Thursday, January 3, 2013

Breakfast is Easy with this Bran Muffin Recipe

My friend Shannon passed along this recipe to me some years ago, and I still think it's a great way to make an easy homemade breakfast.  The best part?  Mix up a batch and it lasts for FIVE WEEKS in your fridge (of course mine never stick around that long).  So you can make just a couple of muffins a morning if you'd like - having fresh muffins each day!  I've also found the recipe to be fairly flexible - I've substituted dried blueberries or apricots many times for the raisins, and I've used oat bran instead of wheat bran before.  Just be careful not to eat too many - you know what bran can do to you!

3 cups wheat bran
1 cup boiling water
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1/2 cup molasses
2 cups buttermilk (I just use milk mixed with lemon juice)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup raisins
1 tbsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 1/2 cups flour

Pour boiling water over bran in a large bowl, stir to moisten evenly, then allow to cool for a moment.  Add eggs, molasses, milk, oil, and fruit.  Mix well.  Stir in soda, salt, sugar and flour.  Store in tightly covered container in fridge for up to 5 weeks.  *Allow to sit 24 hours before using for the first time*

To prepare, bake in muffin cups for 20-25 minutes at 400*. 

Readers, do you have any tips for making a homemade breakfast quickly and easily? 


  1. Yum - these look great - and I have a container of buttermilk that I bought to make scones which definitely don't fit into my new years hope for a healthier diet. I'm thinking these muffins are a must do this weekend!

  2. Those look delish! I eat bran every morning but would much rather have it in a muffin.

  3. Hi Lisa, Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. I love that you can make just a few at a time. It's a very healthy recipe, too.
    Enjoy your day.

  4. These look delicious! Happy and Joyous New Year to you and yours.

  5. Wow sounds great ! Have a great day

  6. These are great! My mom used to make them too.

  7. OMG! I have been craving bran muffins (and NOT for THAT)...I just love them! Seriously, been looking for a good recipe that makes a moist muffin!!!...:)JP

  8. These sounds amazing! I love brown sugar! JDaniel's favorite breakfast is cheese in a soft taco.

  9. Morning Lisa I copied your recipe I love fresh bran muffins I made some yesterday but will try yours in a couple of days. Smoothies and muffins are my favourite breakfast. B

  10. We love muffins here as well! We eat a lot of oatmeal here though, and green smoothies which the kids love. Oh, and a lot of eggs, egg sandwiches. I'm not sure if any of these are an easy breakfast, but it what we are used to. :-)

  11. This looks like such a good recipe, a healthy, hearty breakfast. I am bummed that I've been trying to avoid wheat (and unfortunately I do feel better without it.) I would love these....

  12. Bran muffins are a fave!! My morning routine is poor cereal into a bowl :)

  13. These look really good, and I bet the molasses and brown sugar give them a great flavor.

    My breakfast is usually a quick yogurt or cheese--protein.

  14. Lasts five weeks in the fridge?! Wow! Sounds awesome.

  15. Lisa! Oh I love Bran Muffins and these look so so good. When I was in college, I had a roomy that loved making muffins and she would put a dollop of jam in the batter in each cup and those were so yuuuummmmy! This photo of your muffins took me back the that time. (live in the present, Renae, live in the present) hahahaha

  16. Mmm! They look good! I'm saving this recipe!


  17. Bran muffins are the best. This recipe sounds really good!

  18. Happy New Year, Lisa!! I'll be trying this recipe-I love muffins! I'll also be sending a convo soon-I've gotten so behind this week!

  19. Anything that lasts this long is O.K. by me! You give us the neatest info!

  20. This looks wonderful. I don't do breakfast, but they look like a good snack!

  21. I should make these for my grand children this weekend. I like that they are very healthy.

  22. A good way to get some bran, one which actually looks appetizing!

  23. Those look fab. Will have to try the recipe. Thanks!

  24. I like that it stays in the frig. for so long and they sound very delicious. Thank you.

  25. When I get back home, I am ging to try these using ingredients I can use

  26. I LOVE Bran muffins, thanks for this post. I'll have to try it! :)


  27. Thanks for the recipe; I have been looking for that one for ages!


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