Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What Happens When You Throw Out the Halloween Candy

After a few weeks of doling out a couple of pieces of candy each evening to little boys who ate their dinner, I decided it was time to get rid of it all.  Besides, I'd already picked out and consumed the good chocolate myself.
 We let the boys each pick out 3 pieces and then say goodbye to the candy.  And then we realized, that somebody was hoarding! 
All we could do was laugh.  Can you blame him for trying?


EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! Looks like you have a very clever little guy there. :))

Are We There Yet! said...

I see a couple of smarties there which I used to love.

LOL... that is so funny that he decided to hoard some.

Heather said...

Adorable! This sounds like something I would do growing up...or maybe a month ago ;-) Glad to know I'm not the only one who takes the good stuff out of the kids stash!

Cat said...

Awww....melt my heart :-)

andy said...

Well mama it is candy !!!!!! Love it

Eat To Live said...

What a little cutie he is Lisa!

Kerri Farley said...

How Funny! He is such a cutie pie!!

Anonymous said...

He is so smart! What a wonderful plan!

Barbara said...

But he is so precious, how could you not let him keep all that candy!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Haha- he is so smart!! What a cutie!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

that is too funny!! so cute. that last shot is a real keeper. so sweet. i was thinking you were going to say that the garbage man was going to enjoy a real sweet treat. ha. ha!!

hey, i have a Christmas giveaway going on at my blog ... please be sure to stop by. have a great week. ( :

Anonymous said...

Oh ya... it's gone and we are now working on Christmas candy!

P.S. I think Smarties are made in Canada. Is nothing sacred to the U.S. anymore. LOL

Buttons Thoughts said...

A smart young man indeed. Look at that little face:) B

Liz Mays said...

I'd do the same thing! He's just smart!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love the expression on his face! And he picked out some of the good stuff!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

When we had goats, I would give the old candy to them as treats, they would eat suckers stick and all, crunch crunch.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I was looking for my left over halloween candy- and I think somesone ate it!
Thank you for reminding me to go look for it.
And thank you for the sweet comment on my bloggie.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HA HA HA----Love it--and it brought back memories. My youngest son use to hide food under his bed... We would find all kinds of things under there --much of which NOBODY would EVER eat.... ha ha


camp and cottage living said...

Aw...every family has to have one child with a sweet tooth.
When I went to paint last week I found a candy wrapper from last Christmas behind a picture on the wall. We've been finding wrappers behind the beds, under the dressers
every since last year!

Debbie said...

haha, he is just too cute but clearly, all the good stuff had been taken ;)))

soon he will grow up and figure that out!!

Gail Dixon said...

Haha, nope, not a bit! The look you captured on his face is adorable.

Unknown said...

We end up throwing away candy because everyone eats the good stuff then leaves the yucky ones. lol

Michaele said...

How can you throw out Tootsies and Whoopers?

TexWisGirl said...

oh, pass the tootsie roll pops!

Donna Heber said...

Hi Lisa,

No, you can't blame your adorable son for hoarding! Haven't we all tried it at sometime? I brought my leftover candy to work and filled up all the candy jars. I don't want to be tempted and it made them happy. Thank you for stopping to visit me. You are so kind.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Haha I don't blame him! I would have tried the same thing myself :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So Cute! I dont blame him

Angela said...

I don't blame him! lol I'll tell you what I've done with the Halloween candy. I take and hide it and use it in their Christmas stockings! hohoho

An Apel a Day said...

You sound like me! We still have a bag of it.

Isaak would be my hoarder. Not with candy though. More with rocks and leaves.

I love your pictures! So cute.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh so cute. I would have probably wanted to hoard a little myself. I had a sweet tooth when I was much younger.

Unknown said...

Oh, what a laugh I had at this! Reminded me of being clever at that age!! A great post!!! :)

Chatty Crone said...

LOL - no you can't blame him and he is a doll! I would do the same thing. sandie

Anonymous said...

You can't blame a guy for trying!

Too cute!

Linda said...

I think we all tried that at some point. But Mom knows best... and it's best not to have much candy around.

Mary said...

Awh..the candy of it. Justice and tooth decay...hyper activity..who knows what? Not all that tastes good is gold. Good parenting!

Lin said...

Wait! There's a jolly rancher in there......!!!!

Oh, man. :(

Anonymous said...

What? You threw out Smarties????

Andrea said...

TOO cute!!!

And we have a buyback system around here - the local dentists take the candy and send it to the troops. :) We didn't get nearly enough to do that, so we just go through it and she gets some for snack or lunch, but the chocolate has been long gone!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable face!

Valerie Boersma said...

That's my kind of kid! ;) What a cutie!

Nancy said...

Well, I would have paid for the shipping...