Monday, October 29, 2012

Cort and Reid get to Take Their Lunch to School

Guess who started eating lunch at school a couple of times a month?  Why Cort and Reid!  Yes, they are doing lunch bunch some Wednesday afternoons.  They love eating lunch with their friends.  Here is what I packed for them recently:
They each had ham and cheese rolls on whole wheat bread (with Halloween picks), olive skewers, pretzels, grapes in a spider muffin cup, and a bear biscuit.  They ate everything except a couple of pretzels! 

For more fun lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom


Anonymous said...

I bet they love taking a lunch to school just like their big brother.

andy said...

Yea Will doea lunch bunch a couple times a month too. He loves it! Have a great day

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow that is a great lunch I wish you had of been making my lunches when I was a kid. I used to take a jam jar with powdered milk and the jam was on my stale bread:).
You are such a fun creative Mom. B

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious and I know they enjoy eating with friends.

Marie said...

You've got some lucky boys! I'm glad they're enjoying lunch bunch. Cute bears!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

That is such a great way to take their lunch! My kids would love this!

Barbara said...

So cute! i love that they want to take their lunch!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I've got to remember to try a roll up with Mia...thanks for feeding me all your ideas!!!...:)JP

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

So cute and yummy looking! I bet the boys are proud to pull out their lunches. Glad they enjoy eating with their friends!

Sharon Wagner said...

I've never seen those bear biscuits before. I don't usually put a lot of thought into how my food looks. But I made walleye and cauliflower the other night. The plate was all white. And I swear it didn't taste as good. No worries about that at your house.

TexWisGirl said...

*sniff* they're growing up...

Gail Dixon said...

Looks healthy AND fun! You're a good momma.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Oh how cute and fun! I bet they enjoyed eating this lunch :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Can't believe that those little twins are growing up so fast... I'm sure they love school --and eating lunch with friends must be special. Their lunch looks delicious.

An Apel a Day said...


Mica was on a cold lunch kick last year. Now all he wants is hot lunch. At least they changed their menus to be healthier.

I have to say last year I was sick of making cold lunches. This year I miss it.

Liz Mays said...

Any pretzels they leave behind will happily be eaten by me. Just so you know.

Are We There Yet! said...

I bet with two, you have to make sure you give them the exact same number of pretzels etc....

Cute little containers for luches.

Deborah Ann said...

I bet your kids are a big hit in the lunchroom! What a cute idea!

renae said...

I love your muffin tin Mondays. If you were my mom, I would love you FOREVER. I do love my Mom forever, but to get that fun fancy food is so wonderful and fun.

The Cranky said...

They are growing up so quickly! I bet they are thrilled to get to take their lunches to school just like their big brother. =)

Nancy said...

The ham and cheese rolls look ummy!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Bela refeição...Espectacular....

Michelle said...

Those spider muffin cups are so cute.

Linda said...

Cute ideas! Hope you fare well in the storm. Some of the Blue Ridge is getting snow.

Mary said...

Yummm..grapes carried by spiders. a favorite!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

can i have some of that good food?

Angela said...

I'll bet they feel like they are big boys now like Pierce getting to do the lunch thing at school!

Grandma Bonnie said...

It is so fun when they get to eat with their friends. I remember my youngest sons first time eating lunch in school. He cam home with a full lunch pail. Until this day he hardly eats anything for lunch. I think it is great they did not leave much left over.

Sandy said...

How cute that kids that young have a lunch

Kim said...

I love those lunch boxes!