Monday, December 3, 2012

Fitness Recap November 2012

My IT band continues to recover, oh so slowly.  I can now run 3 miles, every other day.  Not very exciting.  I've been doing lots of crosstraining.  The kids continue to do Shred with me.  Paul made them fake weights out of wood.

I'm dreaming of running the track again this winter.  I want to try the track at Pierce's school.  It's crushed gravel, and unusual in that 3 loops make a mile (rather than the usual 4).  Might be easier on my body not to do as many curves.  I'm hoping to be able to pick up some track work in January, if my IT band is strong enough by then. 

It's a pretty place to run on the track, isn't it?  Plus, there's a very convenient playground in the middle, so the boys could have fun there too.

I do have a funny running story for the month.  One of my toenails fell off (a result from the marathon in October) and the twins were really worried about it.  Cort said, "Maybe we can get some glue" and Reid said, "Or some tape!" and Cort said, "Or a bandaid!" and Reid, looking all worried, replied, "Maybe we should give her a hug." and Cort said, "Yes! And a kiss!"  So I was well cared for, in spite of only having 9 toenails left. 

Here's my stats for the month:

Shred (workouts 1 or 2) x 8
Jackie Abs x 4
Yoga x 2
Running = 39 miles

Hoping for something similar in December, ideally with more running! 


  1. Wow - good for you! I've pretty much been a lump lately. I think I will probably be one of those annoying New Years resolution people. Keep up the good work!

  2. Oh I LOVE the toenail story you are a very lucky Mom to be surrounded with caring men like that.
    Hope you mend soon. Three miles not to shabby I think. Have fun on the track. B

  3. Wow! Great job! Even though you are injured you are still going for it. Definitely inspirational :-) And adorable that your boys were concerned about your toe nail!

  4. I know it has to suck that you still can't do as much running as you want, but the time off will be better off in the end!

  5. I'm tired thinking about how much you run ! Lol . Have a great start to your week

  6. I love your boys! They are so caring and loving even to toe nails.

  7. I'm glad you are starting to recover! That track does look like a great place to run. So funny about the toenail! Your boys are so sweet :)

  8. You're amazing, and your boys so sweet!


  9. They take good care of their mommy!

  10. What sweet boys you have! I'm glad you're healing. Sounds like you're still staying busy, even though you can't run as much as you'd like.

  11. aww. i love your boys taking care of you!

  12. I like your support crew. What heart!

  13. Awwww, you are raising three very caring and sympathetic boys, a priceless quality. The track is very nice and has a beautiful view. Does your toe still hurt? Will you grow another back? It must be sore to have socks rub it where there is no nail.

  14. I hope for your sake your IT band strengthens and all is well.

  15. What sweet, caring children you have! That is a lovely place for you to run and an ideal place for the boys to play!

  16. My vote would be to re-attach it with a little bubble gum. I hope my finger nails don't fall off if I have a little drawing marathon today...

  17. How sweet of them! I love how they all thought of things different to tend to your missing toe nail.

    I know this is probably a really dumb question, but do they grow back if they are entirely missing?

    I fell once and broke a bone in my foot. I screamed in pain. Mica came running out of his room and said, "Oh well Daddy can help you when he comes back home." Daddy wouldn't be home for 2 more hours. Mica was 4 at the time. I had to be put in a boot to heel.

  18. Lisa! hahaha! your rest in peace comment made me laugh. but ...hoping Santa has enough money for a new camera is rather hopeless this Christmas.


  19. ooops, geepers. I meant to say my daughter has one I can borrow, at least. thanks for your nice words, Lisa!

  20. I love that the kids are using fake weights, that's definitely a picture opportunity. That track is a gorgeous place to run. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and getting out there!

  21. Your children are not only adorable but caring little men! Pretty image!

  22. Oh, gosh, it's all I can do to run 3 miles! But I hope for your sake you're able to increase. I've had so many toenails fall off and was very relieved to hear it was common for runners!

  23. Your determination is admirable! And such a good example for your boys. Sweet story of how each wanted to care for your toe in different ways. :) Wishing you a healed IT band for Christmas.

  24. That's too cute.

    I know 3 miles isn't much to you, but I would love to be able to do that. I really want to start up again and work up to my 2 miles/day.

  25. Those are great exercise stats. Good for you and happy more in December!

  26. That looks like a wonderful place to jog- pretty scenery. I hope you can get back to your regular program soon.

  27. Awww, leave it to Reid to come up with the hug idea. I am surprised you are still having trouble with your IT band. Hopefully it will be better very soon.

  28. That looks like the perfect place to run! I hope you heal quickly!


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