Friday, November 30, 2012

What to do about the Ugly Chairs

Recently I was browsing fabrics online, looking for ideas for the reformation of the set of ugly chairs.  I actually love these old chairs, as they were my grandparents', but I'm not too fond of the pattern of the fabric.  I'm sure they were totally fashionable at the time, and perhaps some people would still love the design, but me.....not so much.
If I was going to choose a new fabric, I'd love to find something still fitting with the style - not too contemporary - but perhaps a little less flashy.  I found several options I thought were excellent on the site.  Like Cafu Gold Green -
Or Casablanca Geo Citrine (which I think is my favorite because it's simple yet elegant) -

Or maybe even Freya Watermelon Chenille -

It's so convenient and fun to look online, avoiding all the crowds right now in the stores.  I don't like to go in the stores again until after the holiday season! also has a wide selection of drapery fabrics and there are many discounted options available.  I found the site easy to navigate, and in particular, I liked that I could change the settings to look at a larger number of fabrics at once.  They currently have a large Premier Prints sale that is running through December 3rd.  Plus, there is a convenient Yardage Chart to help you figure out exactly how much material you would need to order to finish your project. 

While, admittedly, it is not in our budget to reupholster these ear chairs at any time in the near future, it's always fun to dream.  What about you, readers?  Do you have any projects you are dreaming of this winter?

Disclaimer:  I have not purchased anything from the site, so my experience relates only to looking at the website.  I was compensated for this post, but the opinions above are my own. 


Liz Mays said...

I think your three choices would make wonderful replacement fabrics!

Karen said...

I absolutely love the watermelon chenille.

andy said...

This comment box isn't big enough lol ! Hopefully I'll get to most of them as soon as the holidays past ! Have a great day

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love the top fabric and I love your chairs.
I was sewing all day yesterday on a project. Hem curtains and then I watched a you tube video on how to make covers for throw pillows from the leftover scraps. I did finish nine covers WOW I cannot believe I actually completed a project on my list. They look great. Now to paint that living room and hallway. That is the plan but I am tired:)
When you get to the project and finish it you will feel free the time for your chairs will come. B

Anonymous said...

I love your choices! I need to get or recover our couch! It has tears from being played roughly with while being part of a pillow fort.

Barbara said...

I really like the shape of those chairs. I think any of the fabrics you chose would look so good on them! If you ever do re-do them, I would love to see pics!

Cat said...

You could make slipcovers for those chairs. I can show you how. Not hard to do and the fabric would be the only expense. I love all your choices, but with your kids and cats, I think you should choose a color that matches dirt. :-)

Heather said...

My list of projects just continues to be carried over year to year :-) When we bought our house, we knew it was a fixer upper, and we have done a lot, but then babies entered the mix, and we kind of lost the motivation. Now that the kids are a bit older I am hoping that we can accomplish a few things this winter. We shall see!

Gone Country said...

That is some really great vintage fabric on that chair! Some people would go nuts over it but like you, while I appreciate the fabric, it's not my kind of style either.

Great selections on the other three. It's fun to 'window shop' from the comfort of your home.

No big projects for me right now. Too much else going on although I am in the midst of making (crocheting, sewing) Christmas gifts. I think Christmas will be here before I'm ready!

Julia said...

I really love the chair in its original glory. Such a fun, bold pattern. BUT---I get the need to change it to your style. I'm currently recovering the glider in our nursery for the same reason :)

I love that Geo Citrine-----lovely, and would add a great pop of color to any room! :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

All the fabrics you considered are lovely and would look good on the chairs. I'd love to do some painting and refurbish an old trunk I have. I just never seem to have the time/money/motivation all at the same time!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Lisa, I do like the look of those chairs. At the same time I totally understand the wish to recover something that you are not happy with. I inherited two chairs that I call "the Monet chairs" from my MIL and desperately need to get them re-upholstered.
My favorite fabric from your choices there is the Casablanca citrine, even if the more practical side of me is saying that the others would hide dirt and wear for longer.

renae said...

Lisa! wait! i have two super blog designers i follow:

Brook at:


Elizabeth at:

i trust both of their design sense and judgement COMPLETELY!!!

check them out and ask their advice. best to you and get to those thrift stores!!!! LOL

Arti said...

Your selection is very pretty. I especially loved the watermelon look! Hope you can do something about those chairs pretty soon. :)

Nancy said...

Acutally, I like your grandparents' fabric. That's no surprise tho. :)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I love that 2nd fabric you posted. Would look great on your chair! I have a very similar chair from my mother-in-law that has a hideous floral print. I really want to reupholster it but for now it's waiting in the garage :)

Debbie said...

I LOVE the first two, both are perfect for that chair! In the next few days, I will be doing a fabric post, because I have been dreaming of fabrics also!

For the possible new house!

Sharon Wagner said...

I drew names out of a hat and you won my book! I also gave your blog a mini shout out. I'll just need your address. Here is my email Now you have a new thing to read in your ugly chair.

EG CameraGirl said...

It's fun to dream and the Internet makes it so inexpensive to just look. ;)

Anonymous said...

Definitely the watermelon chenille

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is a wonderful chair but you are right about the fabric, too loud and all over the place. Although it would look really good in a clown's dressing room. Oops, sorry!!! I don't care for the last swatch, but like you, my favorite is the middle one. Your vegetables are amazing!!!! Huge and almost too beautiful to cook and eat!

Angela said...

That is one bold pattern on those chairs girl! lol Kind of blinding! hehehe I liked the last print the best.

Eat To Live said...

Great choices Lisa, but you will have to live with it for a long time so pick something you really love.

Gail Dixon said...

The chair is so classic. Love it. My favorite pattern is Freya Watermelon Chenille. Totally me and so elegant (not me). I have that same design on a chair throw in blue and brown.

Anonymous said...

I love that last one. The originals have so much character, but I kind of agree with you. Thanks for the info on places to buy fabric - I need to recover the seats on my dining room chairs! sigh.

Anil P said...

All three options are nice. I might've gone with Cafu Gold Green.

When chairs hold memories of associations then they're no longer furniture.

Anonymous said...

I hope you DO recover that chair! And show us!

Marie said...

I actually like the chair and it's covering. :) It reminds me of a tree of life. :) Pretty colors! Good luck with it!

Are We There Yet! said...

I used to have a neighbor that would redo her own chairs. They turned out great. Have you thought of doing it yourself.

camp and cottage living said...

I like the style of your old chairs too. And I don't even mind the fabric. But the watermelon fabric is quite pretty.
We're working on our kitchen, so I don't want any other projects right now!

Linda said...

I actually like the fabric that's on the chair but I wouldn't have done an entire chair in it. I think it would make a cute pillow or shopping bag.

From the samples I can't tell how big the patterns are, but the watermelon chenille is nice if not too large in scale.

Sally said...

Actually, I like all of them. But, the second one is my favorite!


Michaele said...

Something must be wrong with me. I like the first one the best.

Vision By Mila said...

I vote for the Geo Citrine..

An Apel a Day said...

I like the first one! I love how you are trying to do something with the chairs!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are pretty choices. Love the chairs. One thing about older furniture is the excellent construction!

Anonymous said...

I sort of like the original fabric. :) Second one is my favorite as well.