Thursday, October 4, 2012

Twins on Tractor - Rural Thursday

Vroom Vroom!

Vroomy Vroom Vroom!

Cort at the Wheel!

But wait!  It's Reid's turn!

Unassuming border collie in the line of fire...

May little things make you smile today!

In other news, PBS Parents has republished one of my crafts I did with the boys a while back.  If you'd like to - go check out how to make a rocket ship craft out of tissue boxes!

It's Rural Thursday!  Time to link up with myself and Nancy from A Rural Journal.  Just grab the code beneath the button and paste it into your blog post about rural life.  Then come back and add your direct url to the linky.  Please remember to visit and comment on the blogs of at least 5 other participants.  Have fun!    


renae said...

O congrats on the PBS Parents deal. awesome!! Your boys are soooo adorable. I love these pics of them. hahahhaha. Why am I up so late....? I don't know! Can't wind down I guess.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your post being republished. The rocket really is amazing.

Anonymous said...

what fun shots!

andy said...

How fun! !!!!"

Are We There Yet! said...

How fun for the boys on the tractor. Congratulations to you!! I am headed over now to check out the rocket.

Kerri Farley said...

Your boys are adorable!!

Sandy said...

Oh my gosh....those giant ear muffs are cracking me up!

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic photos of twins on the tractor and love the collie ~ You are one busy lady ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Anne Payne said...

Oh my goodness! Your boys are so stinkin' adorable!!!

Congrats on PBS Parents and your rocket craft project. It's a cute one!


Vores have said...

Nice pics you youre dog.
Hanne Bente

Barbara said...

They look like they are having a great time!

TexWisGirl said...

your little tractor men are adorable. :)

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

BIG congrats on the PBS special!!!! Too always the twins are very cute.
Laurie @ pride in photos

tiarastantrums said...

yes, the little things do make us smile for sure

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

They are so adorable with those huge ear muffs!

Congratulations on PBS Parents using your craft!

Sally said...

Awesome news on the rocket!

Those precious boys! Love seeing their photo's.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Congrats on PBS that is incredible.
Oh I just love seeing your happy smiling farmer boys. B

Candy C. said...

Boys and tractors, a perfect combination!! :)

renae said...

and ...congrats on winning the Shabby Apple drawing over at Sandie's. You know that was meant for me, but I sure don't understand how your name got drawn, hmmm?????

Liz Mays said...

You're such a good mom with the ear protection!

Also, congrats on that craft being republished. Yippee!

Carletta said...

They are so cute!
The look on Reid's face is priceless.

Out on the prairie said...

made me think of sitting on all the lawn tractors at a Sears as a kid

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Such cute photos! Your boys are adorable :)

An Apel a Day said...

Such fun. They are our future drivers.

I'll go check out your rocket.

Leovi said...

Yes, I think it is a great tractor, that handsome ... good pictures. A greeting.

Gail Dixon said...

Although my kids are adults now, they always remember the tractor ride with my grandfather. So sweet. Congrats on the publication!

Anonymous said...

Aren't they cuuute! Run for you life, PuP! LoL! =)

Valerie Boersma said...

PBS! How cool is that! Congrats, Lisa!!

Your boys are so cute! And your pup is so calm!! Thanks for sharing these photos:)

Chris said...

Lisa, joyriding is a criminal offence here in Britain!x

Ellie said...

Oh my goodness your wee boys are so cute!! Your pictures certainly made me smile today. :))

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you - you are an awesome mom!
Love the photos on the tractor. Seems we all liked to ride when we were young!

Anonymous said...

What cute pictures!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I stopped by PBS parents and I think that is an awesome recycling craft idea. The boys look like they belong on a tractor. I was just talking about getting a collie for my husband. The collie looks well trained.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Congrats on the PBS post- that is fantastic! The boys are too cute- they are sure growing up fast!

Debbie said...

they are just too cute for words!!

nice shout out on the craft project!!

Angela said...

So cute! Boys do love their tractors!

Chatty Crone said...

I love the little ones riding with head phones - so cute.

Mary said...

Cute kids on tractor...such great gigantic climbing structure. It's better than a playground.

Marie said...

these pics made me smile! ty! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, We have a VERY busy weekend since my son is getting married..... Should be TERRIFIC.

Congrats on getting your craft published. That's awesome...

Your sons are adorable... Love the photos.

Nancy said...

Look out, toddlers at the wheel! They get that need for speed so young. :)

Congrats on the craft feature. That's wonderful!

Unknown said...

Such a fun post! Cute kids, and the "unassuming Border Collie"! :)

Eat To Live said...

Your boys are so cute Lisa. All 3 of them. They look they are loving it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They look so cute and I love the earphones! How awesome that they posted your post and what a great project.

EG CameraGirl said...

Oh WOW! How do boys know so young that they're gonna like things with wheels? These photos are keepers. I love them!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh gosh look at how cute they are!

Betty Manousos said...

how adorable!
your kids look like they have a lot of fun!

wonderful photos too:)


Betty Manousos said...

...and you little men are incredibly adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Hi dear :) thank you for commenting Nancy's post on my blog 'wonderland'. love your new template! xxo

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

Congrats on the PBS Deal that is totally awesome.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Those pictures are cute!