Monday, February 25, 2013

Sweet Felt Owls - Giveaway

Do any of you have vertigo?  I haven't had an attack in years, but I got my balance knocked out from under me about 10 days ago, and I'm still waiting to "sober up".  The doctor did call in some medication, but for some reason I'm not responding to it.  In the meantime, I can't do my usual activities (including working out/running - sob!).  Alternatives include anything that doesn't involve turning my head.  At all.  So suddenly, I've found myself sitting very still and crafting in my spare time. 

My crafty and talented blogging friend Tree posted a link on FB to a tutorial for making felt owls recently, and felt crafts are one of the few I am sort of capable of doing.  Granted, I can't do a straight stitch to save my life, but I generally get the project done and it mostly of resembles what it is supposed to be. 

I had fun making these felt owls, and plan to do some more.  The wooden pegs are tricky to find, and I had to place an order online from a craft store in Maine.  The ones I found at JoAnn were okay, but I think they'd be even better with the appropriate size pegs. 

Why Mr. Owl, is that a mouse running across the grass below? 

If you'd like to be entered to win this sweet set of felt owls (pine tree not included), just enter through the Rafflecopter below.  Or, if you'd like to try your hand at crafting your own, you can find the peg owl tutorial here.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oh! These are adorable! My kids would love them I think. What is the craft store called? I wonder if it is close to me :-)

  2. Why didn't you tell me about the vertigo? I would have been over there helping out! Quit trying to be superwoman and call your mom.

  3. There is an exercise that can be done with your head which will often resolve this. As your doctor to send you to a physical therapist who is familiar with this and have it done. It is usually quite successful. No fun!!

  4. Oh Lisa my daughter has vertigo it is nasty when it comes to visit I hope it leaves soon. I always think of that movie when I hear that word:)
    LOVE the owls you are very crafty. Take care. B

  5. Lisa
    I hate getting vertigo. I used to get it when my candida was acting up. There is so much going around right now that maybe you caught a bug of some sort.

    Very cute owls!!

  6. I would love to win these for a friend who collects owls. They are adorable.

    I recently had a whopping case of vertigo. It turned out that it was one of the Lyme Disease related co-infections causing it. Once I got on the herbal meds it went away. It was so bad that I got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and smacked into the wall while feeling the room spinning. I spent two weeks like that! It was horrible. Years ago I had a problem with dizzy spells. I went to four doctors. The last one finally figured out I had an inner ear infection(the other three missed it) and treated it appropriately. The guy before him gave me Valium and said it was all in my head. Trust your instincts. :)

  7. These are adorable! I love how you posed them.

  8. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with Vertigo!!.. Ugh that must be so frustrating.

    The owls are absolutely adorable. I have a small collectin of owls that you've probably seen here and there on my blog... would love these on my kitchen window sill.

    Feel better!

  9. So Cute!!!

    Yes, I have recently had a concerning bout with dizzy - serious dizzy.
    My chiropractor assisted, and gave me an understanding of the mechanics of the event - armed with some information lessened the concern.

    I did obtain some inexpensive - over the counter medication - (I don't like to take stuff - so i didn't - but i have it - in case) - I improved - it has tried to visit a couple of times since - But, i find I'm okay . . .

    SO, I'm believing YOU - Amazing YOU who shares great things with us on her blog - and creates fun, cute stuff - and includes all of us in the best things . .

    I Believe YOU are going to be "A-Okay" - and this Dizzy Thing (which works great in a song - but not so good in real day-to-day life) - Is gonna find a better place to hang - and vacate your world.

    Love & Love,

  10. You know I have a problem with all things owl. I could be spending all my spare time crafting OWLS!

  11. Cute! I've been seeing all these owls on pinterest made out of card board toilet paper rolls. They are on my to do list if I'm feeling crafty. I hope you are up and about soon.

  12. The owls look great ! I'm glad your feeling better . Have a great start to your week

  13. I always thought vertigo was a condition like claustrophobia! Weird.
    Hope you feel well soon.
    Cute owls.

  14. sorry to hear about the vertigo! has got to make life almost impossible!

  15. So sorry for the vertigo...I had it a few times, it makes you so sick...hope it is gone soon

  16. I'm sorry about the vertigo. I have had one really bad spell, and it was miserable. Hope you feel better soon!

    The owls are so cute! I love owls anyway.

  17. Cute, but you must be going out of your mind! You don't seem like a sit around and craft kind of gal to me..

  18. I'm sorry about the vertigo. I'm pretty much a baby when I even get a minor dizzy spell. I hope this one passes soon!

  19. So sorry to hear about your vertigo. My co-worker had that from time to time and once I had to bring my mother to the ER with it. Hope you get back to running soon!

