Thursday, January 17, 2013

Loco Hamster

I think our hamster is going a little crazy.  It seems she spends all of her waking time trying to break out of her cage.  She hasn't been far.  Which is good, because if she does get out I'm pretty sure one of our four cats will immediately gobble her up.  I guess she gives new meaning to the phrase "So cute I could eat her up!" 
It does get old though, the constant chewing and shaking of the cage.  You wouldn't believe what a racket one little hamster can make!  It truly is a good thing she's so cute!


  1. Good luck with the crazy critter !!!!

  2. Oh my, that would get old! Hope all is going well with you. =)

  3. I sure do hope she never, NEVER breaks out of her cage!

  4. Poor thing. :( I guess it just has issues with living behind bars.

  5. That looks like a National Geographic photograph! Amazing!!!

  6. Aw, hard to get annoyed at that face. Ha! Guess that's his ticket for a long(er) life.

  7. She is cute! She would probably bug me too but I'd still love her too. :)

  8. Great picture!! She is cute! Hoping that she is not successful in her attempts to break free!

  9. When I was young I had a guinea pig and do remember all the noise. I think he had big plans for escape as well.

  10. I remember my nephew bought 2 Gerbels, my sister wouldn't let them in her house so my daughter and nephew talked me into letting them at my house.

    They escaped... we couldn't find them... ever.

    A couple of months later, we were overun with pests. We had to call someone to take care of the problem..... So good thing you only have one and better yet, you have cats.

  11. She is cute but I remember what they smell like, and I didn't like it! And they escape, all the time....even on grandparents!

  12. A regular little cool hand luke. I have had chickens like that, just seem to want to escape, reminds me of when I worked in corporations. Rain here, schools are out 2 hours early.

  13. Good gravy, don't let that little critter escape...not in your house with the cats! Does he sleep in Pierce's room? Perhaps he just wants company...when is he the nosiest?...:)JP

  14. poor baby. wonder if she's in heat.

  15. Hope she does not break out for her sake. She is cute indeed!
    Have a lovely week Lisa :)

  16. Great photo of your hamster--the little paws are incredible. I hope he settles down soon.

  17. So cute! But I hope she doesn't get out of her cage because those cats don't care about "cute," when they are only thinking of "snack"!

    Looks like she's eating a Dorito!

  18. hi Lisa! Oh, cute little hamster. Yes, keep the cats and hamster separate.

  19. So glad that he/she lives at your house. :)

  20. We keep Amy's guinea pig in a very large plastic storage box, with 16" high sides, and until a couple years ago it had no cover on it. That is, until the guinea pig jumped up and out and landed-thankfully unhurt-onto the floor below. We never did understand why she made such a wild bid for freedom, but Stuart promptly built a cover for the cage. Hopefully your little cutie will get over her case of itchy feet soon, and be content with where she is:)

  21. About the only cute rodent there is...

  22. I thought they were nocturnal? We had two when my kids were small and I agree with the rest -- they are smelly.

  23. Do you have a wheel or something for it to exercise on? I know if they have one of those they get exercise and maybe wouldn't think of escape.

  24. She is cute! I wonder where she wants to go??

  25. Very cool blog. Interesting posts. ;)
    Nice atmosphere guests with you here on the blog. ;]
    Yours. Have a nice day. !

    Follow me on facebook fanpage
    I'm very concerned about this, please. :)

  26. I believe it! My daughter had a hamster a few years ago, it was the cutest little thing ever, but it made the loudest racket - especially at night when we were trying to sleep. We bought her wheels and tunnels and chew sticks and toys to try to keep her happy. She finally learned how to open her cage, so we started using hair clips to secure it - she ate those, we then used bread ties and she chewed the plastic coating off them. Someone came along one day and saw her and said, "Oh how cute, I'd love to have a hamster."...the rest is history. :)


  27. Aww, she is cute! Hopefully she'll settle down soon.

  28. I think it's time to get her a buddy for some company, she is probably lonely.

  29. HA... She is a cutie... Maybe she is just sharpening her teeth ---to dig into one of the cats IF and WHEN she escapes.... ha ha


  30. Awww, she is adorable! Don't worry, if she did escape from her cage, she'd probably freak out and go running back in again!

  31. I agree with Ginny. She's probably loney. :)

  32. She is cute! Hope she don't escape!

  33. I swear they all get out at some point. And it's weird...we have always had cats, but they just seem to know that the family hamster is off the menu. Seriously. We had one cat sitting sweetly in an odd spot in a room. I went to see what the heck she was doing, and then I spied the hamster making a break for it. The cat was just WATCHING and not stalking.

    I hope you find the same thing with your cats. Or I will just keep my fingers crossed Houdini doesn't break free.

  34. I sure do know about the racket they can make. My son had a hamster that was always trying to escape. It learned how to open the door latch. We had to tie it shut with a twisty tie. One time it got out when we had my husbands boss over for dinner. Can you imagine a hamster running over his feet. We were so embarrassed.

  35. Oh my! Never a dull moment!

  36. Hope the kids enjoyed their Hamster. It's always something new and different!

  37. Very cute!!

    The noise would start to bug me too.

  38. All kids need one of these - but I could tell you some stories!

  39. does she ever come out? doesn't she get bored in the cage? I've never had a hamster, I don't know what they do "for fun" :D

  40. I hope she doesn't break free.

    Cute photo!

  41. Aweee she is cute. I had a hampster when I was maybe 10, his name was Pud. Not sure where I came up with that? Mine was soft, this one looks like it has kind of coarse hair. I bet the boys have fun with her.

  42. LOL -- yes, sometimes it is a good thing our pets are cute!
    My 5 year-old wants a hamster...I keep telling her it's a no right now b/c we have a dog and a cat... I think we'd have to name the hamster "lunch".


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