Thursday, February 7, 2013

Shrimp and White Beans Recipe

My Runners World magazine always has really wonderful healthy recipes each month.  I've made several of them in the past, and always been happy.  This February, there was a recipe involving shrimp that I wanted to make, as it is still Pierce's favorite food.  Shrimp isn't generally in our budget right now, but they do have $5 bags at Walmart, so I caved and purchased some for this recipe.  I made a few tweaks in my version (mostly to downplay spiciness, as the boys are rather sensitive).

12 ounces frozen shrimp, defrosted in a colander
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp smoked paprika
4 garlic cloves, minced
8 ounces baby portobello mushrooms, sliced
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1 bay leaf, broken into small pieces
1 14.5 ounce can petite diced tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 15 ounce cans white beans, drained
3/4 cup chicken broth
1 tbsp chopped parsley

Heat a large skillet over medium-high.  Toss shrimp, 3 cloves garlic, 2 tbsp olive oil and mushrooms with paprika.  Saute 1-2 minutes or until mushrooms are slightly tender.  Spoon into bowl and set aside.  Add rest of oil, pepper flakes, bay leaf, and 1 clove garlic.  Cook until garlic is golden.  Add tomatoes, cook until most of liquid evaporates, 3-4 minutes.  Add tomato paste, cook until darkened.  Add beans and broth, simmer until it is a thick stew, about 5 minutes.  Stir in shrimp, mushrooms, and parley.  Cook until heated through.

The boys did mention it was spicy, but it was only the mildest little kick it had.  I served it with my homemade whole wheat bread on the side.  I thought it was excellent! 

Readers, do you have any favorite recipes that you've found in magazines?


  1. Yum! I love shrimp, but we don't get it too often. It is actually shrimp season where I live, so maybe I should go pick some up and make this! I love looking at food magazines, really any food picture makes me happy. But, I have a serious problem following recipes - ie I can't. But, I love cooking, and most of my changes typically work well :-)

  2. That sounds tasty !!! Have a wonderful day

  3. That looks and sounds very tasty and healthy. Enjoy your day!

  4. MMmmmmmmm... that looks really good. It kind of reminds me of the Italian recipe pasta faggoli or however they spell it.

  5. My guys would love the shrimp. Even JDaniel inhales them.

  6. This looks so delicious!!! I want some right now! YUM!

  7. I'm saving some Walmart shrimp in the freezer for Shane's Valentine dinner -- this recipe might be on the menu that night! :)

  8. It looks excellent and as always I'm impressed with your boys' good eating habits. ANd the answer to your very astute question is no, the woman with the perfect hair had no kids - obviously:)

  9. That sounds good! My most recent favorite recipe from a magazine was cranberry orange salad from Prevention.

  10. oh that looks yummy! i wish my husband wasn't allergic to beans :(

  11. Lisa! wow! I missed your post yesterday so I am glad you made mention of it, with your grandmother's necklace. You look adorable. That dress is great on you, too.

    Today's recipe: sorry, me no likey shrimp...but don't tell your boys. My middle granddaughter LOVE LOVE LOVES seafood! She won't pop-tarts or granola bars but wants shrimp cocktail for breakfast. silly kids.

  12. Looks yummy, thanks for sharing the recipe!

  13. That looks delicious. So does the bread. You come up with some great combinations!

  14. I will have to try this recipe. My hubby and son like shrimp. I Have not found any good recipes in magazines recently. I did find a great paleo cookie recipe on pinterest last week.

  15. beans, but am not a big fan of shrimp. When I was pregnant with my daughter 27 years ago, I developed a huge (I did say huge, didn't I) aversion to shell fish, crab, lobster, shrimp. I can now tolerate a bite or two on the odd occasion, but sometimes the smell still sends me running... isn't that odd?? You've made me think though, it's been a very long time since I made a pot of Navy bean soup... I'm heading for the cupboard. Did you get my email this morning?

  16. This looks DELISH! And I have to admit, this is the first time to your blog and I'm kinda jealous. I would LOVE to only have boys, if God should chose that path for me, so I'll be reading along on your adventures of handling three little men! :)

  17. I try a few from the paper.This sounds good,I just got 3 pkg of shrimp at Wally yesterday.

  18. We love seafood! I even splurged at Christmas and got Stuart a gift certificate for Maine lobsters since we can't get fresh seafood here. I'd definitely try this recipe-we've used frozen shrimp in the past and I think your recipe looks really good!

  19. You have started your boys on a wide variety of healthy food so they are not picky eaters. This is am amazing feat in itself, you amaze me! (don't ask me about our son when he was little, oy!)

  20. Looks delicious, Lisa. I'm sure that your boys enjoyed that meal.... YUM..

    Have a great day.

  21. Okay, now that's a recipe I would love without too much spice! Looks good!


  22. It looks really good to me!

    My boys are that way with spicy things. Even toothpaste was spicy to them. LOL They were so used to the ultra mild organic stuff. When they learned to spit we used regular toothpaste. It was all the sudden spicy.

  23. Shrimp around here is fairly inexpensive so I'll have to give this a go. Thanks so much for sharing. I just started back on the Couch to 5k program that I had to abandon last year, so I'm looking for healthy recipes like this. :)

  24. Oh that sounds so good. I bet the boys loved it. B

  25. We love shrimp! And I buy bags of it at Walmart. My son has loved shrimp since he was a youngster. :) Your soup look so good!

  26. Oh good gravy that looks yummy. I right clicked & copied so that I could send myself an email. I wanna try this one. Not sure what 2 of the 3 girls will say about it but I think it would make my belly happy :)

  27. I don't like shrimps.. never tried though, I just can't eat them.. or see them :))

  28. Oh my! I may have to splurge on some shrimp do I can try this dish


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