Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Winter Blues

I don't like January or February.  I've always dreaded the winter months.  I'm a spring/summer person.  My favorite temperature?  A balmy 75 degrees or so.
And so I bide my time, feeling uninspired and blah, waiting for the longer days and blooming flowers, and stuffing the wood stove to keep warm. 

How are you keeping warm this season, readers?


  1. Winter is my least favorite time of year, also. We have not had very much cold weather yet. Lots of rain in the past week, though. Makes the days long and dreary!

  2. Me too Lisa I'm ready to get dirty planting and feel the sun ! Everything is so wet and nasty ! Oh we'll we will have to hang in there ! Have a great day

  3. We have had some glimpses of spring here, but mostly we have had cold rain.

  4. i have to admit, winter is my least fave of the seasons but i try not to complain too much since i grew up in an area without seasons so it is nice to have an actual winter and it's not too terribly harsh here right?! supposed to get snow tomorrow...guess that doesn't make you feel any better lol

  5. Well I am missing winter well not winter but the snow. I think winter used to be my least favourite till I started snowshoeing. Keep warm Lisa. B

  6. I love your photo, Lisa! I don't really mind winter. Time goes so fast now that I want to hang on to each and every moment.

  7. Doing the same -- feeding the wood stove. Supposed to be in the 50s here tomorrow then back into the teens on Sunday. Yikes.

  8. We lived in CA for a year - on the coast just north of LA. And seriously, the weather there could not be more perfect. 75*ish and sunny the majority of the time! What they called rain, I would call drizzle :)

  9. This winter finds me in cold, windy Nevada rather than in just cold but sunny Florida.

    I'm staying in our little 5th wheel as much as possible and biding my time by crocheting and sewing.

    I'm trying my best to enjoy the cold because I hear that the temps here in the summer are triple digits and I'll be wanting some cold weather, lol! It's just the wind I can't tolerate.

  10. I am not a huge fan of the cold, and I never really liked winter before - it seems to move so slowly - but I have to agree with what Jill said, time seems to be moving so quickly now, I don't mind a bit of a drag down with winter. Of course, this is the first year I have felt this way! As far as warmth goes...I wish we had a wood stove to curl up next to. Instead we have many blankets and hand-knits. It seems to work out well!

  11. I'm keeping warm with my woodstove too!

  12. Even tho we're down in South Texas we still need a fire in the fire place to keep the chill out.

  13. I'm right there with ya! Although probably not as cold as you, we've got rain in the mix making for damp, dreariness that gets in your bones. Tonight we might get snow! Hang in there Lisa!

  14. Cold here as well. I don't mind some cold but by the end of winter I have always had enough. Been pretty cold for here this year. Yep feeding the wood stove here as well.

  15. But you might get snow tonight I read...the Pres is out there now...plowing and just about ready to come in. I didn't go to the gym today because of the roads (& I let Jason keep the Wrangler for the winter since he has to work & I'm retired...all about priorities so keep your chin up, Spring will be there soon!...:)JP

  16. Well you took a wonderfully creative photo !

    It is snowing in MA and so I took photos from the window then went out to shovel deck and took a few more when the snow has almost stopped ~ps. now doing laundry ~ Sacred in the ordinary my mantra.

    Lots to do in winter I just had to decide to enjoy 'what is' ~

    Miss the links you and Nancy used to have ~ 'Good to see you.' ^_^

  17. Haven't had much winter here where I am ... it was in the 70s on Saturday :) BUT - that is soon to change - winter storm on it's way I think....
    I am a spring/summer/fall person - love all of the bugs and things that are out!!

  18. The days do tend to get dreary in January and February. If we could just get some snow! I usually enjoy cold weather, but these days of rain are getting to me, even though we so need the rain.

  19. Lisa, I coulnd't agree with you more on your sentiment! I find this year to be dull and depressing. Bring on late spring and summer!

  20. Just barely keeping warm. I miss our wood stove in the old house. Although it is a lot of work to keep in going...there is nothing like a roaring cozy fire!
    Looks like your rack needs replinishing...I don't envy you there! Lol!
    Keep Warm,

    new blog:

  21. I am right there with you. Winter is not my season. I like SUMMER! I could live where it is summer all year long.

    We have been in Mississippi for the past 2 weeks and it has been cold. For the last two days they have been dealing with ice.

  22. I hear you on the Winter Blues. I'm doing a little catch up today before I pack, which I don't enjoy at all, then i will do some baking.

  23. I play in it as often as I can to keep down those blahs. I have a collection of clothing for the varied temps.

  24. I don't like winter either. I miss the light and the flowers the most. We use just a plain hot air furnace. But now the days have started getting longer!!!

  25. I don't care for Jan/Feb either. The only bright spot is my birthday in February! I feel uninspired in the cold months as well. I'm staying warm inside by the fire until spring!

  26. So far, haven't needed any heat, but it ain't yet. :)

  27. hello Lisa! I was just telling another blogger that I have to get January behind me then I perk up. I love this photo of the wood holder you have. Very nicely done.

  28. Ps. I love your font change. Easier to read.

  29. I'm like you, I don't care for the winter at all. I escape every year by visiting my daughter in Arizona. She's the smart one in the family!

  30. i just went into town today to buy bird seed at the feed store (entertainment) and a bottle of bourbon. :)

  31. Yup! I"m the same way. January and February are always the coldest around here. Brr....

  32. Coffee, lots & lots of coffee. :)

    I don't like these months either, although I'd take a little colder temps for no rain though. Oregon rain just never ends. LOL

  33. I think I might be the odd duck - I love the winter - I like the crispness to the air, and bundling up in warm cozy clothes, and eating comfort foods... March is my bad month - it's not winter, but it's not Spring either - it's just blahhhh.

  34. I don't care for winter that much either. My husband likes it; he likes sitting in his recliner and eating comfort food.
    Whenever we have a mild day (like Sunday was), I try to get outdoors a little while. I even got one of those lights that are recommended for seasonal affective disorder. I relish sunshine!

  35. Winter is my favorite season.... WELL---I love Fall and Spring too just as much. AND--I hate SUMMER and HEAT.


  36. we feel the same way.
    some nice cookies would help to make the day a little brighter.

  37. well, my least favourite time of year is summer because I really HATE the heat. I don't have a pool. :)) You can dress for the cold.

  38. We have the fire going and a constant flow of hot chocolate!

  39. Ugh...I hate winter. I am so thankful the days are starting to get's hard to notice yet but it is coming!

  40. I can hardly wait for warm. I like fall the most but spring is also on my favorites list.

  41. You know of all the months there are I like January the least. lol

  42. You would not like our summers we have been having temps I the 100's! Our winters are mild, we have average temps of around 55. So I am definately a winter girl as I love the smell of wood fires too! Stay warm if I could send some heat your way I would.

  43. When it gets below freezing, I fire up the wood stove. That reminds me, I need to move some wood from the barn to the back ready for the next cold spell.
    I'm good with around 65 degrees although it's gotten to 48 in my bedroom...that's a bit chilly.


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