Friday, February 8, 2013

The Sierra Nevadas and Sequoia National Park

It's funny - I kind of thought I'd done a post a while back about our trip to Sequoia, but when I was searching for it recently I couldn't find it.  Apparently, I scanned some pictures (this was before my digital camera) but never wrote a post.

This trip was taken before we had kids, part of an 8 day camping trek across the west.  
A picture of the views from the first hike we did in the Sierra Nevadas:

This is the inside of Chimney Tree.

From the inside, looking up:

The infamous General Sherman, in all his tree glory:

If you breathe deep, maybe you can smell the tangy pine needles, the bark, the moist earth:

While hiking, we saw a couple of bear cubs:

This is Tharp's Cabin, built into a fallen redwood.  
Doesn't it inspire you to write tales of Tharp, who lived there?
I think I could live in a little tree cabin like this, just for a little while.  He had a little bunk and table in there, with a fireplace.  Simplicity like this appeals to me.  Maybe I'd have a pet chipmunk for company.  Does the simple life draw you in as much as it does me?


Eat To Live said...

You got some beautiful pictures for you to remember your wild side (Pre Kids). That little cabin looks like a great place to bunk.

andy said...

Great pictures !!!!! Have a wonderful weekend

Anonymous said...

My daughter (one of the 4) likes these newly built one room homes that seem to have everything in them. I would like to live in that kind of environment. I worked one summer in Show Low, Arizona and the smell of the pine and spruce forest all around was absolutely perfect to me.

Heather said...

Wow! That is beautiful! I do love the idea of "simplicity." I often want to move to a little cabin in the woods, I think it would be so much easier in the sense of having to deal with the world, but at the same time I have come to realize that simplicity doesn't necessarily mean fact it is an amazing amount of work. But, I still want to try it sometime!

Anonymous said...

What a pretty place! I love your pictures.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Woah, so neat! That tree is amazing. Looks like such a fun hike.

The simple life absolutely appeals to me. We are striving for simplicity in our lives!

Anonymous said...

What a trip! Someday I'll get to go--it's a fantasy of mine to stay in a park cabin somewhere, too, and really rough it.

Gone Country said...

I do love the simple life and am striving for it daily.

That looks like a great trip and a beautiful place to visit. I haven't seen that part of the countryside out here yet. Some day!

Kerri Farley said...

The simple life .....that's what I LONG for!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These mountains are so beautiful...yes simple would be nice for a while

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

The views in the photos are breathtaking. And that tree--wow! I would love to go out west and explore. Larry and I talk about living in a cabin in the mountains someday. But I have to have running water, so it can't be too rustic! :-)

Gail Dixon said...

Yes, I often dream of a simpler life! These are some amazing shots. The massiveness of that tree is mind boggling!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow Lisa you make me want to rush right down there. I could so see me sitting in that cool old cabin then venturing out to see the trees and oh I get very excited thinking of that. Thank you. B

TexWisGirl said...

that tree...

Rosemary said...

Must have been a fabulous trip, the pictures are magical. There aren't words to describe the size of the trees!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

After maintaining a home for 40 years I admit that the simplicity of a small cabin appeals to me too.
Don't you just love the beauty we have here in the US. There is so much to see. I love the Sequoia trees, one of my favorites!

Karen Lakis said...

Wow - that is soooo beautiful - I need to go there! Do you mind if I "pin" your first shot?

Chatty Crone said...

I think that bear would cause me to run!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

These pix are the tree...must have been awesome to see in person!...)JP

Myya said...

What a beautiful adventure. It's amazing the pure joy in the simplest of things.

Are We There Yet! said...

In your first picture, it is like you are above the clouds. very nice!!

Out on the prairie said...

A fun area to visit,I like that simple life, but fall for some luxuries.I have spent a few summer mostly in tents working prairie restoration and research.

Sally said...

Most certainly! It would be so peaceful. Beautiful photo's. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous area... Hope you get to go back sometime when the boys are older... My brother and wife traveled alot with their children when the children were young. I was not able to do that --but wish I could have...


EG CameraGirl said...

What a great trip! That's a huge hollow tree tou photographed. I wonder if it's still standing.

Nancy said...

So amazing -- I watched a documentary about the redwoods and I didn't realize only 5% remain along the coast.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Those are great pictures!

Michelle said...

So beautiful and a place I would love to visit. The simple life appeals to me very, very much.

Michaele said...

My thoughts exactly about being able to live there - for awhile anyway. I would love to have it out back of my place right now. There would be a few times I would like to just hide out there : ) What a fun time this must have been.

Debbie said...

The simple life does draw me in, but I'm not sure I could live it! Your pictures are lovely......the trees amazing!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Awesome pictures. I could imagine living in a little cabin like that at least for a short while. I hope you have a great weekend.

Maria said...

If I had books, I could easily live in a little cabin like that.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

gosh- look at that big tree

renae said...

Way interesting post Lisa! Thank you for your nice advice today. I read it early but couldn't reply til now. But it stayed with me and helped me know I will be back and enjoy the day, in the meanwhile. Awh, thank you!

Unknown said...

Wow! These are beautiful pictures, I love the one with the view of the mountains. For some reason mountains has always fascinated me. Those trees are huge. I wouldn't mind staying in a wooden cabin like that for a while. Enjoy your weekend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! Wonderful and beautiful pictures! Phil was there once on a long trip as a teenager. They drove right through a big tree and he fell asleep the whole way.

Lin said...

I think I would like that little cabin for a week or two...and then I would miss my shower and flush toilet. I can only go rustic for so long, you know?

Marie said...

These are amazing photos!

Linda said...

Nice photos! Makes me want to go there. I think I'd be happy in the little cabin for a day or two before getting "cabin fever."

Barbara said...

What a great trip! I'd love to spend some time in that little cabin.

Scrapatches said...

Hello ... I wandered in from a Rural Journal. I signed up for the Valentine's Day Blog Hop there because I enjoy finding interesting new places to explore in blogland. I am now a follower. You had me on the first photo. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

Unknown said...

Great photos and I like the phrase, "just for a little while"! I agree!! :)

Willow said...

I love it when I am "able" to live the simple , wish it could be simple everyday. Nice trek!

Vores have said...

Amazing nature pictures you have taken :) Hanne Bente

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What wonderful views! That must've been an awesome trip!

(By the way, I'd have been nervous if I had seen those bear cubs, simply out of concern at ensuring that the mama knew there would be no funny business. But a very cool viewing opportunity, nonetheless!)

Sharon Wagner said...

That is on my bucket list. Bears!

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

Beautiful place....and YES!!! The simply life is very very very appealing to me!

Kim said...

What a beautiful place! And bears?!! Oh my!