Monday, February 4, 2013

Painting Pottery

The twins were recently invited to a birthday party at one of those pottery painting places.  I knew Cort really loved painting, but I wasn't sure how the twins would like painting pottery.  Cort picked out a bear to paint, and Reid picked out a shark.  They both chose mostly cool colors for their paints.

 They took right to painting.  Both of them were intense in their concentration.  I was a little surprised by how patient and devoted they were to applying the paints and making sure they got every little crevice.

I think I need to paint with them more often.  It's apparently something they both really love.  Who knew?

What a fun idea for a birthday party!  The only problem was when it was time to leave.  The pieces have to be fired in a kiln, and you don't get them back until a week later.
The twins had a hard time understanding this.  They kept saying, "Where's my bear?  Where's my shark?"  A week is a long time for a 3 year old! 
Finally, their long awaited glazed pottery was ready.  They are now proudly displayed on their dresser.


Clint Baker said...

They grow up so so fast!

Heather said...

What a great activity for your boys! I think that my oldest would really enjoy this, although I'm not sure we have a pottery place in the area. I will have to look into it!

andy said...

Looks like fun !!! Have a great Monday Lisa !!!

Are We There Yet! said...

You are sure keeping those boys busy. Great job they did!!

Barbara said...

That is such a great idea for a party! They did an amazing job with their shark and bear!

Gone Country said...

What fun! They really did do a good job.

If a week is a long time for a child then it must be a REALLY long time for Mama who has to keep the explanation going... unless, they forgot about them, lol!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, What a great idea for a party. I love their concentration. The pieces look great but I agree, a week is a long time to wait for a little one. Let us know what type of paint projects you guys work on together - should be a fun time.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Wow, they WERE concentrating--so cute! And they did a great job! That really is a great idea for a party.

Slamdunk said...

I like that idea for a birthday party--take something home that you created.

Enjoy your day Lisa.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

How cute! The pieces turned out great. Waiting is definitely the hardest part!

Eat To Live said...

They both look so involved in what they are doing. They must enjoy it.

Karen said...

I used to take the kids to a pottery shop in a nearby town too.. they loved it and I still have some of their "stuff".

Nice work, boys!

Rosemary said...

I love the look of concentration on their faces, isn't it wonderful! Painting is so therapeutic. They did a fantastic job.

Anonymous said...

These came out so well. I love that they kind of match.

Sharon Wagner said...

Oh, what messy fun. They really picked a beautiful green glaze.

Anonymous said...

This is one thing my tribe has never tried! We should.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I am glad they enjoyed painting. their bear and shark looks great. My grandson likes to paint sometimes and other times he does not want to touch the paint it might get on his hands. Lol, its hit and miss with him.

An Apel a Day said...

Oh that is fun! I should look into a birthday party like that. I could see Isaak getting all worried about his painted object not coming home to!

Their interests change so much. For awhile Mica only wanted to draw. Then he only wanted to write. Now he only wants to build things and read. It's too bad it's all or nothing with him. I like a little diversity.

Liz Mays said...

Absolutely darling! I'm so glad they got such a kick out of it!

renae said...

Oh Lisa! I love those. The Bear is nicely colored as if he found so sweet paint and dumped it on himself and the shark has a nice algae look. That is a great idea for a party! Glad you don't dress up your dog. I don't understand that. I went to Savers this morning and got a walrus for Duchess. She has promptly chewed the hard eyes off of it already. Now they are both napping. :D

jp@A Green Ridge said...

They have no concept of time...I've learned that with Mia but looking at this, I'm sure she would love it...she always asks me to bring my "craft bag" when I go visit!!!...:)JP

Chatty Crone said...

That is so sweet. I think they did a great job! sandie

Ginny Hartzler said...

These really came out nice!!! Looks like this party came at just the right stage of their lives, now you can start supervising some cool creations!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh That is a long time when you are that young. I love seeing the concentration. They did a great job. B

Michelle said...

What a great activity, but you are right....a week is a long time to wait for them!!!

Myya said...

FUN!!! My girls LOOOVE painting pottery. I love finding out what the final product looks like after the kilning, although I do agree it is a long time to wait for a little kiddo.

Angela said...

That looks like a lot of fun! They did a great job! This spring you should get some gord seeds and let them grow. Dry them out and once they are dry they can paint them. My kids loved painting them.

Anonymous said...

SO very, very cute! They look like they're having a good time...

Linda said...

Excellent! They did a good job!

Nancy said...

These turned out great! I would love to have either to display. :)

Valerie Boersma said...

Good job boys!! I'm impressed, and what a great idea for a birthday party!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those came out perfect! Looks like they had fun.

Kim said...

My kids love painting too. It's a hard one to pull out in the house because Naveen doesn't understand the only at the table rule much. That would be a difficult thing to understand after doing all that hard work of painting it.