Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Baked Chicken with Rhubarb Jam

My friend Ginger sent me a wonderful chicken recipe.  I adapted it a bit and it was so delicious that I'll certainly be making it again soon.

3 1/2 - 4 pound chicken, cut into 8 pieces
sea salt
freshly ground pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup rhubarb jam (if you don't have rhubarb jam - I chose it because I canned some last summer - a marmalade would work just as well)
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
2 large cloves minced garlic

Salt and pepper chicken and rub it into skin.  Preheat oven to 400*.  Mix other ingredients in small bowl and spread sticky jam sauce all over chicken.  Place in 9x13 baking dish, leaving space between each piece.  Bake for 45-55 minutes, until juices run clear and chicken is golden.

I think this may be my favorite way that I've cooked one of our chickens - and I've cooked a lot of chicken in my time!  Do you have a favorite way to cook chicken, readers?


  1. It sounds delicious. Now I;m looking forward to my rhubarb coming up so I can make some rhubarb jam. ;)

  2. It sounds delicious! Methinks my favourite way is 'fake' tandoori...marinaded in plain yoghurt, ground cumin, turmeric, smoked paprika, garlic, ground ginger, salt and pepper overnight then baked, uncovered, at 400 F. until a lovely crust has formed and chicken is cooked through.

  3. Oh I do believe this one will be going in my recipe book. I have to find some rhubarb jam though. Maybe springtime will be time for me to make some jam. It looks delicious. B

  4. Looks good ! Have a great day

  5. Oh yum! This looks awesome! I haven't made rhubarb jam before, but I think I shall try it as soon as my plants are well in the spring. Most of our rhubarb goes into custard pies...but, this is something I think I would enjoy. And actually, it would probably make a great glaze for roasted veggies too. I don't cook a lot of chicken here, but one of my favorite ways is to put it in the crockpot with diced tomatoes/chili flakes/brown sugar/salt & pepper, and make chicken tacos, yum!

  6. I've never thought of using rhubarb jam before... I must give this a try, looks delicious!

  7. That whole plate looks wonderful!

  8. I love the idea of sweet with savory. Do you have to leave the skin on for it to come out good?

  9. Sounds good, I fixed the girls slow roasted curry boneless chicken thighs last night. I know people who eat out all the time, they miss some good dishes for sure.

  10. Even though it's still morning, that chicken sure looks tasty!...I do have a question about something else, Baby Girl...since I don't have any "home-made jams" what can I use as a filling for layer cakes that would be tasty? I've never made a layer cake and want to give it a shot!...:)JP

  11. Mmmmmmm chicken sounds really good with rhubarb jam. I am going to have to try this if my rhubarb does any good this year.

  12. That looks delicious. I bet it was juicy and flavorful! When I still cooked meat, I was very simple with chicken: just rubbed butter all over it, sprinkled with paprika, and baked.

  13. Your making me hungry, that looks delicious!

  14. As you know, I have an abundance of rhubarb! I will definitely be making this dish-I think chicken and rhubarb are the perfect match! I also have a feeling this recipe might replace my usual oven fried chicken as my new favorite!

  15. That looks SO good! Might have to try. I'm kind of partial to chicken and rice using the thighs for the flavor. :)

  16. This looks delicious! What wonderful flavor to blend together.

  17. Ooooo, that does sound delish!!!!

  18. That looks (and sounds) so good! And just when I was wondering what to make for dinner, too. :-)

  19. Sounds tasty! I have go to try this on my kids. I will have to see if we have any rhubarb jam in the pantry. Thanks for sharing.

  20. It looks yum but you know you get me every time you say "one of OUR chickens" .... ahhhhhh!!! ;>

    But yeah, I need to get a jam/marmalade/something or other besides grape jelly chicken recipe going!

  21. The chicken sounds delicious, and those carrots with onions and celery look yummy. But is that brussel sprouts I see?! Ew. :)

  22. I use plum jelly on meats often and this sounds great as well. Thanks!


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