Monday, January 28, 2013

Valentines Boost-My-Blog Party with TEN Giveaways!

As a way to thank all of the participants that linked up to Rural Thursdays last year 
and just because we thought it would be fun -- 
I @ Two Bears' Farm and Nancy @ A Rural Journal, 
are hosting a  
Valentine's Day Boost-My-Blog Party on February 14, 2013.
There will be some great giveaways, so please plan on joining us on Valentine's Day to meet new bloggers, gain some new readers -- and maybe win one of our fabulous prizes in the process.
Such as...


Registration Starts Today!
If you plan on participating in the party, please email me with the following information: Your Blog's Name Your Blog URL Your Blog Category (Crafting, Photography, Homesteading, DIY, Gardening, Birding, Recipes, Farming, Journaling, Mommy, etc...) All participating blogs will appear on A Rural Journal and Two Bears Farm on February 14, listed by blog category. Giveaway winners will be announced at that time.
All bloggers are welcome and we anticipate a large crowd, so please sign up early. Registration starts today and will close at midnight on Sunday, February 10. What Do I Need to Do To Enter The Giveaways?
You will need to be a Boost-My-Blog Party participant to be eligible for the giveaways. Please follow the Rafflecopter instructions for each giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
 : : :
We Got Buttons!
If you would like to help us spread the word, please feel free to grab a button below and post it somewhere on your blog. We are pretty excited about hosting this event -- and hope that you will able to join us in the festivities. If you have any questions before the big day, you may email us here.
Boost My Blog Party
Boost My Blog Party
Boost My Blog Party


  1. This is really a nice bunch of giveaways. You organized it beautifully!

  2. You have some great items!! I will have to come back later and enter.

  3. hi Lisa! Fabulous idea for Valentines and to boooost the blog work.

    I think I have about 3 dozen bracelets. I just seem to wear the same ones over and over tho. hahahaha. Thanks for asking.

  4. What fun plans! Y'all are really creative!

  5. What a fun virtual event. I registered and will email the info. I definitely heart your sweet blog!

  6. You KNOW I'm in when it comes to FOOD (I signed up for the pancakes & cupcakes...LOL!!!) and your promo is now on my blog...check it out...I selected the one with a little matches!...:)JP

  7. thanks lisa....i did all my linky stuff at nancy's!!

    you guys rock!!

  8. I'm so excited! Just sent in my email to register :)

  9. Happy Monday Lisa! Count me in on the 14th!! xx

  10. I'm excited for this!

    -Marissa :)

  11. Y'all are amazingly creative for organizing this event! I’m very excited!

  12. Such a neat thing to do! I hope you both get a lot of new followers. :)

  13. What a fun thing you guys are doing!!!

  14. Sounds like so much fun... I've entered and posted the large button in my sidebar to spread the word...!

  15. I've entered and posted a button


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