Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Running Recap August 2012

I had a good month of running this August.  I ran one race, a 10K, which went alright.  I felt well during the race, but it was much slower than I'd hoped for.  It's a hilly race, and I hadn't done any track work in a few weeks, but I still should've run faster than I did.  I think mentally and physically my body is making that transition to more endurance running and away from the speed.  I still placed first in my age group though, and got a very nice plaque.

In other fun running news, my friend Lisa came to visit for a weekend, and she has taken up running.  She brought her chihuahua, Pudge, who came along for a 5 mile run.  As you might imagine, the twins were THRILLED to share their stroller with her.  We got some amused looks that day.
I decided to go ahead and register for a marathon in October.  So in August I focused on "base camp".  Which means consistent mileage each week, plus a 12 mile run on Sundays.  This resulted in a total mileage for the month of 125.

September will be my push for the top - each weekend I'll be increasing my long run by 2 miles until I reach a final long run of 20 miles.  After that, I'll be tapering for the race.  It's going to be a VERY hilly marathon, so I'll be doing a lot of my training on the Blue Ridge parkway, so I can adapt to hills, hills, hills.  I'm looking forward to cooler temps for my long runs!

Do you have any fall goals, readers?


Anonymous said...

Pudge is so cute sharing the stroller with the twins! Congrats on your first place win/plaque! Best wishes for your upcoming Oct. race.

The Cranky said...

Glad you're feeling up for the longer runs Lisa. Oh, and the picture of the twins with their chihuahua passenger is priceless!

Eat To Live said...

I can't figure out where you find the time to run, blog, cook, clean, laundry etc.. ect..

I have a hard time blogging and keeping up with the housework.

That is my goal.... to get my house cleaned from top to bottom.

Jeanne said...

congratulations on your plaque and a good job running. At first I thought you meant that the Chihauha was running the 5 miles and got a very amusing visual on that. Glad to see that he was in the stroller! Good luck with your training!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa you are inspiring keep up the good work. The twins do look thrilled.B

Are We There Yet! said...

Here you are looking forward to the cooler weather and I dread seeing summer go.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

You are a rockstar. I can't even do a 5K!! You are my true inspiration!!!

Anonymous said...

What a stroller filled with cuties! I hope to get out and walk each night.

Liz Mays said...

Oh how fun to have had a little friend ride along with them. :) Good luck in your training. Those hills are gonna be something!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow you have accomplished a lot! the twins are so cute

Anonymous said...

Congrats! That's a nice plaque. Cute photo of the twins with Pudge.

Jill said...

Congratulations, Lisa! Good job!

Marie said...

Congrats on placing first! You should feel fantastic!
It seems your boys are enjoying the puppy dog...sweet!

Texan said...

You are doing super with your running! Congrats on your 10K :O).
A marathon coming up, you go girl!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I agree with the commenter above--you're a rockstar! I am scared of doing a 5K! Love the photo with the twins and the chihuahua--they all look intrigued.

I'm looking forward to cooler weather too!

TexWisGirl said...

you made me laugh. you are a true competitor. you didn't run as fast as you'd like, disappointed in your time, yet you placed 1st in your age group. :) you compete with yourself.

Beth W said...

Congrats! And best of luck with the next one. It sounds like you have a good training plan. :)

w said...

congrats on the run! i have a half in november. but i'll be walking it. because it's the wine and dine half. and i plan on doing both during the half. so.


renae said...

Good on you Lisa! I love the doggie and the twins pic!

I am back!

Been gone too long. (see my post today?)

Hope your week is great!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've taken up running again, even though I hate it.
My goal is to get to 10 minute miles, I think it'll be a long time before I do!!

Michaele said...

I so admire you for running. My daughter is training for her first 5K.

Anonymous said...

Way to rack up your miles! Your end of month posts always inspire me.

Jenny said...

I'm impressed!

And laughing!

Love the little dog going along for the ride!

I'd have to sit on the stroller, too.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Ha! Pudge and the twins! So cute!

I'm glad you had a good running month.

Michelle said...

You are one motivated woman! Love the shot of the twins with the dog. Cute!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi, Just wanted to drop by and say HELLO. It's been a busy week/month --and just gonna get busier.

My goal is to slow life down a bit.... ha ha .... I'm so proud of you. You are awesome--and so smart to be staying in such good shape...


Unknown said...

We still haven't met up! Crazy, busy life gets in the way! I wish we lived closer. I couldn't come close to keeping up with you and I'm nowhere near to 20 miles, but it would be fun to run together. My long runs are up to 9 miles but I'm not setting any records for speed! We ran the mountain road this morning and it was all hills on the way out. The return trip wasn't too bad but I gotta say, I don't love running downhill...I haven't yet learned how to keep it from jarring my body half to death!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the plaque you received.
Way to go! I love the dog in the stroller with the boys. So cute!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Congrats as usual and sweet plaque, Baby Girl! Glad to hear Lisa has taken up running. Is that the Lisa from your shower that I thought was such a sweetheart?...:)JP

Chatty Crone said...

Now that was ADORABLE and congrats.

Nancy said...

Congrats on your win -- I'm so glad you've managed to avoid (I won't say as to not jinx you, but it begins with an "i") this season. :)

Barbara said...

Congrats!! Good luck on your race in October! The picture of the boys with the chihuahua is too cute.

Kim said...

Adorable picture of the boys and the dog. I'm so impressed with all of your running!