Friday, February 15, 2013

Best Little Puzzlers Around

For the past year or so, the twins have been OBSESSED with puzzles. It's really Reid who pushes the puzzles.  He is always the one that gets them out, but Cort likes the companionship, so he always ends up helping Reid work them.  We have a good assortment of puzzles, of the 30 piece variety, but it seems they have gotten too easy for the twins.  So one day I broke out a 100 piece Melissa and Doug pirate puzzle that I bought for Pierce at a yard sale last fall.  It's for ages 6+, and Pierce complains it is too hard and won't work it.
Would you believe that Cort and Reid sat down and worked the entire thing on their own?  It took them a while, but they were so proud when they finished.  And I'd say they sure showed up their older brother this time around!


  1. Way to go boys !!!! I used to enjoy a puzzle such since of proud at the end

  2. Wow Lisa!! That is amazing for how young they are.

  3. Good for them. That is an amazing feat in my book for sure:) B

  4. They are so cute together working this puzzle! How amazing that they did this!

  5. What a great picture. I love the teamwork.

  6. Aww- they are just so darn cute! I think it's good to best a sibling every now and then!!

  7. Those two really work well together! Such cuties.

  8. Wow, that's quite impressive! Way to go, boys!

  9. Cuties! I love putting puzzles together!

  10. Puzzles are a great mind building activity. Plus success when it 's done. Proud moment! Good job boys!

  11. The boys did a great job! I love the photo of them working together.

  12. They are learning teamwork! Interesting.

  13. We have that puzzle! My baby was into them for the longest time--now he'll do them ALL at once and our floor is COVERED.

  14. Are you KIDDING me!!!!!! Holy cow, this really amazes me!!! Totally!!!! I am sitting here with my mouth open. Here is the thing with us. Ella is amazing at puzzles. She will not even start with the edges, she will start somewhere in the middle and work out from there. Anne is not quite as good as Ella. BUT these are under 50 pieces. We got a wonderful set at Costco. It is in a big heavy wood box with two layers and dividers and has has about 12 puzzles, one in each section. But they are about 25 pieces. If you would like, I will pick you one up if they still have them next time I go. They are all Disney themed.

  15. That is so cool! And the pirate ships and palm trees look pretty cool too:)

  16. Wow good job Reid and Cort!

    Grady likes to do puzzles too but he gets really frustrated with them. He needs to learn some patience before attempting anything solo!!

  17. that's awesome! i still love puzzles. :)

  18. Such cuties :) I liked puzzles as a kid, but I think I usually worked on them by myself.

    Visiting from the Boost my Blog hop! Thanks for hosting!

  19. That's awesome that they love puzzles! What a team they are :)

  20. Adorable. :> They're getting SO big!!

  21. yeah, awesomeness!!

    such cuties!!!

    have a great weekend~

  22. Fantastic! Love those boys, all three. :)

  23. My little grandson likes puzzles...I had bought a few on Amazon here and there and he always wanted to do them when he was over. COme to think of it he ALSO kept wanting to take them home with him and I need to get more! That's amazing that your little ones worked that large puzzle themselves !! They will probably be architects or engineers or something !

  24. Love the cooperation and teamwork they're showing in your photo. That's a big accomplishment for kids this age, congratulations!

  25. They did an awesome job! I love puzzles but always forget to work on them.

  26. I love puzzles! It sure is a great way to exercise your brain.

  27. That is funny and terrific! Did you take it apart or are you going to glue or frame it? Great job boys!

  28. What a great job! Puzzles are so great for visual/spatial skills.

  29. I love puzzles too.
    The boys are so cute.

  30. I'm amazed! Deaglan and I have sat down to do puzzles together but he loses interest unless I'm right there beside him.

  31. Such good clean fun and working little minds to boot! Cute twins photo.

  32. Good job! My son still enjoys a good puzzle here and there, along with a good pizza. :)

  33. Cort and Reid have to hook up with the CT "puzzle" queen, Mia!!! I got my stuff!!!! And a special thanks to the boys for thinking of Mia and to you for thinking of ME! teary~eyed...:)JP

  34. They did great - but remember it is two to one. sandie

  35. I'm impressed!! Those two are going to keep you on your toes, that's for sure!

  36. Way to go guys!

    My husband recently got out a puzzle and we started working on it but he got frustrated and quit after about 15 minutes. It was a hard one, but I did a little each day and finally got it done.

  37. That is puzzling! They must have great attention spans for small children, and very smart too!

  38. I surfed over from another blog and just had to say that I love the Blue Ridge Mountains. Used to spend my summers in Blue Ridge, Ga as a kid!

  39. Oh, I'm with those two--I LOVE puzzles. It's great to get one out on the kitchen table during these boring winter months. That way, everyone walking by gets into it and adds a piece here and there.

  40. Wow very impressive! Such cute little guys! and I LOVE THEIR NAMES!!!

    Sorry I'm so slow at getting back to you! Thanks you for visiting my blog! I am your newest follower from the BMB party! I look forward to learning more about you through your blog!

  41. They looks so cute helping each other out!

    I know yours boy's names, but I don't know which is which. They are together in most pictures. The one in the red looks like his older brother Pierce.

    Mica's my puzzle boy. Mica likes the 3D puzzles that Grandma and Grandpa have. Sadly that brand went out of business. Isaak says he likes them, but I hardly see him doing one.

    You might want to check out Melissa and Doug's USA puzzle. Both of my boys know their states and capitols because of it. It says the state and capitol as you put it in place.

  42. Hi Lisa, I FINALLY got into your site. Have no idea what was wrong. Since I don't participate in Giveaways, I chose this one to comment on...

    Wow--your sons are so smart. So many of US cannot work puzzles, no matter what age we are. Those boys did GREAT.



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