Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Second Log Home Tour!

It's been a long time since I did a log home tour.  Over a year and a half.  Mostly because my house is always a complete disaster area.  With 3 boys, 4 cats, a dog and a rather messy husband, I'm sure you can see how this could happen.  Recently, though, I threw myself into decluttering and deep cleaning, and was pleased with the results.  And so, I bring to you readers, my second log home tour.  The great room:

You can't see from these pictures, but we have an A frame with trapezoid windows, so lots of light comes in.  I love looking up at the tall ceilings when I'm doing yoga.

The great room flows into the kitchen, and you can also see the office loft from here. 

The kitchen is one of my favorite places in the house.  I love the pantry and the Mexican floor tiles (which I knew I wanted before we even built the house!).  Paul and I went on a wild ride waaaaaay out in the boonies of Virginia to find a specific Amish cabinet maker named Daniel - the handles on our cabinets are mountain laurel.  And Paul made the countertops himself, out of concrete.
This is Pierce's room.  Paul recently rearranged the room to surprise him, and it actually looks much larger now.  Pierce was thrilled with his "new" room.

Downstairs bathroom.

The twins' room.

This is the guest room, which is in our basement.  We had it built when I was pregnant with the twins.  The furniture is from my paternal grandparents, and I love the dark wood.

The loft/office.  I keep trying to get Paul to take that eagle to work, as it isn't really my thing, but so far I haven't been successful.

Master bedroom.  That's Baxter napping on the cat tower.

Master bath.  The boys love to get in the jacuzzi with their shark collection.

Other side of the master bathroom.

It's been a month and the house is already quite messy again, but Paul and I are working hard to declutter.  As much as I love this house, we're kind of thinking about putting it on the market, to get something with a smaller mortgage.  This is if it would sell - which is a big if, although I have heard the market is picking up.  Anyhow, it's something we're thinking about seriously.  If we sold our place, we'd be looking for an old farmhouse to restore with a smaller acreage (about 10-20 acres) in the same region.  I love Pierce's school and ideally don't want to switch school zones.  So lots to think about!  Hope you enjoyed the tour!


  1. Oh I love it !! I love the walls and the gorgeous wood beams ! Awesome Lisa ! Have a great day

  2. Oh my...that is the house of my dreams...I am serious...
    It has everything I always wanted to have. Wood, Nice kitchen, bedrooms, ...oh...LOVELY!!!!
    Are you going to putt it on the market? Ohh....I think you should think about it for a while....I say... years....
    Really...don't rush...think it over and over....


  3. I love your house! It is so homey (not sure that's a word lol).

    Thanks for sharing!

    Rose- threeandahalfbears.blogspot.com

  4. Lovely home, and the inside looks alot like my log home! Love the warmth of the wood

  5. It's so hard to put a house on the market and have to keep it clean and 'show worthy' 24-7. Your house is gorgeous and yes, I have heard too that the market is picking up. Wishing you much luck in finding something you want and selling yours. xox

  6. All the best with your home search! Love your house, it's beautiful...and had to smile when I saw your desk, it looks just like mine.

  7. Enjoyed the tour!! Your home is lovely! So warm and inviting!!

  8. I love all the love and thought the two of you put into your house. It is so pretty.

  9. I need to declutter too!! Amish made cabinets are great! We had them make me a huge one that I use just for my fancy dishes.

  10. Thanks for the tour! You have a cozy place.

    Good luck making all those decisions... sometimes making the decision is the hardest part. After that, things usually fall into place.

    I love log cabins but an old farmhouse on some acreage is a dream of ours when hubby retires. Good luck to you guys!

  11. Your home looks so warm and cozy! I know the homes around here are selling pretty well again. We're probably moving this summer. It is a lot to think about.
    Hope you have a great day!

  12. Beautiful, Lisa. Thanks for the tour! If you decide to sell, I hope it does, and that you find the old farm house.


  13. Thanks for the tour! You have a beautiful home!

  14. Fabulous! I love it. I love all the wood, exposed beams, and the kids climbing on furtniture (lol).

    Obviously, needs in our lives change over time, but take some long hard thinking before selling it. It is wonderful.


  15. Baby Girl, you and Paul should have bought our place!!! LOL! There are a lot of opportunities in your area and you will be able to take the horses and chickens too!!!...:)JP

  16. You will sell your place in a heartbeat!...:)JP

  17. I covet your beamed ceilings. It's such a spacious but cozy house!

  18. Lisa, this has been such a special treat for me, inviting us all into your house. It is really amazing!!! My very favorite has to be the lovely office/loft and the guest room. And your basement is finished! It looks like a walk-out to the ground, I can see some Adirondack chairs peeping through the double doors, which are awesome. It is rare to see such a beautiful guest room. We had a pantry similar to yours when we lived in an apartment, yes, of all things! Now that we have our house, NO pantry, I miss it to this day, our food is scattered in all the cabinets. I love the map rug in Pierce's room, something he sees all the time and he will know every state by heart. Who plays the guitar, is it Paul?

  19. i have always been jealous of your acreage, but i know it is not easy to maintain it all, plus your beautiful home and boys and pets and...

    if you want to sell, then i hope you can sell. and find a great fixer-upper in the same area.