  20. Lisa-I've been battling vertigo this past week too! I chalk it up to the weather changing, but it's frustrating to feel like a drunken sailor all the time:)

    I love the owls! The are so cute!! I'd love to win them for Amy:)

  21. These are just wonderful! But these raffle thingie boxes confuse me, I hope I have some entries! YES, I have BPV, that is what Benign Positional Vertigo is called. I got it when I was your age, too. I even went up to Charlottesville to UVA to see an expert there. Mine can get so bad that things even spin with my eyes closed!!! Do you ever take ibuprofin? Sometimes that can cause it , but that is a very rare side effect. If you keep getting it, there is a technique...there are usually small crystals that get lodged in your inner ear and you kind of hang your head upside down and do certain motions.I am so sorry for you, it is just miserable! The first time I got it, our son was a toddler. I literally had to crawl on the floor to get anywhere!

  22. These owls are SO adorable, thanks for posting! I hope you feel better soon :)

  23. These are just adorable and cute :)
    So sorry to hear that you've got vertigo, hope you will feel better soon. I know what you mean not being able to run or anything.
    Have a good week!

  24. I'm sorry about your vertigo. I've never had that problem --but I can imagine how hard it would be to try to do normal things with it.

    Maybe though, it's good to do some different things sometimes. Sitting and working on crafts can't be all bad. I love your owls... SO CUTE...

    Take care, Lisa.

  25. Oh Lisa...I am so sorry to hear of your vertigo. It must be awful!

    I do LOVE your owls though! They are so cute! Crossing my fingers to win them for....ME! hehe!

  26. The owls look great! Sorry to hear about the vertigo though. I went through a bout with that some years back. Saw a substitute doctor who said I was a dizzy blonde! Anyway, it turned out I had an inner ear infection. Get well soon!

  27. I hope your vertigo goes away FAST! And I hope it won't mess your job up!

  28. How cute! Hope you are better soon!

  29. I sure hope you start feeling better. I can't imagine how bad it would be to have to stay still so long. I would love to win them for my grandchildren. I love the colors and stiching. They are adorable.

  30. Cute owls! I'm so sorry to hear about the vertigo. I've experienced it and it's awful! My usually last about 12 to 15 hours and goes away. Hope you get better soon!

  31. Those are super cute! Way craftier then I can get. LOL :)

  32. I have vertigo, Lisa. Not fun. I can't even open my eyes or walk around when it hits me hard. I had a slight issue yesterday outside - a plane flew over and when I looked up to see it - bam! Down on the ground I went. I have an underlying condition that has caused me to have vertigo. I feel for ya!

    I love the owls, very cute!!!

  33. These are too cute! I'd love to win them to give to my nephew. His 3rd birthday is coming up in April :)

    So sorry about the vertigo. My mom has had issues with that as well and from what she says it is horrible!

  34. These are adorable Lisa -- your hand-stitching is perfect!

  35. Hey, that's pretty darn good for having vertigo! They are adorable!

    Hope you are feeling better soon--that sounds awful. :(

  36. I am sorry to hear about your vertigo. My mommy has had something like that since the end of Sept last year- the feeling of nausea- and loss of appetite, but no dizzyness. Unresolved so far- even after all these months- nothing has worked. We hope yours gets resolved...
    its no fun-- and we love the little owls

  37. I'd love these because they're just "my" look. I love owls, and these are adorable! Thank you so much for the contest :)I'd love for them to fly here to my Midwest kitchen window.
    sjbraun at hotmail dot com

  38. I would love to win this cute prize for myself because I really love owls! They look so cute and wisdom, I think!
    Thank You for the chance to enter

    Fiona N

  39. I have twin 6yo girls who are huge owl fans. They'd love them!

  40. My kids would love these.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  41. I would like to win these for my lil guy!

  42. I'd love to win this for my daughter.

    thepierogiemama at gmail dot com

  43. I would like to win these for my baby grand-daughter, they are adorable like she is. I'm sorry you have Vertigo, I get it myself once in awhile and it is not fun. I find limiting salt intake at night time and deep breathing helps.

  44. I would love to win these for my 2 year old nature lover Sylvia!

  45. I'd like to win these for our family.

    I am sending all good wishes that you are feeling much better very soon!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  46. I would love to have them for me!

  47. I would love to win these for my daughter.

  48. These are so cute. I would love to win for myself.

  49. My daughter.. she loves owls :)

  50. I had vertigo after I had knee surgery last December..2011. My physical therapist said that I needed to set on the side of the bed..lean over to the right and lay sideways on the bed... if I had dizziness then lay there with my eyes open and try and focus.. The room was spinning. So I got my control of the spinning and I was back to normal.. She had me do this three times.. and then sent me home with instructions to do this three times a day... It took two days of doing this and the dizzyness was gone.. and didn't return.. She had me do it on my left side too, but I wasn't dizzy on that side.. just the right side.. You might try this and see how it works for you.. Vertigo is nasty and very upsetting. can't function with all that dizziness...
    Ta ta for now from Iowa:)


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