Thursday, October 25, 2012

Farm Days at the Homestead Creamery - Rural Thursday

I've blogged plenty of times about how much we enjoy going to the Homestead Creamery for ice cream.  Well once a year they open up their farm for Farm Days, and this year we made a point of attending.

It was very well attended.  The boys wanted to head to the petting zoo first thing.  The goats were friendly and I liked that they didn't head butt the kids.

This little calf was also very friendly, and the twins gave him lots of extra petting. 

There were free samples of Homestead Creamery milk in chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.  This picture kind of looks like Pierce is eyeing Reid's strawberry milk, doesn't it...

Local merchants attended with various wares for sale.  Paul really liked one of the local coffee displays with free samples.

We watched several blacksmiths at work and looked at some hand forged tools from the middle part of the 19th century.

We watched them making apple cider, and they also had samples available. 

I enjoyed watching several men turning wood.  They had beautiful pieces available to buy - I really liked the wooden snowmen ornaments.

And of course, you can't go to a creamery farm and not be prepared to see plenty of cattle!

This one was taking a little dip in the stream.

Pumpkin roll samples.

Finally, we ended the day with some ice cream.  It was messy.  Very messy.  In some cases, messier than in others.

But a little ice cream mess doesn't stop the fun.

Who wants a cute little garden shed like this one?

Look at him.  I think he's proud of his messy face, shirt, and pants.  

Overlooking the farm, on the walk back to the car through a field of turnips.
What a great (and free!) way to spend a Saturday morning!

It's Rural Thursday!  Time to link up with Nancy from A Rural Journal and myself with your tales or pictures of the rural life.  Just grab the code below the button and paste it into your blog.  Then come back and add your url to the linky.  Please remember to visit the blogs of at least 5 other participants and leave them some comment love.  Enjoy!


  1. This looks like wonderful, and wonderfully messy, fun!

  2. How cute they are, Lisa. Looks like a fun time for all.

  3. oh how sweet Lisa... I remember such outings with my girls when they were small like that... and yes messy faces make everything more silly and fun!

  4. has been a long time since I have been to a creamery.

  5. That is my idea of a great day! Obviously, the boys agree. :)

  6. Hi Lisa,

    It looks like your family had a wonderful day! The twins are so adorable petting the animals. Did Reid ever share his strawberry milk with Pierce? Cute photo!

  7. Hi. It looks like a very fantastic day.
    Your childen(?) are very cute. Wishing you a wonderful week.

  8. Oh Lisa that looks like so much fun I would love to go their and get dirty laugh and get ice cream all over my face. A great Sat. morn indeed. B

  9. that looks fun! we thought of going to it but had a football game...maybe next year! enjoyed the pics!!

  10. What a great time you must of had ~ Photos are excellent and the children adorable ~ ( Creative Harbor)

    thanks for coming by and commenting ^_^

  11. Wow, looks like you guys had a blast! A farm, tasty (messy) treats, cattle . . .

    (I love the one wading in the stream, by the way.)

  12. Gosh they looked they had so much fun! I am surprised the animals didn't lick all over them! So cute.

  13. The boys look so happy and so cute! Sounds like y'all had a great time. I love the garden shed!

  14. So much fun here! Those boys are precious!!! Love those messy ice cream faces :)

    My 18 yr old would love to have a forge (?) and do some blacksmithing. He talks about it all the time.

  15. It looks like you had a very fun day!! And it looks like Cort could use a dip in the stream as well;)

  16. Somehow I commented on the bottom post. Sorry!

    My kids would love something like this! Strawberry milk sounds so good right now!

  17. What a fun day! I would love to visit that dairy farm. Looks like the boys had a really good time.

  18. I like the all over the face shot, it must have been very good.

  19. your boys make me smile. you had me at ice cream samples. :)

  20. Those were fun pictures of the boys! Looks like a super fun day and of course tons of memories for the family...thanks for posting!

  21. awwww they are just so cute!!

    great pictures!!

  22. Thanks for the visit and your very kind comment.

    Farm days are awesome! We have a local college, Delaware Valley College - that has an agriculture program and the students do some similar events.

  23. What pretty and fun photos, I love the joy that transmit, delicious experience. Greetings.

  24. This looks like such a fun and yummy time!

  25. I love attending little free festivals and such. I wanted to go to the Orchard when I was down south last weekend for some apple cider but we had too much to do :(

  26. I just can't get over how many people come to this event!! It looks so much fun...miss this style of life sometimes! Thank you for being such a loyal commentator on these linky parties. Every week you are always so loyal about coming to the blogs to say a sweet comment or two. I for one appreciate it. I have just become a follower on your blog.
    Have a great day.
    pride in photos

  27. Hope your IT band is feeling better, Baby Girl...What a great time for everyone...even us! Love the picture going through the turnips!!!...:)JP

  28. Boys, icecream and fun. I think the combination is perfect mess included. Thanks for the linky I linked up this week.

  29. I would love to do something like this! That looks like such a great time!

  30. Oh how I love posts that you do like this one. Seeing how happy the boys are --and how much fun they are having just makes me SMILE.... Looks like a great time!!!!! I'd love that ice cream myself. ha

    By the way, have you run your marathon yet???? I may have missed a post since you have been out-of-town... Thinking of you --and hope that you did well...


  31. What a great fun filled day and that garden shed is adoreable.

  32. I have never seen how they make apple cider before...looks like yall had fun

  33. What a fun event and it's obvious your boys thought so too! :)

  34. I had to do something else that day, glad you got to take the kids, it is a nice outing and they have the best ice cream around here. When Carrie was in elementary school, they toured the plant where they were making the ice cream and yogurt that day. Fun stuff.

  35. You can't argue with a visit to a place where you get multiple treats in one day!

    I'm glad the goats don't headbutt there!

  36. Your boys sitting in the chairs with their treats is too cute! Looks like a fun day for all.

  37. Ice Cream all over a kids face is just the best, especially when eating outside! Loved this post, Lisa. Thank you!

  38. The boys are so cute in these pics!

  39. Looks like such a good time... I remember when my kids were that age, treasure each moment they grow up fast...

  40. A wonderful mess Lisa. Loving all of the samples they offer. :)

  41. I saw the strawberry in that cup. The kids looked like they had so much fun! Proud of a mess! Reminds me of when I was a kid too!!

  42. Looks like a GREAT Day! Why does going to a "creamery" sound so much better than a "dairy farm"???

    May I save a copy of your cute garden shed photo for my personal use (not to be shared)? I am looking to update our shed and I love the look of this one!!

  43. That garden shed and the boys sitting in those little chairs is just darling! Glad you got out and had some sticky, ice cream kind of fun!


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