Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My Muse

Look at sweet Baxter.  There's just enough room for him to sit next to me as I type on the computer.
You know what else I love about this cat?  He loves to read.  I think he can smell when a book is opened.  The second I sit down on the couch with the twins and a good book....well he comes running to listen.  I think he likes being read to even more than the boys do.  Silly cat. 


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, Baxter is a sweetie. Whenever I open the mail at my desk, the cats have to check everything out!!!

andy said...

That's like our cat kenly !!! Has to be on top of you know matter what your doing

Eat To Live said...

He loves you!! My Daughter has a cat that is with her almost constantly when she is home.

Karen Lakis said...

Ahhh, cute kitty. I like that he likes snuggling up for the stories!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa I love your reading buddy:) Hope Christmas was wonderful. Hug B

Anonymous said...

He reminds me of the cat in the book Library Cat.

Anonymous said...

He's cute! Nice to have a muse around the house... my muses are big as mooses and usually asleep on the couch. They, however, take up the entire couch so there is no room for me to sit and read a book.

It's raining like crazy here today. We need it soooo bad. Hope your Christmas with hubby and the boys was fabulous, Lisa!!


TexWisGirl said...

really cute! :)

An Apel a Day said...

That's so sweet that he likes to be read to.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...


Out on the prairie said...

Cute cat, I think he likes a lap most

Gail Dixon said...

Haha, that's awesome. Baxter is a cutie as well. His eyes seem to be pleading, "read to me!" lol

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Baxter is a sweetie pie! And I love that he loves to read! :-)

GardenOfDaisies said...

What a smart kitty! :-)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Baxter is ADORABLE!!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Our cats have become outdoor kitties and I miss having them lay on my lap. Our dog tries to lay there but is a little too large for it but some days she gets to be a lap dog anyway.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I don't remember ever having the privilege to meet Baxter. I see he has his tuxedo on for the occasion. He is very pretty! Reminds me of our Cher, he loves to sit on Phil's lap when he opens the bible. But also loves to walk on the keyboard and turn on the caps lock. So all Phil's tyPiNg LoOkS LiKe ThIS.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

He sounds purrrfect!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

He knows when it's family time!...:) JP

Anonymous said...

I {heart} Baxter!

Nancy said...

Cats, kitties -- so special in so many ways. xo

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Baxter looks so smart and he is so adorable.

Lin said...

Awwww. What a sweet guy!

My cat really likes my Kindle that I got last year. She can lay on my chest while I pet her with one hand and turn the pages with the other. Kindles come highly recommended by cats, I think.

Chatty Crone said...

I finished the book - when she found herself she found Benji!

Kerri Farley said...

Oh Baxter is ADORABLE!!!!

Vision By Mila said...

hello cutie! mieow! said...

beautiful cat! more about all breeds of cats information book write my paper They know everything!