Friday, December 28, 2012

My 2012 in Books

This is my third year participating in a meme at The Happily Ever After, where you answer a list of questions using the books you've read throughout the year.  Right now I'm working on book #84 for 2012, which is right around my typical yearly average (it's usually 82 books a year).  If you're a reader, be sure to link up with this fun blog hop - everyone is welcome!

My Life According to the Books I Read in 2012:

Describe yourself:

Quiet - Susan Cain

How do you feel:
Brain on Fire - Susannah Cahalan

Describe where you currently live:
Tell the Wolves I'm Home - Carol Rifka Brunt

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
 My Life in France - Julia Child

Your favorite form of transportation:
Appalachian Trail in Bits and Pieces - Mary Sands

Your best friend is:
Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn

You and your friends are:
  In One Person - John Irving

What's the weather like:
Ice Cold - Tess Gerritsen

What is life to you:
 The School of Essential Ingredients - Erica Bauermeister

Favorite time of day:
Shadow of Night - Deborah Harkness

Your fear:
Boy Still Missing - John Searles

What is the best advice you have to give:
  Different...Not Less - Temple Grandin

Thought for the day:
Take a Deep Breath - Nina Shapiro

How I would like to die:
 The End of Your Life Book Club, by Will Schwalbe

My soul's present condition:
Lost and Found - Jacqueline Sheehan


Heather said...

I love this! What a great idea! Now to think back on all the books I have read this year to answer these questions...

Kerri Farley said...

Now that is pretty neat! and 84 books read - that's even better! Kudos to you!

andy said...

Wow that's a lot of books !! Way to go

Anonymous said...

Now I have tons of new books to add to my reading list.

Tiggeriffic said...

Which ones were your favorites. Great idea!

Eat To Live said...

What a great idea!! I used to be a huge book reader, now.... I can't find the time. How do you do it, keep house and blog too? Plus you run!!

Karen said...

What did you think of Gone Girl?..... thinking of picking it up but read a review that it was very angry and full of self-serving people. Not into that. But it's getting such good reviews...

Cat said...

Do you have Ice Cold? I can get it from the library if you don't.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

84 books is fabulous! And this is such a fun idea. Now I have a list of new books to check out--thank you!

Debbie said...

WoW, that's so cool!! and 84 books, now that's amazing!!

renae said...

Lisa! Your sense of humor on this is classic. Great stuff.

please see email. (hug)

Andrea said...

You know I always love this!! And actually it might be perfect for me to join in today. I'm looking for an "easier" post than where my head is headed!

And how was this read? The End of Your Life Book Club, by Will Schwalbe - I'm intrigued every time I see the title!

BlueShell said...

Hi Lisa! Nice to come here!

Wishing you and yours a prosperous and very Happy New Year, full of joy, health and God’s Blessings!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Great list! I'm gonna have to write mine up, too.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I used to read about that many per year but just don't have the time anymore. I did just read an ebook from the 1800s on killing rats, that doesn't sound too good for my 2012 does it?

The Cranky said...

Temple Grandin! Our youngest has Asperger's Syndrome and her various speeches and writings have given us so much hope for Christopher Micheal, as well as pointing us in new directions for helping him.

He has, with Ms. Grandin's help, turned into a fine, intelligent, and caring young man.

An Apel a Day said...

That is a great idea!

Gail Dixon said...

Gosh, that's a lot of books to read in one year! I cannot sit still and focus long enough anymore, but I wish I could. That's astounding really. What a fun meme!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is so cool! What a fun meme for a reader.

ain't for city gals said...

wow....I thought I read a lot!! Great list...going to order them from the library right now..

Sally said...

I don't know how you manage to read with those little ankle biters. But, kudo's to you, Lisa.

I read a lot also, but haven't actually counted; maybe in the new year.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The last one is awesome, they are all awesome!!! I would think this is not near as easy as it sounds, it must have taken you quite awhile to compile it. The whole list is very, very good and this whole concept is very cool! Sadly, I do not think I have read one book this year, too busy doing my church work and being sick. Not many people are posting today for some reason! You are the first one I have found so now I know I am not in a Twilight Zone time warp.

Christine said...

Awesome answers, Lisa! Thanks so much for playing along and linking up. I never get tired of reading people's lists.

You've read a few books on my To-Be-Read list.. I hope to get to them in 2013.

I love Appalachian Trail in Bits and Pieces as your favorite form of transportation! :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Holy moose poops...that's a lot of text!...:) JP

Linda said...

Looks like some interesting books! I just got the audiobook version of "Quiet" by Susan Cain for Christmas. I had it on my wish list.

Jill said...

I just love it when you do this! 82 books? WOW! Impressive!

willaful said...

Your list made me a little sad. My friend book would definitely have been Gone Girl if I'd read it (plan to listen to the audiobook soon) since the person I still consider my best friend has been gone from my life for many years. And my son being missing would be my worse fear, as well. What an interesting meme this is.

Vision By Mila said...

big ooops for me, I don't think I've read as many books this year as the nr. of questions.. but what a cool idea!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awesome! That's a lot of books for one year! Big kudos to you :)

Michaele said...

I admire you for reading and for what you read. I would love to read the book by Temple Grandin

GardenOfDaisies said...

I'll have to refer back to your reading list next time I stop in at the library. I'm always looking for a great book to read. Our book club has pretty much turned into a supper club, as no one, except me, was reading. The girls still enjoy the social part of our evenings out, even if we aren't discussing books.

Nancy said...

How you find time to read... is beyond me. An inspiration. :)

Jo K said...

Wow, that's a lot of books to read. Great answers, too!

Tanya @ Moms Small Victories said...

I joined up to this meme this year, what fun! I loved Gone Girl (it made my list too). My Life in France and The End Of Your Life Book Club are on my to read list also!