been born. My husband gets more done than I do. I do use some creativity with blogging. Then I put a lot into holiday cards for people. Sometimes I manage to get a painting, rework furniture and other things creative done. Plus I'm a college art instructor; I talk about creative ideas much of the time. I feel like I give some of my good ideas away to the students though.

theconstantwalker said...

So lovely to see... good for you xx

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I'm so glad you'll be able to ride more. I love the corral for the twins, and they seem very happy!

Are We There Yet! said...

Isn't there a song, Back In The Saddle Again? Yay for you!! Gotta do it while you're young and still can.

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful photo of you and Phoenix!

So glad you got to ride.

Anonymous said...

If they boys keep playing so well with their horse, it sounds like you will get to ride often.

Grandma Bonnie said...

They look happy with your solution. I have not been able to ride in years. I am glad you found the time to ride again it is important to enjoy the little things in life.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Yay!! I'm SO GLAD you came up with a solution, because you know the benefits of riding . . . and your boys get some playtime in the fresh air!

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Happy trails! and Happy twins!


Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green island

Michelle said...

The boys seem to be enjoying their situation! Nice to see that you are getting some time to enjoy your hobby. That is important as a mom!

renae said...

Yay for you Lisa!!!! I loved the "coral for the twins, not the horses"...or whatever you said... hahahaha. Good for you that you did it and I won't tell anyone that your twins were in their pj's. Just so you got to do what you love finally.

renae said...

ooops, pardon. I am a city slicker and didn't spell "corral" right.


I am afraid of horses. I champion those that are not afraid. So go for it!!!!!!!!!!

Betty Manousos said...

good for you, lisa!

you look great in that photo!

Sandy said...

Lisa...you crack me up! You built a corral for your twins...lol. Actually, a good idea. Glad it worked out and you can get back to riding again.

Mary said...

That is so cool! I have only gone horse back riding once in my life. You make me want to try again! I bet Hailey would love it :)

Michelle said...

Good for you! So glad to hear you're riding again. Keep it up...but be safe!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the corral for the boys :) So glad you found a way to get outside and ride your horse! Phoenix looks beautiful.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I love the last picture! I'm so glad you got a chance to ride again. You know that I have the same problem!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

AWESOME that you were able to ride Phoenix again!!! Twins in their jammies? I'm tellin' the neighbors!!! First the pool and now this!!!...:)JP