Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Old Man, Winter Coats, and Crocs

Lately I've been getting my horse out to ride in the afternoons when it's sunny, and once Pierce gets off the school bus letting him have a little mini riding lesson before heading inside for homework.  It's nice to get some fresh air.  The twins enjoy driving their trucks around the arena and pretending to be horses on the jumps.
 I can't even count the number of times I pretended to be a horse as a kid and sailed my fleet feet over wooden cross bars, with a brisk neigh. 

Sometimes Reid likes to ride with me.  Here we are on my horse, Phoenix.  There was a time I wouldn't have dreamed of putting a kid on Phoenix (who seemed to refuse to tolerate any rider other than myself).  But he's an old man now, at 21, and he has arthritis.  I've had him since he was 3.  I wonder, sometimes when I call him old man, if he's silently calling me old woman? 
Pierce is always excited to get to ride.  I didn't even have to punch holes in my saddle stirrups for him, thanks to a brutal riding lesson when I was 14 years old that involved doing the entire hour in what my instructor, Art, referred to as "jockey position".  Turns out my teen jockey length stirrups fit a 6 year old just fine.  
I know what you're thinking.  You're wondering why the kid is wearing Crocs and a swimsuit (and winter jacket, no less).  It was beach day at school for spirit week.  Finding a creative way to do beach day without freezing was quite the mom challenge, let me tell you! 

Now if only it really were beach week.  I don't know about you, but I'm done with winter.


  1. I am ready for beach week too. He looks so happy up on the horse.

  2. I'm with you on being done with winter!

  3. At least you are keeping active this winter. I kind of hibernate..... Great Pics

    Totally with you.. I am so done with this cold weather.

  4. Oh, Pierce looks so natural on that "old man"! Funny, but that's what I'm calling Copper now (even though he's only 10...can you believe that? Now the's perfect for childhood adventures...:)JP

  5. Oh Lisa you are such a good Mom. I love these stories:) B

  6. I love that you are passing on your passion of riding to your boys, and those pictures are priceless! I didn't even notice the crocs and the swimsuits - I guess such is the life of a boy mom. :)

  7. I love the photos--the boys really seem to be enjoying themselves. So does Mom!

    When I was little, I pretended my bike was a horse. I wanted a horse soooooo badly.

  8. Pretty done here too! I like Pierce's riding outfit- I think it is absolutely perfect for a beautiful sunny afternoon's riding lesson.

  9. wish i could have learned to ride at such a young and fearless age!

  10. Your boys are sure growing. I am with you all the way winter can leave asap. I can hardly wait for spring.

  11. You know - they way my girls dress in winter - I never would have given the crocs a second look.
    I love this outdoor post. What a fun thing to look forward to after school.

  12. Nice to have somewhat good weather to ride.

  13. Y'all look adorable on that horse together! My friend is trying to talk me into giving riding lessons another chance. I took two, but became afraid when the instructor had me trotting way too fast for my comfort level on the second outing. A branch hit me in the face and I felt like the horse was out of control.

  14. Good riding pictures, and Pierce looks SO happy!!! I am DONE with winter. After several unfortunate outings I now have an awful cold, both head and chest. I want warmth and flowers!

  15. Oh, lucky kids to have those horses and a mom who knows how to help them dress creatively!

  16. My sons (much older than yours) wear shorts year round. They did not get it from me. :)

  17. Your horse is beautiful and I think you were very creative with his beach day outfit!

  18. What a sweet post. My mustang will be 21 next month and is still handful at time. Aren't we so lucky to be able to share our love of animals with family. I love that your son likes to ride, so wonderful. Though our weather is mild compared to other places in the country I am ready for Spring to spring, ready for some warm sunshine.

    Have a great day!

  19. Hang on. Lisa. Spring is almost here! What fun photos! :)

  20. What cute photos! It's so neat that you've had your horse for so long.

  21. I'm so jealous. I really wish my horse lived with us!

  22. This post just warmed my heart!

  23. Oh Phoenix is beautiful. How wonderful that he is getting so much love from the boys,

  24. The beach wear is too fun! I love me a spirit week at school. I can't wait til my girls are in high school & really get into it. Wait... I CAN wait for them to be in high school, yeah that right there scares me!

    Loved when you said "wonder if he secretly calls me old woman" Haaa.

  25. How great to get out there & such a fun experience for them too.

  26. I used to run around the yard jumping over things on my "horse" when I was little. Now I'd probably hurt something;)

    I wish every day could be beach day! Cute pictures too, by the way!

  27. I am sooo over winter too. It's so cold today I thought my fingers were going to freeze off when we walked the dogs. Spring spring where art thou spring?

  28. Yesterday was a really nice day to be outside but it was a different story this afternoon. Only 3 weeks until spring!

  29. Fun post, Lisa! Its awesome the boys are getting to learn to ride from their mom!

    (I'm over winter, too. I wear flip flops year round. Haha)

  30. I am done with winter, too. Regretfully, it seems to NOT know this :)

  31. I am ready for summer too! Glad you are finding time to ride.

  32. Great pictures! I can't wait for the warmer weather to get her either. We just bought the girls new Spring Coats from Burlintgon Coat Factory. I know it's still a little early to wear them, but maybe it will bring the warm weather a bit quicker. Either way, we got an amazing deal on them.


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