Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Pumpkin Patch - Jeter Farm - Rural Thursday

Cort and Reid took a field trip with their school to the Jeter Farm Pumpkin Patch this year.  That morning, Pierce had a party at school, and got to wear his Halloween costume.  Cort and Reid wanted to wear their costumes too, but their costumes weren't so great for a day at the pumpkin patch.  So we settled on superhero capes and masks instead.

All Reid ever wants to do is drive the tractor.  His teachers said he talks about our blue tractor all the time at preschool. 

Petting Zoo

Thank goodness we didn't get extremely lost in the corn maze this year.  The corn maze at Jeter is much easier than the one we usually do.

Hay bale picture opp:

More races through the corn maze:

Children of the corn:

Reid found an ear of corn, that he carried all through the corn maze, and then promptly fed to a cow, which caused Cort to jump in surprise.  Somehow, I caught this cute moment with my camera.

Finding the perfect pumpkins:

And a dunk in the corn crib finishes out our fun day.

It's Rural Thursday!  Link up with Nancy from A Rural Journal and myself with your fun tales of the rural life.  Just grab the code below the button and paste it into your blog post.  Then come back and add your url to the linky.  Be sure to visit at least 5 other participants and leave them some comment love! 


  1. Lisa - Shouldn't this Blog Hop be staring today November 1st on Thursday. Why is it dated November 2nd?

  2. That is SO sweet Lisa, and great capture of the scary corn-eating cow adventure!

  3. What lovely picsand such happy boys! Great memories! Just lovely! Joan

  4. I love seeing the photos of children having such a good time at the corn maze! They're adorable in their costumes. My boys only go to indulge me now, but they had great fun when they were little.

  5. Oh Lisa Cort and Reid are surely the cutest Super Heroes, oh this would have been so much fun I can almost smell the corn and hear all those giggles.What a perfect day for Super Heros with big smiles and happy cows:) Awesome photos.B

  6. Adorable! It looks like a really fun day!

  7. The twins look like they are having so much fun and I love their shirts! What a moment you captured with the cow eating the corn! Have a great day, Lisa.

  8. Your boys are so cute! These photos are precious!

  9. The twins look like they had alot of fun! Outfits look great

  10. I LOVE Jeter Farm. It's about 5 minutes from our home and when the grandkids are here in autumn time, we take them there... the corn maze is WONDERFUL! The boys look so awesome in their capes and what great photos you took. Did you get a new camera perhaps??

  11. They are so cute... I especially like the shot of them running away from you with capes flying! Thank you for hosting...

  12. Thing 1 & Thing 2? Haha, enjoy these precious days!

  13. I love the boys' costumes! Perfect. :))

  14. Wow! Those l'il bears' are so adorable ~ full of life and great energy ~ Excellent photography ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  15. Their little happy smiles are just making me smile too. Love it! What cutie pies.

  16. Fantastic photos! You caught some great moments, especially Reid feeding the cow the corn. You will have a precious record of your young children.

  17. Their shirts are HILARIOUS! Love it so much. The photo of them running in the corn maze with their capes flapping is so great!

  18. Pumpkin patches are so much fun! Last year we went to our local one at night. We got SOOOO lost in the corn maze! But it was a ton of fun!

  19. Such fun pictures, I love their costumes! This week I shared a post with tips for women to learn how to hunt since I get asked by so many women about how to get started. Thanks for hosting!

  20. You got some great shots here Lisa. The boys are cute. That was great to get his surprise reaction too! sandie

  21. Your son with the mask made me giggle...too cute of costumes.
    Great job.

  22. Your last 2 posts are overflowing with cuteness!

    I love their superhero capes!

  23. look at your little super heroes! Adorable!

  24. i LOVE the shot of them running into the corn with their capes flying!

  25. Very funny and nice pictures of the two horsemen of the mask

  26. This has got to be one of your Best post ever! I can't pick a favorite, they're all so fantastic!!! Such cute photos! I miss that age. :)

  27. Really great costumes--and what a fun field trip for them.

  28. Your wee guys are sooo cute and you got such great pics of them. :)

  29. Lisa, precious pictures. Thank you for sharing.

  30. That looks like such a fun field trip! I love their shirts!

  31. Looks like they had a fabulous day! :)
    Your "Children of the Corn" are much cuter than the ones I posted yesterday! LOL!!

  32. They're so adorable, Lisa. They both exude so much joy. You captured it well.

  33. They are so adorable, Lisa. Precious moments captured, for sure!

  34. I haven't been to a corn maze in years. The last time I went, I tramped in dog doo.

    How cute the boys shirts are. LOL...

  35. They are adorable! Looks like fun too.

  36. Oh my goodness Lisa! Those are the best costumes! They are just too cute!!!

  37. Best Halloween pics I've seen all week!
    LOVE their T-shirts!
    All the shots make me smile but the one of them running away from you down the row of corn - speaks childhood and little boys!

  38. Wonderful pictures! I love the capes and T-shirts.

  39. How cute -- love the costumes! So creative. :)

  40. The costumes are cute, but I really like the Their smiles show what a wonderful time they were having.

  41. Looks like they had a fun time. I love the pictures of them running through the corn fields.

  42. Oh my goodness, they are so freakin adorable and those T shirts are priceless. I think I need to find them for my two.

  43. Oh, I do not know where I have been...but I missed several of your days...very cute costumed boys. Thanks for the b day nice.

  44. I love their t-shirts!! I need to get that for ALL of my kids ;)
    I love the haybale pic!!


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