Tuesday, February 19, 2013

But Why CAN'T We Cut a Hole in the Wall?

Pierce has been into spy gear lately.  He recently used a gift card he received from my aunt and uncle for Christmas to purchase a CSI door alarm for his bedroom door, that goes off at the smallest shadow crossing the path, and requires a card pass to turn off.  This does have the potential to be one of the most annoying toys ever created, but who am I to hinder a spy at work?

To fuel Pierce's imaginings, we have started reading Harriet the Spy.  I have my old beloved childhood copy from the 1980s.  I had to tape it together but it still has all the pages (so far).  I had forgotten that Harriet is kind of mean in her judgments of others, so we have a lot of open discussions about that as we read.  As a result of this book, Pierce has become obsessed with the dumbwaiter in Mrs. Plumber's house.  He doesn't understand why we can't cut a hole in the wall to build a dumbwaiter.  In fact, he comes up with new ideas and theories every day of how this might be accomplished in our house.  He brings these theories to Paul, our family project-master, and while Paul gently explains it's just not possible, this answer doesn't suit Pierce.
Once he realized we were pretty firmly set in not cutting any holes in the wall, Pierce came up with the idea of cutting a hole in the ceiling instead.  He's quite determined, for a 6 year old.  And while we built him a pretend dumbwaiter out of a Kleenex box and some rope strung from the office loft, this just doesn't suit because Pierce can't actually climb into a Kleenex box - only his stuffed animals can. 

Readers, don't you think Paul and I are just so mean, not to let Pierce cut a hole in the wall to build a dumbwaiter?  Talk about stifling some ingenuity!

I have a bit of an update on the job front.  Seems my CPS background check must have finally come back, because Friday I was sent W2 forms online and a confidentiality agreement to sign.  So hopefully I'll be starting some training in the very near future.  Thanks to those of you who continue to check up on how the job situation is going - I really appreciate how thoughtful you are! 


  1. I'm so glad to hear that you've had good results on the job front; congratulations!

    Yes, you are the meanest parents ever to stifle his budding career as a spy...right after me. My darling daughter, when she was about 4, loudly announced in the middle of a very busy restaurant that I was the meanest Mommy in the whole entire world! Why? Because I wouldn't let her eat a whole bowl of black olives...

  2. I love the dumbwaiter idea!.. maybe not a hole in the ceiling, but perhaps there is a way to make it a little sturdier than a kleenex bow. Boys are so much fun with their experiments and projects (most of the time!)

    I've missed a post or two on the job (search?) wishing you the best of luck in finding what's best for you.

  3. Hahahahaa... so funny that he wants to cut a hole in the wall. Maybe you need to put a mirror on a long stick so he can use that instead of a hole in the wall.

  4. This is delightful! I love the way you encourage your boys and I thought your version of a dumbwaiter was brilliant! Keep your eye on the tools around there! :)

    Keep us posted on the job...it sounds promising!

  5. I don't see why you can't cut a hole in the wall for Pierce. You and Paul are so mean!
    Good news on the job front!

  6. Such adventures with the boys! Good luck with the job

  7. Oh yes you are terrible parents he should be able to cut a hole in the wall or the roof or anywhere for that matter, he is a growing boy and should be allowed to create his imagination to the fullest:)

    Congrats on the next step in going back to work Lisa.
    I hope when you come home from that new job you don't have a dumb waiter. But I must admit I always wanted one too. My parents were mean too:) B

  8. I am so glad you got a job update. I think a tissue box is a great dumbwaiter.

  9. I am all about not stifling kids creativity, I mean, I just made an entire room for the kids to use as a project room! But, I think I would even draw the line at cutting a hole in the wall ;-)

  10. I want a CSI alarm too! How cool and funny, would probably drive us crazy with the dog walking and runing everywhere..

  11. pierce, he is one smart boy, with the best imagination!!

    wooohooo on that job update, so happy for you!!

    ps...my mike would eat the bread we had for the ducks, back when you were allowed to feed them!!

  12. I adored those books when growing up -- we even had our own "spy ring" in the neighborhood. Lol.

    Happy for the new job -- but secretly wish you didn't have to go that route. Just sayin'.

  13. Come on mom let's cut a hole please ! Have a wonderful day

  14. Congrats on landing a job! And y'all are the SECOND MEANEST parents in the world! (DH & I are first! HA!)


  15. The kind of toys they create nowadays!! And to find those old books and read from them must be pretty nostalgic for you too?
    Pierce does seem enthusiastic and determined for a 6 year old!
    Have a wonderful day Lisa :)

  16. I loved that book as a kid!

    I can relate to Pierce, so I think a dumbwaiter would be awesome. :) Oh to be a kid again!

    Glad things are looking up on the job front - good luck!

  17. Congratulations on the job, Lisa! I hope that it goes well for you.

    Yes, you and Paul just don't understand what a young spy needs! :-) I love that you fixed a dumbwaiter for him, even though you refused to cut a hole in the wall or ceiling!

    I somehow missed the Harriet the Spy book. But I loved reading Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden and other young girl detective stories. I had my own detective agency when I was little. But alas, no customers.

