Friday, October 12, 2012

Ladies: What to Pack for a Marathon and Instead Softcup Review

My marathon is literally right around the corner.  There is a bit of planning that goes into what to take on the day of the big race.  For an average runner like myself, you can expect to be running for at least four hours, so you want to make sure you have everything you might need during that time. 

I like to run marathons in shorts, if at all possible.  They are less likely to cause chaffing than tights, and the shorts I run in have handy pockets across the back for me to stash all my gels that I eat for nutrition in.  Black shorts are perfect, because if it rains, they won't be too see-through.

I usually alternate between a few flavors of energy gels, starting at the 10 mile mark and eating one every 3 miles. 

I try to time my running shoes so that I have a fairly new pair with less than 100 miles on them.  This pair only has about 30 miles, so they will have good shock absorption over the miles.  But they are the same trusty brand I always use, so I won't have to worry about breaking them in.

Luckily, I don't have to worry about a period for this marathon, but if I did, I'd be sure to pack Softcup.  I am a recent convert, but I can say that this will absolutely be my running choice from here on out.  It's period protection that can be worn for 12 hours and is completely comfortable.  You don't even notice it's there, and it is made without latex, silicone, dioxins or anything creepy like BPA.  Also, there are no strings or wings so you really just kind of forget about it.  Once I put this to the test during a cycle, I was thinking this was truly one of the greatest inventions for women ever!  It's also perfect for other sports like swimming, and can be worn overnight.  As an added bonus, Instead Softcup is not associated with Toxis Shock Syndrome (TSS). 
The other things I always pack are a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread for breakfast the morning of the race, two ibuprofin (which I put in a teeny tiny plastic bag that spare buttons come in with shirts) to keep in my pocket during the race in case of injury (this I learned the hard way) and a tiny bit of vaseline for chaffing or chapped lips in case of windy conditions.  Don't forget to bring your race registration, and write any pertinent health information on the back of your race bib just in case something goes wrong on race day. 
Now that my training is done, I'm just hoping for good weather and a healthy morning the day of my race - and that I will be able to finish injury free. 
Disclaimer:  I was sent a month supply of Instead Softcup to try, and I was compensated for my review.  The opinions stated above are my honest opinions and are not influenced in any way.  If you would like to find out more about Instead Softcup (I recommend you do!) check them out on Facebook or Twitter.


  1. It sounds like you have it all covered. You look ready to run!

  2. You are an inspiration! All of your hard work will pay off!

  3. I'll keep my fingers crossed you remain injury free; it sounds as though you have everything else covered!

  4. Good luck! I can't even think about a 5k let alone a marathon! How many have you done?

  5. Wish they had those softcup things back when I needed them :-)
    You know I always say special prayers for you on your race day. Let me know how it goes.
    Love, Mom

  6. Not much i can say on this post! :) But good luck on race! !! Happy weekend to you

  7. I love how you fit your review into an excellent post about running prep! You're my running idol, woman! I bow down to you. :)

    And have always been curious about those "cup" products, good to know you had a good experience.

  8. good luck, lisa! i hope you run well without injury or pain!

  9. I'd say you're ready! Now...the Softcup has me curious. **off to Google**

  10. You go girl you are well prepared and I am sure you will do well. Have a great time that is the important thing. B

  11. Good luck Lisa! I hope you have a terrific run on race day!!

    I'll be convo-ing soon:)

  12. Best of luck to you! I am always inspired by marathon runners. I've only run a 5k and that was hard enough!

  13. Very nice post full of info and spirit. May you have an excellent marathon and that you will feel pleased with how you did.

  14. Hope the run goes great for you! looks like you have it together!

  15. Those gels sound interesting. I am past periods but when I was back in HS over 40 years ago and friend of mines father was working on this very idea for cups!

  16. Sounds like you're thoroughly prepared. :-)

    Good luck with the run!

  17. Hmmmm never heard of Softcup, thank goodness I don't need anything like that any longer.

    Shorts!!!! I would freeze my butt off.

    Good luck to you in the race. I wish you well.

  18. Good to know what to pack in case I ever run in a marathon.

    Good luck!!

  19. I'm excited for you! I hope things go well for you. Thanks for telling us about Softcup. I haven't heard about them, but they sound great!

  20. Good luck, Lisa! Can't wait to hear about the marathon!

  21. Good luck Lisa! I know you will do good! I wouldn't have a clue as to what to do during a marathon. I've never heard of the softcup.

  22. Wishing you the best of luck on race day! I wish there was softcup around win I was younger. I hope you have a great weekend.

  23. Sounds like you are ready for your big Marathon.. I'm sure you will do WELL... My thoughts and prayers are with you, Lisa.

    Have a great weekend/week.

  24. Solid advice!
    GOOD LUCK!!!!

  25. WTG sounds like you are all set to go.

  26. Never heard of softcup.. Glad you found something that works.. You are ready for another sweet is that.. In our town they had a marathon and lots of runners had those shoes that look like feet.. I really thought that was funny.
    Have a great run and know that I want to hear all about it...
    ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  27. You go girl, well packed/prepared.

  28. De nuevo por tu casa, disfrutando de las cosillas que nos dejas. Siempre un placer.

  29. I thought they were a pair of your French knickers then Lisa. You Tease!!!x

  30. Sounds like you are well prepared and ready to go! Good luck!! (and it isn't luck, I's hard training...but you know what I mean!)

  31. You're such an inspiration, Lisa. I don't think I would have even started walking had it not been for you talking about running! So, thank you!

    Have a blessed Sunday with the "boys". :)

  32. I'm glad you won't have to worry about your period this time out, but it's nice to know that you could feel very secure if you were on it. :)

  33. I'm not a runner, so I had no idea how much planning you have to do for such an event!

    Good luck! Make us proud! ;)


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