Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Still Sheepish after all these years...

When Reid was six months old, I did a post called A Boy and His Sheep.  I have to say, that Reid is still just as cute as ever with his stuffed sheep.

As for Cort, he has his blankie.  Pierce is a little more fickle with his security items.  When he was 2 1/2, it was a small green squeaky frog.  Then when he was 3 1/2, a stuffed Baby Jaguar.  At 4 1/2, he switched to a small stuffed Mario.  You never know what it'll be next. 

How about you or your kids, reader?  Any special stuffed animals around?


The Cranky said...

How cute is that picture!

My daughter carried around a Victorian rag doll that my Granny A made her until it fell apart. I cherish the first teddy bears 3M sent me from Scotland before we were married.

Karen Lakis said...

I have a 27-year-old who still has her blankie tucked away somewhere in her apartment! It's pretty ratty, but when she was little it helped her through many a thunderstorm!

Anonymous said...

What a precious photo.
Growing up, I carried my Thumbelina doll everywhere. I still have her!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa this is so cute. My girls each had a stuffed toy M had a doll named Mary Anne and K had a Big Bird they still have them tucked away somewhere maybe waiting for my Grandchildren:) B

Anonymous said...

JDaniel has a bear name Ted. He travels with us on vacation and has to be in bed at night.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

How about you, Baby Girl? What was your favorite over the years?..:)JP

andy said...

Neither one of mine had a stuff animals or blanket. They usually had a car or truck in there .

Jill said...

Sweetest photo! There's other love like that.

Eat To Live said...

That picture is adoreable Lisa.

My Daughter is grown now but I don't remember her really liking any stuffed animal excep a Winnie The Poo bear.

Barbara said...

Such a cute photo. My son has a little blanket with a doggie head. That thing goes everywhere with us. I am deathly afraid of losing it so he gets included in the head count whenever we go/leave anywhere.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

How cute! Both of my kids have security blankets and they don't put them down!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That picture is too cute!
Dylan never had a lovey, took a pacifier, or sucked his thumb. Lexie found a tiny stuffed bunny when she was 6 months old. She crawled over to her toy box, took it out, and never let it go! BunBun is currently in her backpack at school! Lily is a thumbsucker, but no lovey or blankie.

Liz Mays said...

Oh that happy little grin just warms my heart!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Such a cute photo!

I still have a stuffed Garfield that my parents gave me when I had my wisdom teeth cut out. I was 19. Oh, well, I still like it. :-)

Anonymous said...

It's so cool when they have that one thing. T had blankets, B had this puppy, G (my hoarder) has a bed FULL of stuffed animals that he loves in random rotation.

TexWisGirl said...

he's adorable. i hope he keeps it forever (or you keep it for him until he's grown and he'll take it back). :)

i have a teddy bear with a music box in it that i've had since infancy.

Valerie Boersma said...

That picture of Reid is so precious! When Amy was little she had a stuffed black and white spotted cow pull-toy she named Dot. Dot went everywhere, and her little wooden wheels are very well worn:)

Gail Dixon said...

Precious boy!! My baby, Michael, was a blankie boy. Sometimes he carried around two at a time. I miss those days. Sigh. Enjoy, Lisa.

Grandma Bonnie said...

My kids never really picked up any security items, My grandchildren have though.

Unknown said...

My seven-year-old has a stuffed puppy that she's always been attached to, but my four-year-old...well, she's more like Pierce.

What an adorable picture!

Sandy said...

Cute picture of Reid with his little sheep.

Sally said...

Such a handsome little dude!

Hunter, for example here, likes her "animals" but always wants a rough spot to rub. Don't ask me!! :)

Chatty Crone said...

That is so cute. Andy's change - but he always has to have A toy. Now it is legos.

An Apel a Day said...

That sheep picture is so cute!

Mica had a green silky blanket when he was baby. Now he could sleep without anything. He has a stuffed moose, a peacock puppet (He loved peacocks for awhile!) and a blue bunny that he got from preschool.

Isaak has a lot of stuffed animal dogs. His most secure thing was his glow worm that he no longer has to have.

Lin said...

Blankies for both kids. And LOTS of 'em! Although neither has them anymore--even though I thought they'd never give them up.

camp and cottage living said...

Cort looks so adorable with his little lamb!

Mary said...

My daughter had so many different snuggly things...one had an eye fall out, so we bought a second exact bunny. Haahahhaaaa what we do for comforts.

Unknown said...

What a great photo and story!

Tiggeriffic said...

Ben has two rabbits.. Nibbles and Bob.. He sleeps with them everynight.
I had four children and only one had a bear. I love these stuffed animals that are loved.. All their fur has been rubbed off and their stuffing has broken down to make the stuffed animal limp.. Such love these children have for their pals..
ta ta for now from Iowa:)

renae said...

not really for me. i tried but nope. my daughter's just loved their real cats and didn't need very many stuffed toys. They are still that way today. [real animals instead of stuffed]

mail4rosey said...

He is a little gem!

Becky Jane said...

You'd think with 11 kids, someone would have had a special security animal or blanket, but none of my kids did. They had stuffed animals and blankets, but nothing that became super special to them.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

My son had an Alvin from the chipmunks. I still have it after 33 years! That was way before the movies ever came out.