  18. Pierce is resourceful! I hope all goes well with a job too

  19. When I was little, I had a friend who actually HAD a hole cut in the wall, which held a vent at some point.We used to climb between the upstairs rooms... and listen to what people were talking about downstairs! I can totally understand.

  20. WOW...dumbwaiter..Not bad idea.. Now if you lived in the right house this would work.. Ben, my grandson lives in a old farm house with registers in the ceiling where in the old times the heat would rise to the bedroom upstairs and put some heat in those cold bedrooms.. That would be a perfect dumbwaiter for Pierce...Don't suppose you live in a old house like this.. Boys are so much fun with all their ideas...I did see where a mom cut a hole into the wall of her sewing room so she could see her children play in the next room... Good Luck...Ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  21. Love the spy kid:)
    We're reading the Great Gilly Hopkins out loud right now--I think grown ups forget how truly mean kids are at heart. We "disnify" them, you know?

  22. First - CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    Wow! Harriet the Spy! You are wonderful. I really like how you discuss as you read together - and, that you actually took time to build a model dumbwaiter - I know so many young people who could use adults like you in their life-experience . . Way to Go!!!
    Thank you for the lovely post,

  23. used to play spy with a friend who went into the work for the Army

  24. yay for the forward movement!

    and just go ahead and break out those saws, will you? :)

  25. That little Pierce is a man's man already! So cute.

    Congratulations, Lisa. I'm happy for you on the training and job!

  26. I used to love dumbwaiters when I was a kid and wanted one so bad! So I can definitely understand his thinking :)

    Congrats on the job front! Sounds like things are going well.

  27. Cool on the job front Lisa!! Congrats!!!

    And I suppose some day when Pierce wants to build a rocket in his bedroom you'll say no to that too? ;)

  28. Haha! That is so cute and creative! I LOVE dumbwaiters, very imaginative of him to make one, even small scale. And I can’t believe believe y’all won’t let him cut a hole in the wall or ceiling? :) If you have a cardboard box and an empty toilet paper roll he can use his imagination again!

  29. Holes in the wall, in the ceiling and it'a only the beginning! You've got three so, you should never get bored. LOL My son would get out my sewing kit and make his own costumes because he couldn't find just the right super hero costume at the store. He was actually really good at it. :)And when he would cut paper or material he never drew lines to follow. How do they do that??
    Congats on the job!!! Happy for you!

  30. Oh come one...one hole compared to a lifetime of memories?! LOL!

  31. Wait...you got a job?? What where...part time? Tell me everything! This post is a scream, one of your funniest!!! And I think Pierce's perseverance will do him well in adult life. I think I will be thinking of this all day and chuckling!!

  32. He sounds like quite a creative kid! Too cute!
    I hope everything continues to work out with the job!

  33. Yes. Every child should have a dumbwaiter. Meanie... lol

  34. I am glad to hear about the news on your job seeking. I can't wait to hear more.
    A hole in the wall? Sounds like you have your hands full.

  35. Hi Lisa, How cute!!!! He has such an imagination.... The little spy at work!!!!

    You and John are SO MEAN--not allowing him to make that hole.... HA HA HA

    Great news on the job front. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  36. WOW he sounds like my oldest. He's always playing dress up (boy dress up). He get super into character.

    You are not mean. ;) I am glad you encourage your kids to be creative! So many just have their kids sit in front of video games.

  37. First...YOU...I KNEW IT!!!! Congrats, Baby Girl! Second...Pierce will get over it! Tell him to have Paul cut a hole in one of the out buildings!...:)JP

  38. Aunty needs to send him a saw suitable for cutting holes in walls and ceilings.

  39. I like the way Pierce thinks! Maybe if you were able to obtain an empty/very large appliance box you could make a dumb waiter inside of it? Would that be big enough to suit him?! He sounds like a lot of fun.

  40. I LOVED that book! Yep, Harriet learns an important lesson--the hard way. I hope your boys enjoy it as much as I did.

    Bummer about the dumbwaiter. :( You parents are so MEAN! Hahaha!

  41. Well I do think a dumb waiter would be fun to play in but certainly not something you need!
    Sounds like Pierce is having a fun time. Good new on the job front, so happy for you.

  42. CONGRATS TO YOU LISA!!!!!!!!!!

    I finished the book - the butler did it! lol It was wonderful. Thanks.

    And gee mom - it's just a little hole.


  43. Well, y'all are just the meanest parents ever. Said no one! Haha. That is really too cute how imaginative your little boy is. So happy to hear the job is progressing. Yay for you and big hugs!

  44. Harriet the Spy... my kids liked that book.

    Cute post!

  45. Geesh mom I don't get why you won't let him cut a hole in the wall... Lol

    Love the determination of your kiddo though, he seems like a hoot :)

  46. You are going to give in to him eventually, aren't you?
    Let him have the hole?
    You know you want to do sooooooooo.
    Hahah!!! Awesome story.

  47. LOL....I think you should do whatever Pierce wants...but then again, it isn't my house that he wants to cut holes in :)

    Yay for the new job!


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