  20. Oh my dear what a lovely home. Your kitchen tile is awesome. I would love to put something like that on my kitchen floor. Moving is not an easy decision. I hope you find the right home and buyer.

  21. Your house is so very beautiful and I'm glad you let us see it! Some folks don't like the all wood look, but I think it's cozy, and your wood burning stove must make it smell great in the winter!

  22. Hard to declutter with kids,very nice home.

  23. Oh, I enjoyed very much! Thank you for giving us the tour. You have a beautiful home. That bed in your basement looks like the one my mother had.

  24. You have a beautiful home! I love, love, love the walls and floors and the colors! It has just the atmosphere that Larry and I would love to have.

  25. Lisa your house is beautiful!! I love all the wood. Just gorgeous. :> And it's crazy neat. So I'm SO jealous. Even if it is messier again. SO crazy that you got it that nice. :P

  26. Your log home is so open and spacious, with lots of natural light in the living areas. That is so nice not to be cut off from the family while you are working in the kitchen. And your office looks absolutely pristine compared to mine. Although I clean mine out fairly regularly, it's the first room to turn back into a pigsty again, because everything gets thrown in there when company comes. I'ts my " I'll deal with it later. Just close the door." room.

  27. it's beautiful lisa, so unique and cozy!!

    things are picking up a little in the residential market. you can always just list it and see what happens!!

  28. Love your home! TJ was a master carpenter and I so wish he could see those beautiful cabinets and wood throughout. It looks very similar to what we were planning to build on our property down south when we retired.

  29. Its so cozy! My ideal house is not a log cabin but this is darn close!

  30. Beautiful tour, Lisa, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your home. Thanks for sharing with us.

    I'm on vacation --so I'm glad I didn't miss this post.

  31. Your log house is beautiful! Would you want to come and declutter my house Lisa? You did a great job on yours that I'm sure you'd do a great job on mine! lol You'd die if you seen it now. We've been sick and the such and so Christmas still lingers.... I hope that you can figure out a way to stay where you are. I truly couldn't imagine selling our home that we designed and built. Even with how messy it is now I love it.

  32. Nice! I wanted kitchen tile like that but Debbie said no. Part of our farmhouse is late 1700s log but it is all covered over so you can't tell. Maybe some day I will take the plaster off so they can be seen. Be careful, a farmhouse is a money pit!

  33. Very pretty and unique! I love all the wood in the house. Best of luck if you do decide to put it on the market!

  34. Your log home is beautiful!! We live in a log home as well.

  35. you met just love it!!! a beautiful home!! Thanks for the tour!!

  36. OH I love log cabins! And y'all have done a wonderful job of making the house a home! (Pierce's room is too cute! Great job!)

  37. Well if you do decide to sell you have all of the photos handy, huh? Lovely home. Lovely!

  38. Thanks for the tour Lisa, you have a beautiful home!!

  39. It truly looks just as cozy as can be. I can see why you love it so. Thanks for the look around!

  40. Absolutely beautiful home! We love it.

  41. It's so pretty! I wouldn't want to sell it, but I understand if it's a lot.

  42. Looks very warm and welcoming! Love the master bedroom.

  43. Loved the virtual tour of your house, its huge compared to what we have here in Mumbai!! My house is just about 600 square feet!!!
    Its beautiful, your house!
    Have a lovely day Lisa :)

  44. I love your log home Lisa!! My Daughter used to have one a few years back. Then they sold it.

  45. I love it too, Lisa! Wood is so cozy and homey-and I can sympathize on the subject of messy husbands;)

  46. Your home is perfect and living in a log cabin home is a dream of mine. It is beautiful!

  47. It's BEAUTIFUL! I'm glad you don't have neighbors nearby--with that toilet near the window like that, I'd be afraid I'd be mooning the neighbors all the time! :)

  48. Thank you for the tour! I always wanted a log home!

  49. Your home is gorgeous! Log cabins rock :) You may be surprised and not have much trouble selling it. Have you thought about advertising in papers out of state? Or maybe with United Country Real Estate?

  50. Love everything about your home Lisa == it would make me feel as if I was on a vacation every day.

    Surprised but not shocked about your decision to possibly move... everything is is expensive these days. Good luck!

  51. You're home is beautiful!! Rambob and I's dream home is a log cabin but for now we have settled for putting knotty pine everywhere in our little home ;)

  52. I'd be willing to trade houses :) Where did you get that states rug?

  53. What a wonderful home you have there. And so lovely that you have family furniture to treasure in it.
    I love the open plan layout so much!.

  54. Thank you for the home tour. I love to see log homes! It looks so comfy and inviting!

  55. Love your house, Lisa! Always had a soft spot for log homes.

  56. Wow ! I just e-mailed a link to this post to my daughter.Love your home.

  57. What a lovely log home! I wish we had one...

  58. Oh WOW!!! What an absolutely gorgeous home. I always dreamed of a log cabin in a rural area. Got the rural area, but not the log cabin. LOL

  59. I had no idea you lived in such a beautiful house! It's gorgeous.

  60. Thanks Lisa! And now I can say I've been to visit my cousin and his wonderful family! Love your site and your posts :-)


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