Even though I was tired from the marathon, and my injury was painful, I wasn't going to let the opportunity to explore historic Harpers Ferry pass! So after a shower and some refueling, I was ready to go. We went to visit Jefferson Rock, which is on the Appalachian Trail.
From the rock, you can see the Potomac River, and some of historic Harpers Ferry.
This is the ruins of St. John's Episcopal Church.
Isn't it beautiful?
An old community root cellar. There were several inside this long rock wall.
I loved this building, because all around it there were signs that told you how to tell what had been there before. It was neat to learn what archaeologists look for in old buildings.
General Store
I will always remember running through this part of historic Harpers Ferry as the sun was just starting to rise, and eagerly anticipating returning later in the day to explore.
North vs. South
John Brown's Fort
The soldiers were cooking up some dinner.
Eating and chatting.
And we came to that footbridge that I had run over the morning of the marathon. It is part of the Appalachian Trail. The boys were excited to cross the bridge themselves. I told them about how earlier that morning it had a layer of ice and was slippery.
Most hikers consider Harpers Ferry the halfway point on the Appalachian Trail, even though it isn't quite exact. It's sort of a mental halfway.
By this time, my leg was done, so we hobbled slowly back to the hotel, where the boys went swimming, and I ordered myself some more food!