Friday, October 19, 2012

Visiting the Appalachian Trail Conservancy

Paul and I have long dreamed of hiking the Appalachian Trail in its entirety.  I hope it's a dream that becomes realized in the retirement years.  We've read numerous books about thru-hikers, and were excited to see the Appalachian Trail Conservancy in person when we were in Harpers Ferry. 
 Inside we found a Hiker Lounge with computers, a couch, and drinks, and a huge map of the Appalachian Trail.  Behind the map, was a surprise for the boys.

They hopped right in this pretend shelter and played backpackers while Paul and I wandered around.

This is a bulletin board of all the successful thru-hikers from 2011.  Maybe one day my picture will be up there?

A sign from Katahdin, the mountain in Maine where the AT ends for the South-North hikers.

Of course, you don't expect to just find a bathroom did you?  On the AT, you'll be looking for a privy.
Paul picked out a poster, and we got a metal AT sign to hang in our cabin.  I also picked up a little surprise for my brother for Christmas, as he likes all things AT as well. 

What about you, readers....would you ever want to hike from Georgia to Maine?


  1. I've hiked tiny segments near our home in Vermont and crossed paths with through hikers. It's really a fascinating goal. I'm more likely to ride my bicycle coast to coast, though - someday I hope.

  2. Personally? however I LOVE the idea, and we do take the dogs on hikes, just not that kind of distance. I've seen parts of it over the years and it is beautiful.. I hope you get to do it and that you'll blog about it!

  3. What a great dream to hike the Appalachian Trail. I hope it becomes a reality for you. Sounds like something I would like to do but my Hubs would never go for it.

  4. I think you should *run* the AT, hiking takes too long :-)

  5. I don't think I feet could take it. I have walked tiny parts of it. That is more my speed.

  6. I can see your photo up there now. You Paul and the boys or should I say young men. They are going to love doing it with Mom and Dad a true family adventure. :) B

  7. Your dad and I would be happy to take your boys for 3 or 4 months so you and Paul can go do this. Hard to sleep on the ground after you get old.

  8. I know that if you decide to do it, you WILL accomplish it!

  9. Your boys are so cute! I don't think I could ever hike that far, but kudos to you for wanting to go for it!

  10. I don't think I could do it. What an amazing thing for those people that can do it though!

  11. What a wonderful goal to do this! I have also had such a fascination with the A. trail, and have often thought how wonderful it would be to do this. Will look forward to a book from you when you someday accomplish this. Have you thought of doing sections with your kids as they get a bit older?

  12. Looks like you all had some great fun along the way.

  13. Ha, don't think at my age that I could make it. But I hope you and your family get to!

  14. When we lived in Virginia we often hiked bits and pieces too. I'd love to hike the entire trail some day. Have you read bill Bryson's book, by the way?

  15. NEat place--I know a family who hikes a section at a time every year. That's how I would do it.

  16. I used to want to but I'm too old... well, not really, but too lazy now that I'm a senior citizen. So don't wait too long!
    I've done some sections of it. Beautiful areas.

  17. No I haven't given that hike any thought but I do admire those who do. I am more the cabin type then the backpacking type.

  18. I helped sponsor a 'kid' I know (in his mid-20's now)who just completed the entire trail and blogged about it. It was so much fun to tag along with him that way. I would love to hike parts, but not the whole thing!

  19. I hope you and Paul realize this dream one day. I attended college in n. GA and have hiked some areas. I loved it and have such fond memories. Too old and stiff now but I do love the trail.

  20. I'm sure it would be a beautiful hike! Why wait until you retire? When the boys are teenagers I bet they'd love to make it a family vacation.

  21. You and Paul are more ambitious than I am! I have never even thought about hiking that far. First I need to see all of our 66 acres that I've never seen! lol

  22. I would totally do that...just to say that I've done that. But that's just me. I like challenges.

    Jessica recently posted, Flashback Friday: Tale of my batshiz crazy rabbit.

  23. What a great goal, and I have a feeling you'll meet it!

    I don't think I'd ever hike the whole thing, but I'd like to hike parts of it.

  24. Lisa - you have so many wonderful things to do there!

  25. What a fun area to explore,a nice goal to complete

  26. what a great challenge!
    i'm sure you can accomplish it, lisa! i 've never thought of hiking that far.

    hope your weekend is going well~


  27. When I was in high school we had a group that went every year. They never hiked the whole thing, but since it starts in Maine, it was a logical trip for our outdoors club :-)

  28. I had lots of days of reading your blog to catch up.. I enjoyed the marathon day,,sorry your were hurting. I really enjoyed the cemetery over looking the Potomac, I love cemeteries ~ especially if there is place where they honor the military. Usually it's civil war..which I am most interested in looking at with all the history written..
    I have walked some of the Appalachian Trail as I was part of the Girl Scout Walking Club when I was in High School. We would walk 17 miles every Saturday.. I have walked the whole Erie Canal that is in the Akron <Ohio area.. That was very interesting.
    So glad you get the boys out in the fresh air and taking lots of pictures so they can see where the family has been ...almost everyday.
    ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  29. I think it would be awesome!! But I think I would do north to south so I wouldn't have to worry about snow catching me on the northern end :) My cousin's husband does trail maintenance in the 100-mile wilderness in Maine!

  30. Lisa, You are in such great shape, I'm sure you will be able to make this dream come true! My BIL and a couple of nephews walked for a few days on the trail with a group from their church. It's a lot tougher than people think it's going to be, though. I really enjoyed reading "A Walk In The Woods" by Bill Bryson. He is hilarious.

  31. What a lovely place to visit...good for little family members.

  32. I used to hike before marriage...the husband isnt much of a hiker so given up!!

  33. Hope you get to do it! I would not want to. :)

  34. I have such bad feet problems. I'd never be able to go for that.

  35. Not that far, but I'm sure Blog Bud Sage has done this!


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