Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Historic Harpers Ferry

Even though I was tired from the marathon, and my injury was painful, I wasn't going to let the opportunity to explore historic Harpers Ferry pass!  So after a shower and some refueling, I was ready to go.  We went to visit Jefferson Rock, which is on the Appalachian Trail.

From the rock, you can see the Potomac River, and some of historic Harpers Ferry.

This is the ruins of St. John's Episcopal Church. 

Isn't it beautiful?

An old community root cellar.  There were several inside this long rock wall.

I loved this building, because all around it there were signs that told you how to tell what had been there before.  It was neat to learn what archaeologists look for in old buildings.

General Store

I will always remember running through this part of historic Harpers Ferry as the sun was just starting to rise, and eagerly anticipating returning later in the day to explore. 

North vs. South

John Brown's Fort

The soldiers were cooking up some dinner.

Eating and chatting.

And we came to that footbridge that I had run over the morning of the marathon.  It is part of the Appalachian Trail.  The boys were excited to cross the bridge themselves.  I told them about how earlier that morning it had a layer of ice and was slippery.

Most hikers consider Harpers Ferry the halfway point on the Appalachian Trail, even though it isn't quite exact.  It's sort of a mental halfway. 
By this time, my leg was done, so we hobbled slowly back to the hotel, where the boys went swimming, and I ordered myself some more food! 


Barbara said...

That looks like such a fun trip. I love that picture of the "north vs. South"!

Jill said...

I do wish I lived closer to this historical goldmine.

Your boys are so cute!

EG CameraGirl said...

I didn't know Harper's Ferry was considered the halfway mark on the Appalachian Trail. But then, the only part of the trail that I'm familiar with is in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and New York.

Heather said...

Very cool! I love to see the history of the areas that I travel to. I hope your leg is feeling better!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa I do hope your injury is healing and you are not in pain. A Chiro hope is helping.
It was nice to see the sights with you and the boys and you still did awesome never doubt that. Hugs B

Tanya Breese said...

i love harpers ferry. i also enjoyed that archaeology building...a marathon through the town would be strenuous, it's so hilly! hope your leg is feeling better!

Mary Smith said...

Congrats on the marathon! The pictures look fantastic.

Kerri Farley said...

Oh what a great place to explore - AND a great history lesson for your boys!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Sounds like an amazing trip and a great educational experience:)

Anonymous said...

I loved exploring downtown Harper's Ferry too.

Liz Mays said...

I want to go! I love the combination of history and natural beauty. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I visited Harper's Ferry years ago--I was a teenager--but I remember having a good time. I'm glad you were able to enjoy it, too, after your run. Hope the injury is feeling better!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Sorry about the injury.

But your excursion looks fun! I'm glad you all were able to do such fun activities together!

Debbie said...

i freakin' love these places!!

TexWisGirl said...

i like the north vs south shot. :)

Anonymous said...

I seriously love the history of these places... maybe one day I'll be able to visit, I'd LOVE it!

Thank you for your comment about my stolen camera... I'm going to make another round thru the pawn shops, today at lunch... it makes me mad all over again, but I can't NOT look, ya know, cuz there's a chance it might just turn up... trying to keep positive! =)

Becky Jane said...

Sorry to hear about your IT band...hope you heal fast. Your photo tour makes me want to go and visit this awesome historic spot.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

So cool! That root cellar looks awesome. Hope you recover quickly :)

The Cranky said...

This is beautiful; I've long wanted to visit Harper's Ferry so seeing it through your eyes was awesome!

Hope your knee is healing and hope you'll keep us posted.

Sally said...

I'm sorry not to have been around much, Lisa, but especially don't like to hear you were injuried. Please take good care, and know I'm thinking of you

Love the photo's; so good that you were able to do that. :)

Are We There Yet! said...

Oh how fun Lisa!! Looks like a place that I would enjoy visiting.

Unknown said...

Lisa: I'm sorry to learn of your injury. I was a distance runner before a couple of surgeries put an end to that hobby. I miss it. The photos from the trip are fun and it's obvious that it was a big hit for the kids! :) Feel better!!

Sandy said...

Looks like a fun trip for the boys...and you too if not for the injury. Sorry I haven't been stopping by...life happens I guess.

Angela said...

I hope your leg is better! It has been many years since I've walked around Harper's Ferry. Way too long! I need to get back there. When we lived in Maryland we would drive there to get our West Virginia fix because it was closer than driving all the way home. We also kept our cars registered in WV so we would drive there to get our cars inspected to keep our stickers current! lol Looking back I can't believe we did that for 4 years!

Grandma Bonnie said...

You got some awesome pictures. I love learning so much about history from that area. I plan to visit the area in a few weeks. I hope you are healing well.

Marie said...

I'm glad you were still able to enjoy yourself. :) I like traveling with you!

BlueShell said...

Beautiful indeed...
and your children are so charming and lovely. God Bless your family!

Vision By Mila said...

I love old places and ruins!

Valerie Boersma said...

Harper's Ferry is such a neat place! Amy would love to visit too-especially from the perspective of a future archaeologist!

Irish Italian Blessings said...

So fun! Love the pic of North vs South boys.