Thursday, January 24, 2013

Marinated Lentil Salad Recipe

A few weeks ago there was a recipe in the newspaper for a lentil salad that I thought sounded tasty.  I made a few modifications to suit our family's needs, and it turned out delicious!

2 cups dried lentils
4-6 cups chicken or vegetable broth
2 small onions, chopped
2 celery ribs, diced
2 medium carrots, diced
5 tbsp olive oil, divided
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 tsp basil
2 tbsp chives, chopped
4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
4 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
4 ounces feta cheese
1 cucumber, diced.

Bring lentils and 4 cups broth to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 25 minutes.  Keep an eye on them - if they simmer dry add extra broth.  Drain and set aside.

Saute onion, celery, and carrot in 1 tbsp oil over medium heat until almost tender.  Add bell pepper and saute until all veggies are slightly tender.

Stir in lentils.  Cool.  Stir in remaining ingredients.  Serve immediately or chill to serve.

Goat cheese would also be excellent in this instead of the feta.  We ate it as a main dish, but you could also have it as a side dish if you wanted.  Readers, do you like lentils?  I know some people don't care for them much, but I've found them to be very good with the right seasonings.


Anonymous said...

This sounds delicious. John and I will love this. Hope you have a nice day.

The Cranky said...

We love lentils here; one of our favourite dishes is sauteed chicken or turkey sausage and greens over lentils. This dish sounds wonderful and we'll be giving it a try!

Btw, I actually got the coats as gifts. =)

Anonymous said...

This really looks wonderful! I am going to have to try it.

Heather said...

This sounds really yummy! We make a black bean salad that we eat for a main dish as well. I think I will be trying this soon! Always looking for new vegetarian recipes.

An Apel a Day said...

Yummy!!! I bet quinoa could be added to.

Kim said...

This looks really good - hardy, very appropriate for this cold weather. Hope you are well. It's been so hard to blog properly these days. Oh and sadly you are four years younger than me:(

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love lentils! This sounds and looks delicious. I think Larry would like it too.

Eat To Live said...

I know I would love that salad... I would of course have to change some things. Looks very tasty.

Andrea said...

Mmmn. Can I have the leftovers? :>

Ginny Hartzler said...

I made lentils once, early in our marriage, and the dish almost killed us both! (not the lentils, but my bad cooking of them!)

Ginny Hartzler said...

What's up with the comment moderation, have you been getting spam comments?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Forget my comment moderation comment, I got confused for a bit. You have always had it.

Gail Dixon said...

This sounds good! Thanks for sharing it. Seems healthy, too.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Baby Girl, I was just going through the cabinets and found some lentils I have to use so this might do the trick!...:)JP

Sally said...

Yum! That looks really tasty, Lisa. I love that you share your recipes!


Liz Mays said...

Yum, Lisa! That looks super tasty!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Looks delicious! My kind of dish. I do like lentils, but I've tried eating them several times now and I always get the worst stomach cramps afterwards!

Out on the prairie said...

Refreshing salad, and very healthy.I have tried pink and brown lentils both.

Unknown said...

Lisa this will be one I will try... something different. Thanks for the share!

renae said...

oh Lisa! I love lentils. Thank you. I don't cook but my HM would be very interested in this. We have similar food likes or dislikes, but my HM is great at fixing EVERYTHING.
We love all the ingredients.

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa, I love lentils and I would love this recipe warm or chilled! Thanks for giving me another dinner idea:)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Can you believe that I like lentils too!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Mmm, that sounds fantastic.

R's Rue said...


Heather said...

I would love for you to link up this recipe at what i am eating!

Nancy said...

Looks healthy and yummy!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds yummy and lots of healthy ingredients in it! I'm not sure I've ever had lentils.

Sandy said...

No beets!!I love lentils so I will be trying this for sure.

Are We There Yet! said...

I just bought some lentils and want to make this soon.