Tuesday, October 30, 2012

H is for Hermit Crab

Pierce has been eagerly waiting for the day his kindergarten class would do the letter 'H'.  His teacher promised that on the day that they talked about 'H' he could bring Misty the hermit crab to school.  On the night before Misty was to go to school, Pierce was supposed to be practicing writing the numbers.  Somehow, he got slightly diverted on his homework. 
 Luckily, it appears from the note that came back that Pierce's teacher had a sense of humor about the unsolicited note he wrote on his number homework.

Pierce carefully packed Misty into her carrying cage and was ready to take her to school.  Misty didn't say one way or another what she thought of the bus ride.
When Pierce came home, he said that all the kids wanted to take Misty home.  He said that he told them they had to be very quiet around her and to just tell her "Hello".  He said that all the kids drew pictures of Misty that day, and Pierce himself brought a picture he'd drawn of Misty home. 

I'm pretty sure Pierce will be talking about the day Misty went to kindergarten for a very long time. 


  1. Awww, such a happy memory!

    I'm afraid my kindergarten teacher probably remembers me a little less fondly. Having brought a cocoon I'd found to school so we could all watch a 'butterfly' emerge imagine my surprise...and the teacher's horror...when we found thousands of baby praying mantises crawling around the classroom the next day. I daresay Pierce's teacher will have much happier memories of him!

    Thank you so much for your sweet comment by the by, it was very much appreciated.

  2. How exciting for him to get to show off Misty.

    LOL.... I guess he couldn't contain himself to get all his numbers practiced.

  3. Oh Pierce is a very cool dude and now he is probably the most popular kid in class now:) B

  4. I can see his excitement in your photo, Lisa. What a special day for him. :)

  5. That is adorable! I love how excited he was! What a fun experience :-)

  6. What a sweet post. I had to giggle when I saw the homework. You can see how excited he was in that picture.

  7. So glad that he got to take Misty to class! So sweet!

  8. How fun that Misty got to go to school! Pierce takes good care of his pet, I can tell.

  9. Oh he is a cutie pie! And he sure looked so happy to take his crab to school! And he takes really good care of it too. sandie

  10. What a cute picture... Pierce looks so happy with Misty.... How cute!!!!!

    Hope you all are okay --after the storm...

  11. I enjoyed that story. I love how kids get excited by simple things, like taking a hermit to school!

  12. Isn't he just cute? oh my gosh!!! I see he resembles his cute momma's smile. I love when guys get excited about sharing their interests at a young age. I work with the Cub Scouts at that is the best thing ever.

  13. Oh that piece of homework is one for the scrapbooks!

  14. My wife happened to go in his room and got to see Misty, she said he was being real careful that the other kids didn't hurt the crab.
    You have a real sharp little boy!

  15. Such a sweet story! I miss when my boys were little.

  16. It's weird but I still vividly remember having a hermit crab when I was 5-7ish. It must be something about HCs that stick in a kid's mind? Anyhow, I am sure he will talk about it for quite some time and that is super cool!

  17. Just not sure there's a whole lot cuter than this!

  18. That is so sweet. What a precious look on his face!

  19. Oh so sweet. I am sure all the children will remember the hermit crab for a long time. I think all young boys like things that crawl. Hope you have a great day.

  20. How Sweet!! Pierce looks so happy :)

  21. Love his paper from school. He was definitely excited to bring Misty to school. I bet it was a great day for him.

  22. What an exciting day that must have been for him.

  23. Oh Lord, I never even thought about the day Deaglan's going to want to take something live! So far the weirdest thing he wanted to take for his show and share were chicken bones from the night before's dinner.


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