Friday, February 1, 2013

January Fitness Recap 2013

January is always a good month for me with crosstraining.  I seem to find motivation to do more crosstraining than usual each January, and this month was no exception.

Running = 83 miles
Yoga = 15 times
Shred = 11 times (I finally worked myself up to Level 3!)
Abs =15 times
Rode my horse = 2x

I didn't do any races this month, and do not have any plans.  So I won't be adding anything to my collection for a while.  I still use my calendar method to track my workouts though.  I have my calendar and my old medals stashed in my closet.
It's a little junky I guess, but I like the reminders of what I have accomplished in the past there.  Plus, since it's inside my closet, no one sees it but me.  I see them every time I jot down a workout on my calendar, and it gives me extra motivation.

My IT band is hanging in so far.  I had to stop my ART treatments on it for the time being, as I couldn't afford the copay.  Hopefully my IT band will continue obeying while our budget is so tight!


Nancy said...

Good for you for staying motivated over the winter months! :)

Gail Dixon said...

I so admire your dedication to good physical fitness. Wow.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Sounds like a lot of great workouts! But I like the "rode my horse" entry the best! ;)

Livie's Girl Scout troop had a couple yoga instructors give a kid-friendly yoga "workout"/lesson a few weeks ago, and Livie (and I) loved it. It kinda got me wanting to get back into it. The last time I did yoga regularly, was . . .oh, about 10 years ago, when I was stationed in Tucson.

Mere said...

I usually comment from my phone, but I'm starting to think those comments don't go through...anyway..your fitness recaps always make me feel super lazy!!! your dedication to fitness is admirable! :-)

andy said...

I'm tired just reading this way to go !!!! Have a great day

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed. I hope it holds too.

Rob-bear said...

I have less ambition right now than a hibernating Bear. Good for you, though, for being so active!

(Come to think of it, I am a Bear who's hibernating in the cold of Canada! Sigh.)

Tiggeriffic said...

Wow! You are so amazing! Its minus 5 this morning. Here in Iowa. I walked around the house and went up and down stairs 20 times. Exercise is a wonderful thing.:)

Marie said...

You're awesome! Happy days!

Out on the prairie said...

Each treasure takes you back to the race and workout

gin said...

Terrific !! I want to be like that. I just started back this month working up to a 5k in March. It is hard....

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Way to go! Excellent record, especially for a dark winter month like January.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

It's a wonderful encourage for you to keep a written record. No one has such a great memory they can remember everything, every time. Well done!
P. S. I've signed up for your blog party and your button is on my post today.

Eat To Live said...

You make me feel lazy!! I don't run because of a hip replacement but I should at least get out and walk

renae said...

Wow! Lisa! I didn't know you were a fitness queen. Those are amazing stats. I've known of the marathons but, let's see; I got on my exercise bike 3 times and I lifted my grandson from his playpen about 20 times. See? I don't compare. LOL

Thanks for the well wishes of February. When I was young I couldn't pronounce February. It was something like Fe-boo-airy and it ticked me off because it was my favorite month and I couldn't say it right. LOL

Valerie Boersma said...

I admire your motivation, and your closet full of trophies! You've earned them!!

Lisa, I will try to convo this weekend-I've missed our chats:)

Sunnybrook Farm said...

You have done good considering the bad weather. Not sure why we didn't have school today, not bad over our way. Not long until spring, I keep saying that.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a really, really good idea!!!

TexWisGirl said...

good for you. go, zip! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You are amazing.. I'm so in awe of someone who takes time to exercise like you do. I love hiking --but getting plain old exercises is never on my priority list... You are an inspiration.

Hope you have a good weekend. We finally got some SNOW this morning... Yeah!!! BUT--it was 10 degrees when I got up early today...


Our Neck of the Woods said...

Great job last month! I bet it is motivating to see all your trophies by your calendar :)

Myya said...

What a great way to keep yourself motivated & accountable. I've been shooting for treadmill time a min of 3 times a week, I've been pretty good at doing 4. I try to do a few ab things after. I've got such a long ways to go, but it's a start right! :)

born imaginative. said...

Impressive! I hope to work up to Shred level 3 too. I tried it and what the comedy show I must have been. I have to remind myself that I did just have a baby...and I'm getting there. Anyway...way to go, mama!

Steve Surratt said...

Congrats on a great month! Glad your IT is better.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You really are amazing and we admire you!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Lisa you just amaze me with your dedication to fitness and health. I do hope your IT heals soon. I dropped my Chiro down to once a month now. Sure is expensive to fix what we broke:) B

Debbie said...

it's not junk, it's wonderful reminders of all you have accomplished!!

good luck lisa, i really do admire your dedication!!

have a wonderful weekend!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Aches and pains are costly that's for sure and they take longer when you're old so keep up the easy pace!!...:)JP

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go! Your so inspiring.

Sally said...

You're a great inspiration even to the older folks, Lisa. I'm not sure I would have taken up walking if not for you. :)


Michaele said...

I love how you keep yourself motivated. And that horse riding is part of cross-training :)

Tiggeriffic said...

I have a freind that hung a U.S.A. map on her wall and whenever she runs outside or on her treadmill she keeps track of how far she walked or ran and she puts a colored pin on the map to show how far she has gone across the map..she started in California and she is now in Ohio.. That is a lot of running...
I am amazed at all that you do with your running skills..Good Job~!
ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Grandma Bonnie said...

You are awesome staying on track. I love your motivation in the closet. Those are some neat looking medals.

Vision By Mila said...

I "suck" at being sporty, I hate myself for that, but with these freezing weather and snow and everything here lasting months and months, all I want to do is be in, lazy!

An Apel a Day said...

You are a fitness Queen! :)