Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Job Hunting in January

The other day I went for a job interview.  You should have seen me trying to stuff myself into one of my old suits that were purchased pre-kids.  Luckily, all of my suits were very classic, so they weren't out of style, and the jacket was roomy enough that you couldn't see the ugliness of the pants.

I need to find a part time job.  We just aren't cutting it financially right now, and I really don't want to have to dip into our meager savings, which are supposed to be going towards college for the boys.  Ideally, I'll find a job that I can do during the hours the twins are in preschool.  The job I interviewed for seemed very promising - flexible hours, 9-12 hours a week total, and I'd be providing mental health support to one person and helping her/him to make positive changes in life.  It would be fulfilling to me to put my degrees to use again.  Plus, I really liked the person who would be my boss, and the company as well.  There are some companies out there that provide this service and seem more concerned about making money than about the people they are supposed to be helping.  I want to make sure I stay away from places like that.

As part of the job application process, there is a lot of paperwork, including extensive background searching.  I had to go down to the jail for fingerprinting by the sheriff's office.  Pierce was out of school, so I brought him with me.  He charmed the sheriff's deputy that was fingerprinting me with all of his questions about jail.  She was so amused that she carried him to the back and lifted him up to the double paned glass window so that he could peek into the jail.  Now Pierce wants to be a sheriff's deputy when he grows up.

Google Image

Jobs that are just 10-12 hours a week with flexible work hours aren't too common, so I'm hopeful this one will pan out.  If not, there is another out there right now that could be another interesting prospect.  I might apply for that as well.  Wish me luck.  It seems like a lifetime since I was working, even though it's only been about a year and a half since I was teaching psychology classes part time.  It'll be nice to contribute to the community again, and to contribute to our finances as well! 


Karen Lakis said...

Best of luck!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa good luck you would be perfect for this job. I bet you truly looked good in that old suit. Pierce is a charmer:) Hug B

The Cranky said...

All the best Lisa; it's a difficult choice to make but I'm sure you'll get a job quickly and be a true asset. They'd be silly not to hire you!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

good luck with the job. guess that is part of any job these days.

i remember a jail visit when i was a child. all the kids from our elementary school locked in a jail cell ... the sound of the door shutting was a sound i will never forget. so scary. ha. ha!! ( :

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

Good luck! Doing the same here.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a perfect job for you. I have my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

My daughter has 4 children and just went back to work part-time this past summer after 5 years away from the working world. It creates a nice balance in her life. Wishing you much luck at finding the right fit for your needs too! xox

Nancy said...

Okay, so you just need to take Pierce along with you on all of your interviews so he can charm the pants off of them! :)

Eat To Live said...

Wishing you lots of luck Lisa!! I don't know how families do it today, even with two working parents things are tough. Good luck to you.

Vision By Mila said...

Good luck!

Gone Country said...

Wishing you luck! It sounds promising.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Hope this job works out for you! They're missing out if they don't hire you!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! That does sound like the ideal situation if you have to return to the work force!

andy said...

Best of luck Lisa !!!!

Shell said...

Good luck! That sounds like a good fit for you!

Debbie said...

ooohhhh best of luck to you lisa, i hope you get the position!! a lot of peeps work from home these days, perhaps if this doesn't work out, you might look in to something along those lines.

that pierce, WoW, what an inquisitive mind!!

Kerin said...

Sending good luck wishes to you!

Sounds like a great opportunity, and I hope it all works out for you!

Out on the prairie said...

Tough to enter the job market after being away. There are many in home care companies, plus many families do it privatly so placing an add might help.Good luck

Liz Mays said...

I hope this works out for you! You sound like you really want this one. :)

TexWisGirl said...

good luck, lisa! i've been out of the work force for about 3 yrs and i'm not ready to go back. *shudder* :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, what a MAJOR post! You used to teach psychology classes? So interesting, my favorite class was psychology and Phil works with many mentally ill or brain damaged people. Where did you teach and for how long? When you land a job, I want to hear everything about it! One thing to consider if you can't find a job soon enough. This would not make good use of your degree, but just till you find a better job you could teach pre-shool. My D.I.L has been doing this and it is great that it doesn't keep her away from Anne Marie any. There are lots of private church schools who don't advertise and would love to get you.

Judy said...

Good luck to you, I know it's not easy finding the right job to fit.

Unknown said...

Good for you!! I just recently got a job as well, working from home but I LOVE that I have something that I can do besides talk to a 3 year old all day :)

Gail Dixon said...

Wishing you lots of luck!! I've been out of the job market for over a year and know I will need to head back soon. It's nice that you have a degree that allows you to contribute to the good of society. Fingers crossed!

Jill said...

Anyplace would be so lucky to have you! I wish you the best of luck, Lisa!

Slamdunk said...

We will be cheering for you Lisa. My career has taken a backseat to making sure our kiddos have what they need with a parent at home. It is difficult to find flexible work for sure...

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Best of luck to you! I'm sure it can't be easy to get back into the job market after a little time away. Sounds like Pierce loved his adventure at the police station :)

Sally said...

I hope you know I'll be keeping good thoughts that you find exactly what you're looking for. I like that you want to contribute to society, Lisa; that's awesome!


Kerri Farley said...

Good Luck! I hope it works out for you!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good Luck, Lisa.. I hope you get the one you want. It's great that you may be able to put your skills to work and help your finances all at the same time.

I have a friend who does a jail ministry through her church (volunteer job).. She talks about how 'interesting' it is going to the jail to help....


Chatty Crone said...

Lisa I will say a prayer so let us know what happens. I bet you get it.

I have to look for a part time job too - but I don't know what to look for.

Good luck.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

That job sounds like it would be perfect for you!!! I know you'll get it......:)JP

Anonymous said...

I wish you much success with the job - it sounds perfect for you.

Michelle said...

I do hope this works out well for you!!!

Angela said...

I hope you get it! I can't imaging trying to get back out into the job market after staying home for 17 years! lol

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We wish you lots of luck that you find the one special job that will make you happy.
We know it will happen.

camp and cottage living said...

I wish you luck! It sounds like the perfect arrangement for you right now.
who wouldn't be charmed by your little Pierce?

An Apel a Day said...

I'm hoping you get it! Otherwise, I'm sure there are other things out there. My fingers are crossed for you.

Myya said...

Very best luck to you! I've got my fingers crossed for you :)

Unknown said...

You'll do well, Lisa! All my best to you!! :)

Mary said...

Good luck...wife, mom to 3, all a round care taking...pets, cats, dogs, chickens, horses??? You are busy. Best to you.

Valerie Boersma said...

Good luck from me too! It sounds like the perfect job and I hope you get it! Plus-if you should ever have to resort to a life of crime, it's nice to know that the finger printing process is already taken care of;)

Barbara said...

Good luck!

Linda said...

How cute that Pierce got a special moment! Good luck on getting the job.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I hope this works out for you, Lisa!! Good luck!

And it sounds like a great outing for Pierce! Fun!

beth said...

It sounds like a great job for you. Have you tried online teaching? I think I remember you were a college teacher before. I teach for university of phoenix. It's not a lot of money, but it helps and I can stay at home.

Marie said...

Good luck! I haven't been in the real work force for a few years. The school I worked at closed. Then I ended up selling a small cleaning business that I had started. Now I sell on ebay and do part-time consulting (marketing for local businesses). I know it will work out for you. :)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Sending prayers that it works out!